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Tuesday, 07 September 2010 11:45

A row between Catholic Church leaders and Mexico City's mayor over gay rights has embroiled the Supreme Court. ‘Would any of you want to be adopted by a couple of lesbians or queers?’ said the Archbishop of Guadalajara at a recent news conference where he reacted to Supreme Court ruling granting equal rights to same-sex couples, including the right to adopt, was constitutional. The Cardinal’s next comments fanned the flames of the quarrel further when he alleged that Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard had bribed the Supreme Court judges to hand down a ruling that supported gay rights. Mr Ebrard is now sueing Cardinal Sandoval Iniguez for defamation. A Church spokesman urged Mexican voters to punish the mayor's party at the next election. The dispute has taken further twists and turns, drawn in other players and is closely followed by the Mexican media. At its heart is tension between the Roman Catholic Church and the secular state.

Pray: that God’s truth will rid Mexico of its endemic corruption through the church’s grace filled message of truth, love and peace. (Ps.45:2)


Saturday, 10 December 2011 14:15

The Bishop of Cuernavaca in Morelos has added his voice to appeals for peace between feuding drug gangs over Christmas. Poet-turned-peace activist Javier Sicilia became a full time peace campaigner after his 24-year-old son was murdered by a drug cartel in March. Now the Bishop has joined the calls for a truce saying, ‘I appeal to them as brothers and in the name of God to understand that this is not the way of goodness, that this is not the way of peace, that this is not the way of life as brothers and sisters, and as human beings.’ The number of people killed in gang-related violence since 2006 is 40,000. Mgr. Cortes said the violence was causing pain and distress to Mexicans and the perpetrators were acting ‘more through ignorance than malice. We must be messengers of peace, and hope that this Christmas will be a time of peace and love for all.’

Pray: for God in His mercy to hear the cries of thousands mourning the death of a loved one because of drugs. (2Sa.22:3)



Sunday, 24 February 2013 15:31

For decades Mexico has been scarred by struggles among drug cartels for control over the lucrative drug trade to the US. The conflict has left 70,000 dead since 2007, paralyzed whole cities with fear and spawned a culture of corruption reaching the upper levels of the Mexican state. The rape by suspected drug gangs last week of six Spanish women vacationing in Acapulco has heightened fear and questions government control of crime. It didn't help that at the same time as the rape of the Spanish holiday makers, Mexico's minister of tourism was in Spain, attempting to promote tourism. This is Mexico's moment, was her theme.

Pray: 2013 would be Mexico’s moment for the government and police to overcome the evil vicious drug war violence. (2Sa.23:3-4 & 6-7)


Friday, 20 July 2012 17:03

Mexican police are searching for an armed gang that attacked a Christian youth camp outside Mexico City. Prosecutors said the gang subjected the campers to an ordeal lasting several hours. Seven girls were sexually assaulted and other youths were beaten. The attackers took cash, cameras and mobile phones and escaped in two stolen vehicles. The Governor of Mexico State, Eruviel Avila, has promised to do everything possible to catch those responsible. About 90 members of the Christian youth group were camping in tents in the Colibri ecological park near the town of Ixtapaluca. The attackers burst into the camp at around midnight on Thursday firing shots into the air, the victims said. The park is in a hilly region with no mobile phone coverage so it was some time before the alarm was raised. Mexican newspapers have questioned why there was not better security at the site .STOP PRESS:Police in Mexico have arrested 17 people in connection with the attack.

Pray: for all the youngsters that their ordeal will leave no lasting effect and that the authorities will succeed in finding the perpetrators.


Friday, 04 October 2013 09:25

Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, colour, social status, and culture gather together in Mecca to stand before the Kaaba praising Allah. It is a ritual designed to promote the bonds of Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood by presenting everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah. The Hajj is designed to make Muslims feel theimportance of life here on earth and the afterlife by stripping away all markers of social status, wealth and pride. In the Hajj all are considered truly equal. The Hajjis or pilgrims wear simple white clothes, perform acts of worship and they renew their sense of purpose in the world. - Christians are invited to pray throughout the Hajj for the millions of Muslims from all over the world who will flock to Mecca to perform the rituals and follow the steps of Muhammad their prophet. For a prayer guide and brief prayer video click on the more link below.

