Christian youth organisation Soul Survivor has announced that 1,360 young people became Christians at its festivals this Summer. The events in July and September have seen tens of thousands gather at the sites in Staffordshire, Scotland and Somerset. Speaking on Premier's News Hour, spokesman Jonny Goodchild said, ‘It has been absolutely amazing. I don't think we're doing anything special - we're just thankful for all God is doing.’ Calling on youth workers to continue to invest in the young people who've found faith, he said, ‘It's that day-to-day relational youth work, getting alongside these young people, really journeying with them. Programmes are important but I think it's far more about relationship.’ Soul Survivor and other Christian festivals are, in many ways, a highlight of the youth ministry year; they're our 21st-century equivalent of a pilgrimage to the Temple. In our age of cynicism it's easy to get jaded, but this rhythm and pattern of youth ministry life is something to celebrate.
1,360 new Christians at Soul Survivor
Written by Linda Digby 27 Aug 2015
Additional Info
- Praise: God for all he has done, is doing and will do amongst young adults. (Eph.3:20,21)
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