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Saturday, 16 November 2013 14:58

Theresa Malila began her ministry with nothing more than a small jar of oil. She would walk to communities on the outskirts of Lilongwe and began to pray for those who were critically ill. Today she is the founder and executive director of Somebody Cares, a charity that ministers to women and girls among the poorest of the poor in 22 slum zones in Malawi, covering a population of 450.000 people. She is affiliated with 1500 pastors, chiefs in 260 villages, and 550 volunteers. When asked what ingredient made all the difference in her work, she immediately replies: ‘It’s the Gospel. It’s transforming lives. There was a time when we had 15 patients dying every day of AIDS and other diseases. Today we have 3 per week. Once we smelled death and depression as we entered the slums, but today we smell life everywhere.’

Praise: God for the faith and efforts of Theresa that has blessed so many with life. (1Sam.26:25)



Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:51

Bowland Street Mission, in Manningham, in Northern England, is where the extraordinary ‘people's preacher’ Smith Wigglesworth had his base. The site is set to be restored to its former glory - and turned into a centre of healing, a museum and coffee shop. Brian Holland, with his wife Kathryn, and international preacher and broadcaster Terry Quinn are founding members of the Smith Wigglesworth Foundation which has agreed a long-term lease on the building. Brian said: ‘Wigglesworth was a catalyst for the charismatic revival of the church and one of the fathers of the Pentecostal church. The plan is to restore the building back to its original 1889-1919 design, the heyday of Smith and his wife Polly's ministry in Bradford’. The group plans to open at the end of April 2011 with the original purposes: to show God knows and loves people through a healing touch alongside preaching from the Bible.

Praise: God for Wigglesworth’s heritage and pray that many more would be blessed in the years to come. (Ps.84:11-12)


Thursday, 08 September 2011 14:02

A Church in the town called Vrútky, Slovakia, offers prayers for healing to non Christian people, reports Lusi Gertliová, Liecenie press centre. A couple of months ago the church put and advertisement in the newspaper and 400 new visitors came in the first event and almost all of them were healed by the power of God. 300 of them accepted Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord. Today events called ‘Healing’ take place all around the country. There are thousands of testimonies online that could be found on ‘Slovakia is a tiny little country in the middle of Europe. But the movement of God in this country is becoming greater and more powerful these days. We are witnesses of something miraculous that God is doing in charismatic Pentecostal churches. We can see the beginning of huge revival,’ notes Lusi Gertliová.

Praise: God for this stirring of faith through His healing power and miracles. (Ps.77:14)


Saturday, 21 August 2010 08:38

A Hungarian Catholic priest has become an internet sensation for spreading the word of God - from his skateboard. A video of Reverend Zoltan Lendavi has become a YouTube hit. The video shows 45-year-old Lendavi, in full clerical dress outside his church in Gaborjanhaza, a small village on Hungary's border with Slovenia. Father Lendavi, whose first skateboard is said to have featured the Papal coat of arms, said he believed his skateboarding could help encourage more youngsters to go to church. He learnt his skateboarding skills when he was a teenager, but it wasn't until he became a priest, he realised he could use his skills to help youngsters find God by spreading the word from his wheels. He said he got the idea from Saint John Bosco, an Italian priest and educator in the 19th century who dedicated his life to improving the lives of youngsters and used games as part of their education.

Praise: that the Spirit continues to work in mysterious ways. (Col.4:3)


Tuesday, 18 January 2011 15:19

The 2011 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity marks the beginning of an encouraging year for the ecumenical movement in Britain, the Student Christian Movement (SCM) said today (11 January). They revealed that they are expecting another record turn-out for their annual conference, which will involve an ecumenical exploration of prayer, and the links between prayer and action. The Week of Prayer will run from 18-25 January and is closely followed by SCM’s Annual Conference, Still Small Voice, which runs over the weekend of 4-6 February at the Swanwick conference centre in Derbyshire. ‘We are really encouraged by the revival of interest in inclusive, ecumenical Christianity,’ said Jenny Morgans, chair of SCM's student council. ‘Over the past year we have had requests for advice and support from students keen to establish ecumenical student groups,’ explained Morgans, ‘conference is a great opportunity for students from different backgrounds to meet and explore their faith together’

Praise: God for the work of the SCM and the message of unity. (Ro.12:4-5)


