What started as a four-day revival event on October 16, 2022, at the Old Zion Baptist Church in Hammond Louisiana has blossomed into 19 weeks of revival, and it shows no signs of stopping. On the first night of the revival, there were only about 125 people in attendance. But 34 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. By the fourth night, the gymnasium was packed. Then evangelist David R. Harrison of Voice of Hope Ministries set up his 2,500-seater tent in Hammond in order to help accommodate the large crowd. Brian Lester, Harrison's assistant, said there are signs of the revival continuing. ‘It's only gaining momentum.’ Lester reported, ‘in 19 weeks, over 1,300 have been saved, and countless other lives have been changed.’ He also credits the Asbury Awakening for making even more people want to experience a local revival. Hammond’s services are also live-streamed on Facebook.
Louisiana revival in 19th week
Written by Super User 24 Mar 2023
Additional Info
- Praise: God for touching the hearts and minds of young people in Christian and secular university campuses, churches, and youth events. (Psalm 51:10)
- More: https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2023/march/since-asbury-the-hunger-has-grown-even-more-louisiana-revival-heads-into-19th-week
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