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Friday, 09 July 2021 04:30

90 Days of Hope runs from 30th of May to 28th August 2021

It culminates in Global Day of Hope on 28th of August 2021 and Includes a 1 hour broadcast - streaming HOPE to the nations!






The 90 Days of Hope and Global Day of Hope are an initiative of Hope of the Coming Harvest which is a collaboration of prayer and missions leaders working together to share hope around the world through 2021.

More information and sign up at:

Friday, 09 July 2021 04:30

Prayer at the Heart of America, For the Heart of America is a national call to prayer taking place Friday, July 23rd, at the geographical center of the 48 contiguous states. This Prayer Gathering is the result of a vision birthed in the heart of Doug Small and his passion for a fresh awakening across the United States of America.

Prayer At the Heart is a call to the family of faith, and the invitation is extended to everyone who believes that God is able to heal our land and that He is our hope for revival and restoration. Without question, our nation has turned its back on its Judeo-Christian heritage and foundation. The truth of God’s Word is being ignored and rejected. Our sin has increased, and the moral fiber of our nation has been defiled.

Biblically and historically, we discover that we must turn our face and faith toward God as a nation. The call is for the people of God who are called by His name, humble themselves and pray. Seek His face and turn from our wicked ways with the promise that He will hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land.

‍We pray, Yes, Lord, have mercy upon America and send us a fresh awakening. You will want to join us in Lebanon, Kansas, Friday, July 23rd, as we make our appeal to heaven. Help us spread the word, and let’s make the journey to the heart of America as we pray at the heart of America.

IPC and a number of our partners across USA are partnering with this event.

More info and Sign Up at:

Friday, 09 July 2021 04:30

10 Days is a prayer meeting for your entire city!

The goal is a season where Jesus Christ is the focus of every heart in your geographical area for 10 complete days.

10 Days 2021 will be from September 6-16 beginning the evening of September 6th. It’s celebrated simultaneously in cities and towns around the world on an annual basis. Over 150 locations from all six continents participated in 10 Days 2020.

10 Days began in 2004 with a visionary experience.  It was born out of a time of seeking God with prayer and fasting, motivated by Jesus’ prayer in John 17, “Let [my followers] be one just as we [the Father and the Son] are one.”

Have you ever done something difficult, something that you doubted that you’d be able to do that later became one of the best moments of your life? This Sept. 6-16, we challenge you to do something difficult that has the potential to change everything, impacting your relationship with God and your city!

10 Days is organized locally by people all over the world. We’ve put together prayer guides, posters, videos, and other promotional materials to help anyone organize a 10 Day prayer event. We also have teaching resources to fuel movements of united prayer, worship, and repentance.

More info and sign up your city at  

Friday, 09 July 2021 04:29

This is an invitation to join in an extraordinary 24-7 / 365 Prayer Room that is running online for the whole of 2021! It is a partnership project between IPC and a number of international ministries and organisations.

Prayer and Worship leaders from every continent are facilitating each hour in 10+ languages.

Whether you are able to drop in for 5 minutes here and there or for hours or days at a time, you would be most welcome to join us as we worship and glorify the Lamb of God – and offer our prayers for the Church and its mission and the needs of the world.

More info and sign up at:

Friday, 09 July 2021 04:29

Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room

HOPE Movement 90 Days of Hope (to 28 August)

Japan 1 Million Hours Prayer - July 23 - Aug 22

Prayer at the Heart of America - July 23rd

1st FRIDAY GO PRAY August 6th at 6AM Pacific

10 Days 2021 | September 6 -16

Friday, 09 July 2021 04:28

Download the GO21 Year of the Upper Room - 40 Days Prayer Guide - with a daily focus on a different unreached people group.

The year is divided into 9 seasons of 40 days Prayer, Fasting, Worship and the Word

Acts 1:8 for the lost in our “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria & ends of the earth)

The current Season 5 runs from 13 June – 23 July 2021.  The Theme is '40 Days to Keep the Harvest' - “but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew 13:30d

The downloadable / printable prayer guide includes a space to include the names of 5 people that we can pray for and seek the opportunity to share Jesus with.

