In Spain hundreds of processions take place at Easter. Some local processions of penitents can be very serious with people wearing white cloaks and burka-type hoods. In Greece, people hurl clay pots from windows and balconies onto the streets. It’s not clear what the origin of this custom is. Norwegians have recently begun having an Easter Crime Genre (Påskekrim) when they read crime novels over the Easter weekend! Portuguese celebrations include many locals dressing up to recreate scenes of the story of Christ’s resurrection and collecting donations for widows and widowers. Polish artists follow an egg-painting tradition and transform thousands of eggs into beautiful paintings. In Germany on Good Friday, dancing and loud music are banned. The sixty-year-old law has become increasingly controversial: Germany is home to millions of Muslim, atheist and Jewish citizens who are also affected by the ban.
Unusual ways to celebrate Easter
Written by David Fletcher 25 Mar 2016
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- Praise: God that people around the world can celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in a variety of ways - even if some of them seem to have nothing to do with Easter! (Jn.20:1)
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