An illegal abortion clinic in Selma, Alabama, was shut down due to the power of prayer and God at work. Last June Bound4LIFE Birmingham, along with a coalition of organisations and citizens committed to seeing an illegal abortion clinic closed, gathered for a day of intercession in a church where they heard messages from a number of speakers. The next day, they put their words into action with a public declaration. They put tape over their mouths and held placards as they marched across the town’s bridge. They then held a press conference, asking state authorities to take action to prevent Samuel Lett from continuing his illegal abortions. The protesters saw God work. On December 30, Father Terry Gensemer shared the good news that the abortion facility had been shut down and the city of Selma was abortion-free.
USA: Illegal abortion centre closes after pro-life efforts
Written by David Fletcher 15 Jan 2016
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- Praise: God and rejoice with the pro-life advocates and continue praying for those fighting for life. (Ps.127:3,4)
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