Friday, 09 July 2021 04:28

UNCEASING WORSHIP is a monthly subscription to an exclusive, curated, growing library of spontaneous worship moments recorded live at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City as well as other Christian artists.

At IHOPKC the musicians and singers give themselves to worship and intercession on a daily basis – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For over 20 years, worship has ascended like incense before the throne of God and will continue without ceasing.

Every month they add new songs, prophetic moments, intercession and prayers, instrumental and devotional moments, and more.

The music of UNCEASING captures the heart and essence of their 24/7 prayer room. 

Download the Unceasing Worship App and access an ever-growing library of 3,679,200+ minutes of worship.

More info and download links at:  

Friday, 09 July 2021 04:23

This is a second edition of this widely read and highly acclaimed book written by the respected father of the worldwide Prayer Movement - Brian Mills.

Have you ever wondered just why the darkness in the world today seems to be getting darker, and what can be done about it?

This book sheds fresh light on this topic, and on the spiritual nature of this darkness. It shines the light of Scripture on the evil one and on the way in which so many have become bewitched. This is a clarion call to the church and individual Christians to get ready to do battle with the powers of darkness, and to shine Christ's light more powerfully.

Brian Mills writes out of many years of experience in international prayer ministry. He is a senior advisor in the International Prayer Council and is one of the leaders in the International Reconciliation movement. He has ministered in over 75 nations and authored nine books to date. He is also part of a global group that is seeking to understand more about the dark spiritual powers at work in the world.

Excerpts from some recent reviews:

"An informative book on the operation of spiritual darkness and the need for Christ’s people to stand against it." (John D Robb - Chairman, IPC Prayer)

'Thought provoking insights into the spiritual aspects of today's world and reminder of our role to pray. Well worth a read.' JRB - Amazon

'An easily read and timely call to vigilance and to personal holiness. Much needed. We've bought a number of copies for passing on to friends.' RC - Amazon

'Strategic book for understanding tactics of the enemy! I have now read this twice it is so appropriate for preparation for mission, for church leaders and intercessors!' Anon - Amazon

This version includes some minor revisions, lay-out changes and is increased to 150 pages.

Order ‘Window on the Darkness’ by Brian Mills in print or Kindle formats from:

Amazon USA   $11.36 Paperback | $3.74 Kindle
Amazon UK    £8.99 Paperback | £2.99 Kindle

Thursday, 08 July 2021 04:04


Our Editorial article this month is an extremely encouraging report from the Passover to Pentecost Group - a number of Christian prayer and missions networks who have come together in John 17 Unity to co-ordinate their events and initiatives with a common goal - contending for revival!

Download PDF of this Review

It’s our desire to see a massive full-scale revival and awakening erupt in the nations of the earth! We have been asking for another historic move of the Holy Spirit, a Gospel Explosion to sweep across the globe and awaken a generation to wholehearted love for Jesus!

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14).

Despite the challenges that we are all facing with the pandemic, we are seeing massive numbers of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ, gospel movements emerging in the nations, and disciplemaking churches being planted in unreached areas. Since launching this collaborative effort in 2020 of prayer, mission, and church leaders partnering together, we have seen 20 million new Jesus followers added to the church!

Our theme for 2021 has been ‘Hope for the Coming Harvest.’ As you read through these firsthand reports, you will be encouraged to see evidence of this global harvest emerging in the nations. This year we estimate approximately 70 million believers were mobilized in united prayer partneringtogether with 50 million believers sharing their faith from Passover through Pentecost!

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 02It has been astounding to watch so many come together in an expression of John 17 ‘oneness’ across nations, denominations, and generations for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Only Jesus gets the credit. He is the One who is leading the global prayer and mission’s movements. May the Lord continue to knit our hearts together as ‘family’ growing in love for one another, centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ, and grounded on the authority of God’s word! May we continue to see a global Christ-awakening in the nations of the earth, as prayer is prioritized, believers are mobilized, unity is maximized, and communities are gospelized.

