Hope returns to the Philippines

Written by Admin 2 23 May 2013

OM Ships International’s vessel Logos Hope has launched back into service from Hong Kong SAR, China following the annual dry dock and maintenance time required for ongoing operation. The ship is now sailing to San Fernando, Philippines which will be the first of two stops planned for the 2013 visit to this country of many islands. The second port of call, Puerto Princesa, will be the fifth port Logos Hope has visited in the Philippines after stops in Cebu, Manila and Subic Bay in 2012. While many of the crew stayed on board to complete technical works during the time in Hong Kong, many others moved on shore to work locally or in surrounding nations on ‘challenge teams’. In total, 22 teams were sent out from the ship to ten different countries including South Korea, Japan and China as well as the United Kingdom and United States.

Praise: God for the work of Logos Hope and for its ongoing operations. (Ps.18:49)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2013/s13050098.htm