‘You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.’ (Genesis 50:20) In the two months since Rev Jacques Hamel was brutally slain at the altar of his parish by an IS sympathiser, church attendance has increased in the town, said Archbishop Dominique Lebrun. He said that on a psychological level there is fear, but on a deep level in the soul, there is strength. ‘I do not think Jesus said it is stupid to be afraid, or there is no reason to be afraid. No, Jesus said, have the courage to be afraid.’ Pope Francis called the priest ‘blessed’, the step preceding sainthood.
France: church attendance up after priest’s murder
Written by David Fletcher 23 Sep 2016
Additional Info
- Praise: God for the blood shed by believers that prepares the ground for renewal, and continue to ask God to free Christians from the legacy of fear after terrorist acts. (Ps.79:10)
- More: www.gospelherald.com/articles/66581/20160916/french-church-attendance-increases-following-murder-of-elderly-priest-by-isis-militants.htm