It’s all about a Christ-awakening, where the Spirit of God uses the Word of God to reawaken God’s people back to God’s Son for all that He is! We want to enter into the power and pleasure of being obsessed with the magnificence of Jesus. He is the dominating personality in this age and in the age to come!

God is truly bringing us into a ‘decade of harvest.’ One of the goals that we launched in 2020 was to see 100 million in united prayer for a ‘billion soul harvest.’ During the month of May this year millions were praying and sharing their faith around the world in partnership with the Go Movement. Thank you to all those who have served, prayed, worshipped, and collaborated in these various Spirit-led, Christ-exalting, prayer and evangelism initiatives!


“May the Lamb who was slain receive the due rewards for His suffering.”

Jason Hubbard & Andy Page - International Prayer Connect
Graham Power & Anja Letsatsi - Global Voice of Prayer, together with the global prayer & mission networks

2 APRIL | Good Friday Online Event
Pulse Movement |

14 APRIL – 23 MAY | The Jesus Fast

1 MAY | World Prayer Together

13 – 22 MAY | 10 Days of Praise |

13 – 23 MAY | 10 Days Pentecost |

17 MAY | Shavuot Gathering

22 MAY | The March for Jesus Global

22 MAY | GKPN Global Youth Movement Event

23 MAY | Global Day of Prayer & Pentecost Broadcast

29 MAY | GO Day

30 MAY – 28 AUGUST | 90 Days of Hope

April 2nd 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 05

Good Friday was a global outreach event focused on sharing the good news of Jesus. It was broadcasted across the world from sunup to sundown April 2nd and was hosted by Pulse - a movement aiming to bring the hope of Jesus to the next generation — whether it’s through live events, livestreams, local revival gatherings, raising up leaders, or creating digital resources.

A few highlights:

• Over 180 million people viewed the broadcast
• Over 1.1 million people responded to the gospel
• 506 host sites
• 39 languages
• 186 countries, 24 territories

The broadcast was taken into prisons and people were responding to Jesus. It is believed that that the program was taken to other areas that the organizers are not aware. There were many other TV stations that picked it up and the reach just continued to multiply. There were many individual testimonies that were received of people watching the program and then going to church the next day; kids watching the program, choosing to follow Jesus and then leaving the streets and wanting to be cared for.

JAY ANDERSON | Pulse Movement
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Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report

April 14th – May 23rd 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 06

Like the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness for the 40 day fast (the biblical era shifting fast) that inaugurated the first great Jewish harvest of souls, there was a sense that this 40 day Jesus (Yeshua) Fast April 14th – May 23rd (Pentecost Sunday) was a tipping point for a new day of salvation for Israel and harvest in the earth.

The Yeshua Fast was hosted by Lou Engle Ministries.

10,000 plus prayer warriors from across the globe were a part of these 40 days of prayer fasting for Israel and the Great Harvest.
The Israel Virtual House of Prayer was also birthed during this time as thousands logged on for 24/7 prayer for Israel.

LOU ENGLE | Lou Engle Ministries |


May 1st 2021
World Prayer Together | GO PRAY

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 01

GO MONTH was launched with a global day of prayer on Saturday May 1st, 2021 which was aptly entitled World Prayer Together | GO PRAY.

It was headlined with a 2-hour programme consisting of live worship, prayers for GO MONTH plus all-age focused prayers for the nations and unreached peoples of India, China and the Middle East. The International House of Prayer - Kansas City kindly hosted the event with a number of respected prayer and mission leaders taking part.

World Prayer Together | GO PRAY was broadcast prime time on GOD.TV at 7.30pm in each region and repeated on Saturday 8th May. GOD.TV has a global reach of 300 million households in 200 countries. The programme was re-broadcast on digital tv in Finland, Romania and Latin America in English, Spanish and Portuguese increasing the potential reach by an estimated 80 million households. Additionally, the programme was livestreamed from IHOPKC and viewed with subtitles in 33 languages online.

The program was dubbed in ten languages with translated prayer guides and information on custom landing pages. A global social media campaign reached 3 million people.

The team were encouraged to hear from a number of church and mission organisation leaders who had committed their members to be watching the broadcast and to each be praying for 5 souls during May! These groups alone represent 70 million people.