Pray:    for seekers to encounter ‘The Son and the radiance of God’s glory’ and see ‘the exact representation of He who sustaining all things by his powerful word’ as they discover Gods provision for the purification of sins. (Heb. 1:3)


Tuesday, 08 May 2012 13:00

It has been just over a month since a group of soldiers toppled Mali's democratically elected president. After a counter-coup attempt Mali's ruling military leaders said yesterday in a message aired over state television that they are in control of the state broadcaster building, the airport and the military base in Kati near the capital Bamako. The television message said, ‘Elements from abroad, supported by some obscure forces within the country, carried out these attacks. Some of them have been arrested,’ A witness to the fighting saw a large convoy of military vehicles heading to the town of Kati just outside Bamako, where the junta has set up its headquarters. The US embassy in Bamako, through its Twitter account, reported shooting, but did not specify the groups involved. A former executive of Microsoft for Africa, was appointed along with former national assembly speaker, as the interim president, to lead the country ahead of elections later this year.

Pray: for the country to return completely to constitutional rule. (Ps.45:4)



Thursday, 13 June 2013 19:23

Amnesty International has documented dozens of cases of detainees being tortured or ill-treated after being arrested for having alleged links with armed groups. The organization also documented more than 20 cases of extrajudicial-executions or enforced disappearances. Amnesty International’s delegates spoke to more than 80 of the 200 detainees held in the capital Bamako, most of them charged with acts of terrorism and other offences. Many reported being tortured or ill-treated. Some were denied medical treatment. A number of them had marks and scars of burnings and cuts – including on their backs, chests and ears. At least five detainees died in the facility in April 2013, most of them apparently as a result of the appalling conditions of detention and lack of medical care. Mali authorities recognized that some human rights violations had been committed and said a number of cases were being investigated, but so far no one has been brought to justice.

Pray: that all those responsible for human rights abuses will face justice and for a lasting stabilization of Mali. (Tit.3:1-2


Sunday, 10 February 2013 15:29

As troops from France and Chad enter the last major city in northern Mali, critical Christian aid efforts have been hampered by a climate of violence and instability. ‘I wish I knew what is going on,’ says Laura Delaney, medical coordinator with Medicines for Mali. Her organization works closely with Blessings International to deliver medical aid and access to clean water to poor villages in the south. She intended to deliver vital medicines but plans changed after a Frenchman was abducted near Bamako. Access to communication is spotty in the villages they serve. ‘The sad part is people don’t know what’s going on, except that we’re not coming. They fear we will not come back, but we reassured them we will return when it’s safe. It’s heart-wrenching not to go, medicine is in short supply'; she said. Meanwhile 1,800 Chadian troops secured Kidal in northern Mali, and French troops are holding the Kidal airport so that more forces can land.

Pray: for this and other agencies attempting to reach difficult areas with much needed aid. Pray also for the innocent villages caught up in this conflict. (Ps.22:19-22)




Saturday, 01 September 2012 13:20

‘I ask Algerian authorities to find a solution to save my life.’ Was the video plea sent this week to the Algerian government by a hostage in North Mali. He was identified as an employee of the Algerian consulate in Mali's northern city of Gao. See: Last week Jihadists cut off the hand of a thief in accordance with the new Islamic law in Mali. See: Persecution Watch reported the strict sharia law is victimising Christians, women and other vulnerable groups. A Christian leader who fled from northern Mali said, ‘all the Christians have left Timbuktu because of the Sharia law and the presence of people linked with Al-Qaeda.’

Pray: for God to pour out his mercy on the countless villages, cities and towns in Northern Mali living in fear; pray also for His intervention in the different power dynamics, affiliations, ideologies and motivations that are rising in Mali. (Ps.56:3)


Saturday, 01 September 2012 13:21

Armed conflict and food shortages have driven 400,000+ from their homes after April’s coup d'état left a government once considered a model of African democracy in shambles. Al-Qaeda-linked Islamist groups controlling an expanse the size of France are implementing a strict and destructive version of Sharia law. The international community said the situation is ‘a potential threat to international peace and security’. See: Valerie Amos the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator is visiting the area to assess this ongoing humanitarian need and draw attention to the severe food and nutrition crisis affecting people in Mali, including 175,000 children at risk of severe malnutrition. During her meetings with Government officials and humanitarian partners Ms. Amos is exploring ways to strengthen humanitarian operations and improve access to the north of the country. She will also call for urgent funding to scale up operations in the south, where the majority of people suffering the effects of the food and nutrition crisis live.

Pray: for God in His mercy to enable wise and effective distribution of food and medical aid to every area in need at this time. (Ps.57:1)
