Untold Titanic story - John Harper

Written by Super User 20 Apr 2012

John Harper boarded the Titanic with his six-year-old daughter Nana bound for Chicago where he'd been invited to preach for three months. When the ship began to sink Harper made sure his daughter was placed into one of the lifeboats. He then began what would be the last evangelistic work of his young life. As the freezing waters began to fill the ship Harper was heard shouting, ‘Let the women, children and the unsaved into the lifeboats.’ Survivors reported that Harper took off his own life jacket and gave it to a man who said he was not saved. ‘Don't worry about me,’ he said, ‘I’m not going, down I'm going up!’ While 1,500 drowned or froze to death Harper swam from one passenger to another pleading with them to accept Christ. Harper's last convert was asked, ‘Are you saved? No,’ the man replied. Harper then shouted ‘ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.’ The man drifted away on the waves. A few minutes later the current brought the two men back together. Harper repeated his question with his dying breath, then slipped under the waves for the last time. Then and there the man decided to turn his life over to Christ.

Praise: God for the preservation and re-telling of John Harper’s story. (Mt.10:39-41)

More: http://www.sonserver.com/archive/titanic.htm