The program host, Dr Jason Hubbard, Director of International Prayer Connect said, ‘It was humbling yet amazing to have people taking part from every continent, right around the globe, committing to pray for GO MONTH. I am sure that despite the challenges that we are all facing, the fields are indeed ripe for this season of great harvest in the spirit of Luke 10:2!’

JASON HUBBARD | International Prayer Connect
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May 17th 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 08

During the Shavuot Gathering, thousands around the globe had the privilege of standing with and hearing from our family in India and the Middle East. The enemy has brought turmoil to these regions, but the Lord will bring beauty out of ashes. Where the world is seeing destruction, we declare resurrection. Where the spirit of death has been prevalent, we speak abundant life. During our time together we felt the Lord release an atomic bomb of love over us. This love is washing, healing, and transforming our nations through the release of His Spirit and the power of His Kingdom.

In light of the conflict happening in the Middle East, we choose to rise up and speak from a higher Kingdom perspective. Ishmael came out of the womb of Hagar the Egyptian. Egypt, as the mother of the descendants of Ishmael and all who identify with his spirit, holds the authority to call home her descendants. The orphan spirit that has long plagued the Arabs must be broken. It is time for the restoration of the house of Abraham. During this gathering, a deep longing was released from the heart of Egypt to call home the sons of Ishmael. There is no other hope except through love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

During the Shavuot Gathering, a pure sound was released to call forth blessing over the children, the orphans, and all those who were suffering in India. Devastated by the recent wave of the pandemic, we stand with our family in India in unrelenting prayer. We lift up the name of Yeshua and intercede for the healing and revival of this beautiful nation. The heart of the family is that none will be left behind. We ache with India, may her pain become our pain.

RACHEL DEMIAN | Watchmen for the Nations
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May 13th – 22nd 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 09

We heard many expressions of thanks, joy and blessing during the Ten Days of Praise facilitated by Waymakers, Jericho Walls International, Global Voice of Prayer and many others.

The Ten Days of Praise was designed to deepen and strengthen prayers of praise as a prelude to the March for Jesus, offering expressions of biblical praise to the ascended, glorified Lord as the Lamb of God. The theme of the March for Jesus was the exalted Lamb, worthy of the worship of the nations. The praise guide was freely distributed in electronic formats in Asia, Africa and the Americas. Leaders from several countries reported that the biblical exaltation of Christ helped people from different churches to unite in passionate prayers of hope for Christ to be glorified among the nations. The praise guide was translated into Spanish for wide distribution in several countries in Latin America. Leaders in several African and European countries encouraged many from different church streams to lift and focus their prayers on Christ.
“We felt so lifted up by declaring and praising the Name that is worthy. We definitely want to do this again!” – Comments from India group praising Jesus 24/7 during the 10 Days.

We experienced such a positive and uplifting time of prayer during these 10 days across the nation. More than 80 local prayer networks and groups in various communities participated. Most of these groups would literally be praising Jesus in one hour shifts around the clock. These 10 days also added momentum to seven regular weeks of prayer for revival throughout the year.

We also felt that Jesus was drawing many souls into His kingdom during this time of praise. The following verse stood out:
“After this I will return and rebuild David’s fallen tent. Its ruins I will rebuild, and I will restore it, that the remnant of men may seek the Lord.” (Acts 15:16,17)
May the Lord continue to raise up even the younger generation to praise Him day and night.

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DANIEL BRINK | Jericho Walls
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May 13th – 22nd 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 10

During the 10 Days leading up to Pentecost (May 13-23), 10 Days partnered with the Global Family 24/7 Prayer Room to host increased 24/7 prayer via Zoom. Four daily teachings were hosted as part of prayer time as a way to encourage and build up the intercessors with anointed leaders from all 6 continents. Many of these teachings were very anointed and impactful, and the cumulative effect was very powerful. Various in person 10 Days Pentecost gatherings took off in various locations including Colorado, Dallas, and especially in Pakistan where 15 locations joined in separate from the Zoom. We were amazed as God multiplied prayers during this time, no doubt much beyond what we can currently see.