Monday, 29 April 2013 17:30

Alexander’s first experience with a shaman, a Siberian witch doctor, left him wanting to go deeper into this realm. ‘I saved money to become a shaman and eventually became powerful in the community,’ he recalls. Then he received an unexpected invitation. ‘Some Christians invited me to church and I went so I could spy on their God.’ He entered the church, believing the gods he served were much more powerful than the Christian God. But as Alexander sat back in the wooden pew, something unusual happened. ‘When I closed my eyes I felt God’s presence,’ he says. ‘It was so strong; I was overwhelmed by its greatness.’ Unable to resist the majesty and power of the one true living God, Alexander surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and was born again. ‘I have now begun to work with missionaries here in Russia,’ Alexander says. ‘I help others learn what Jesus did for me.’

Praise: God for the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of Alexander. (Lk.12:12)


Saturday, 07 August 2010 14:15

A 20-year-old Christian mobile phone shop manager in Florida stopped a would-be armed robber by preaching to him about Jesus. Nayara Goncalves spent nearly five minutes persuading the man that he was doing the wrong thing. The man eventually apologised, explained his gun was a replica and left the shop in Broward County. ‘She was able to remain calm and keep him calm,’ a sheriff's office spokeswoman said. During the incident on 23 July, Ms Goncalves told the would-be robber: ‘I'm just going to talk with you about Jesus.’ The man said he was a Christian and was ‘embarrassed’ to be doing what he was doing but that he needed $300 (£190) to avoid being evicted.

Praise: God for Nayara and the initiative of the Holy Spirit. (Ac.4:29)


Wednesday, 27 February 2013 16:20

Church Army Evangelist Debbie Orriss from High Wycombe, Bucks has an inspirational week :- Monday she leads a congregational team welcoming visitors to the church and offeiring prayer before the lunchtime concert. Many of the audience stay behind for a cuppa and a chat. A High Wycombe project is the Homeless Connection. Part of its work is holding social evenings on Tuesdays in the church hall where food and hospitality for people experiencing homelessness can come. They use the Quiet Space to receive prayer or take some quiet time for themselves, or have a chat with one of the volunteers. BREATHE takes place on Wednesday evening and is aimed at people who are exploring different ways of worship. Thursdays she helps people explore faith and spirituality. Friday – day off! Saturday she joins a Street Angels team ministering to partygoers outside the pubs and clubs at midnight to make sure they are safe and to chat with them. Sunday A day of rest!

Praise: God for Debbie and all the volunteers bringing the light of Jesus Christ into lives and situations. May God continue to bless these and similar ministries across our nations. (Mt.4:16)



Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:34

Scotland’s most senior Christian figures have come together to urge the country to vote in May’s Scottish elections. The Church leaders are encouraging the public and politicians to examine their faith as they prepare to vote in the Scottish Elections. Churches and Christian organisations have produced a shared election resources website: to inform potential voters about parliamentary and election processes; to collate information about party policies and inspire Christians of all political persuasions to participate in the debate. The website is a joint initiative between the Scottish Churches Parliamentary Office, Catholic Parliamentary Office, CARE for Scotland, Evangelical Alliance and Christians Count. It is supported by the Baptist Union of Scotland, Christians Count, Church of Scotland, Congregational Federation, Destiny Church Network, Evangelical Alliance, Free Church of Scotland, Methodist Church in Scotland, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Roman Catholic Church, The Salvation Army, Scottish Episcopal Church, United Free Church of Scotland and United Reformed Church

Praise: God for this united effort by the Churches to encourage people to vote. (Tit.1:9)


Wednesday, 16 November 2011 13:38

The Church of Scotland is set to roll out a brand new sport in its churches following a successful pilot in east Glasgow. Racquet WALL is similar to squash but played on only one wall. The game proved hugely popular in trials with a local primary school at the Church of Scotland-run Church House in Bridgeton. The venture has been developed by the Scottish Churches Commonwealth Games programme in association with Scottish Squash and Racketball Limited (SSRL), who said the response from children had been ‘astonishing’. Following the official launch this Wednesday, churches across Scotland will soon be hosting the game to help as many youngsters get involved as possible. John Dunlop, SSRL’s chief executive, said its priority was to engage people in the squash and racquet ball sports and tackle the ‘serious health and wellbeing issues that all of society faces today, which sport can help to address’.

Praise: that this idea bringing physical health will lead to spiritual blessing through contact with the Church. (3Jn.1:2)
