The 2011 earthquake prompted new mission awareness in Japan’s churches. Churches reconsidered how to evangelise and develop the church. In northern Japan, people who previously showed no interest in the gospel became receptive and drawn to Christianity after seeing Christ in volunteers who, without demanding anything in return, kept coming to provide aid and support. By 2017 Christians had begun to be called Kirisuto-san or ‘Mr/Ms Christ’, with respect and appreciation. Over time, people asked about the Bible, and doors opened for sharing testimonies. Operation World reports that Japanese missionaries are increasing, in Japanese and English. The Overseas Missions Association has a membership of over twenty agencies. YWAM Tokyo started ten years ago, with a handful of amazing people. Now they have forty staff, and outreaches all over the city. They need your prayers! See
Christian witness after Japan's disaster
Written by David Fletcher 14 Feb 2019
Additional Info
- Praise: God that Christians in Japan are now respected and a growing community. (Matthew 24:14a)
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