Testimony from Indian Pastors on 10 Days Pentecost:

“During the 2 hours we prayed with great intensity for India - as India was going through great despair with Covid - and in the church there was great sadness and mourning for many Pastors who lost their lives due to Covid. But the Indian pastors and church leaders who join said that in this adversity, God has encouraged the church in building the spiritual strength of Pastors and prayer warriors, there has been much prayer and fasting during the Pentecost period, much united prayer on Zoom. Church leaders put aside their differences to join together in prayer - for God’s hand to move in India and prayed in unity for Salvation for India. And God has answered their prayers - there has of recent been a substantial reduction in Covid numbers, and they are working together in a unity which they did not have before. They are also joining together to reach out to their communities and offering food and help to the community. And the Zoom prayers of Pastors and leaders joining together from different cities in India is continuing. Last 2 weeks when they have joined for prayer it has been so uplifting to hear their faith filled prayers of thanksgiving as they are praying with hope for God to open hearts and minds in India.”

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Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 11

May 22nd 2021

GKPN in partnership with ministries and churches around the world hosted one of the biggest events for young Christians worldwide on May 22nd 2021. The event pivoted around 3 central themes: Holiness, mission & discipleship.

Preachers included Robert Morris, Joakim Lundqvist, Edmund Chan, Julius Rwotlonyo, Sergio Hornung and Paulo Mazoni, and worship was led by bands from Bethel, Gateway and Watoto. Powerful testimonies were shared by youth from many countries.

• 8,259 Individual registrations
• 2,883,755 Church registrations
• 108401 Churches involved
• 18,000 YouTube
• 34,415 YouTube partner churches
• 1,592,145 Total estimated viewers

• Brazil
• Italy
• Russia
• Egypt
• Philippines
• Uganda

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May 22nd 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 12

The March for Jesus is a procession of praise through the streets of the city, celebrating the Lordship of Jesus Christ and culminating in a grand worship event in which Christians publicly proclaim the Glory, the Majesty and the Supremacy of the Savior. It’s all about Jesus ... and nothing else.

The theme for March for Jesus 2021 was “Worthy Is the Lamb” drawn from Revelation 5:12. There was a sense that the church in specific and the nation of USA in a larger context is in desperate need of recognizing the healing and forgiving power of Jesus Christ. When John the Baptist saw the Messiah approaching the Jordan River to be baptized, he shouted “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). One day the elders and the angels will shout in agreement with John as in heaven Christ is heralded as the Worthy Lamb. In May 2021, we experienced an aspect of this during the March for Jesus.

While most States in the USA still comply with the tail-end of Covid restrictions, 38 cities in 20 States Marched for Jesus in their communities as a united expression of worship.

GARY FROST | The March for Jesus
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May 23rd 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 13

On Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd 2021, believers around the world were part of a global celebration of unity, diversity and the joining of the generations as they participated in Hope of the Coming Harvest - a one hour broadcast created by Media Village Productions featuring 14 leading global voices and 50 next generation leaders uniting in prayer and worship. The broadcast was screened during Pentecost Sunday & Global Day of Prayer events and viewers were encouraged to join in prayer for the nations, stand in the gap for the persecuted Church, pray for the restoration of families, join in the call for the empowering and equipping of the next generation and ultimately, pray for the Church to GO into the harvest fields.

The programme was broadcasted via GODTV worldwide at 9pm on Pentecost Sunday, with a potential viewership of 300 million, as well as on TBN Africa, the Faith Channel, PraiseLive and many other television, radio & social media platforms in different parts of the world, with repeat broadcasts scheduled until mid-June.

It was translated into Portuguese and Spanish, and made available by the IPC in 30+ subtitled languages.

May 23rd 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 14

“I was so aware of Holy Spirit’s presence from the beginning of this. I continued interceding almost the entire time and we continued praying afterwards… The diversity of colors, cultures, languages, ages was the Kingdom and was powerful. We have to show this to the world because that is what the Kingdom of God looks like. When all of the languages and ethnicities hear and see their heart language being spoken, Holy Spirit shows up…” Stephen Goode, YWAM Asia

In addition, many exciting reports were received concerning Global Day of Prayer events being hosted in different parts of the world, including the Philippines, Australia, Brazil, Germany, USA, Namibia and many other parts of Africa.

