‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’ (Matthew 4:4) The Philippines have been on lockdown for weeks, and many people are bringing aid to those struggling to meet daily needs. But one elderly man blessed the volunteers’ hearts when he asked for a new Bible instead of relief goods. His unusual request has been circling around social media. Dyn Nah shared her amazement on her Facebook page. She said that in a country full of citizens calling for relief aid, ‘here's to this man. May we be reminded that in this crisis, it is not only about the material things we need but also His Word as we walk through our everyday challenges.’
He asked for a Bible, not for relief goods
Written by David Fletcher 22 May 2020
Additional Info
- Praise: God for providing all our needs. (Psalm 111:5)
- More: godtv.com/elderly-man-asks-new-bible-relief-goods/
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