USA: 4000 Students pledge lives to mission service

Written by Super User 11 Jan 2013

Some 4,224 students from US and Canadian colleges pledged themselves to long-term missionary service at the close of Urbana 12 on New Year’s Eve, twice as many as the last Student Missionary Conference in 2009. The conference broke records making this the most responsive student conference for foreign missions since the end of World War II. Tom Lin, Urbana Director for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship said ‘They are ready to make commitments and respond to global challenges.’ Dubbed the ‘Justice Generation’ by leaders here, they say today's students tend to see compassionate ministries as a way into the gospel, not as a result of the gospel the way their grandparents did in the 1960's and 70's. They want to build relationships and create community in which unbelievers can discover Christ as Lord and Saviour. Besides the 4000 that made long-term commitments, 8,815 also ticked boxes saying they will go on short or mid-term missions.

Praise: God for the anointing of so many in making commitments to serve. (Dt.6:13)