In Brazil, it was reported that around 140 denominations and mission agencies participated in Global Day of Prayer 2021, with 240 hours of non-stop prayer. On the last day they had a whole day meeting online with well-known Brazilian leaders sharing and praying, and reaching not only Brazil but many African Portuguese speaking countries and Portugal – truly dynamic!

ANJA LETSATSI | Global Voice of Prayer
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1 – 30th May

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 15

Over 50 million Christians worldwide participated in GO Month 2021

Saved: 18,687,571
Mobilized: 46 million
Reached: 152 million

Saved: 80,430,933
Mobilized: 250 million
Reached: 1,5 billion

  • Church of God Latin America mobilized 500.000 members for “One a Day”
  • RCCG’s (Redeemed Christian Church) called their leaders to plant 10,000 churches
  • Prayer in 97 Cities and in some countries where Christians are most persecuted
  • GO Train with Rick Warren and others trained at least 7,1 Million believers
  • GO Pray - World prayer together was broadcasted by IHOP and GOD TV

“First in 2020, by God’s grace, and with an increase in prayer and focus on evangelism tied to church planting movements the Lord blessed us with tremendous growth. Although the data is still being reviewed, the preliminary reports are that more than 20 million souls from the unreached world were added to the Kingdom! To God be the Glory! We are now a family of movements totalling approximately 3 million house churches and 60+ million Jesus followers!

In the 2021 month of prayer we were able to mobilize 64 million believers to pray and encourage one another to share their faith and begin discipline relationships with family, friends and loved ones. Our estimation is that the average would be each people sharing their faith with 5 people. This would be approximately 320 million people (taking into account theremay be overlap with this number). So the most important number is that we were able to inspire 64 million Jesus followers to pray and share their faith during this season.”

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Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 16

We thank God for the partnership of Prayer Covenant and the All-Africa Baptist Youth Fellowship as this dynamic team undertook an ambitious month of evangelism and prayer under the theme, Saturate your Atmosphere with the Gospel.

  • Countries that partook in the program: 36
  • Churches that prayed for soul winning: 12,212
  • Churches that helped share the Gospel : 9,071
  • Evangelists tracked for Digital Evangelism (WhatsApp only) : 123,274
  • Evangelists for physical outreaches only : 97,772
  • Of People Reached with Printed resources : 2,128,000
  • Of People Reached Digitally : 2,899,637
  • Of People Reached with General Outreach and other various non digital operations : 871,200
  • Of People Touched by the Gospel : 5,828,917
  • Of People that Committed their Lives to the Lord : 143,433

CANDY MARBALLI | The Prayer Covenant
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Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report

May 30th – August 28th 2021

Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 17

It’s time to Release the Sound of Hope! From 30 May – 28 August this year we are turning our prayers into action as believers around the world hit the streets to share the Good News and serve their communities in creative ways.

Through the process of Pray Care Share we aim to inspire Hope and empower not only ourselves but the lives we intend to touch during this time.

The Global Day of Hope on August 28th 2021 will be a worldwide celebration of HOPE with a dynamic 2 hour broadcast featuring key leaders, music, powerful testimonies and more across regions and time zones.

  1. Pray - for your friends, family, community, nation, and the world to know the hope of Jesus.
  2. Care - for the people in your community who are lonely or in need to give them hope.
  3. Share - your hope story and the good news that Jesus saves with one person everyday.

PAT STEELE | Hope Movement
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Passover to Pentecost 2021 Report 18

Friday, 18 June 2021 10:53

Ethne Prayer Team offers some valuable up to date resources and training material to grow in effective prayer for the unreached.

They champion prayer and the mobilisation of prayer for unreached peoples and places.

‘We are aware that there are billions of people who do not have a believer that is close to them to share the Good News.  The Ethne Prayer team supports through prayer, mission teams and ministries that are sending workers to people with little or no access to the Gospel.’

Browse their resources in numerous languages and find out more about joining them at: