Displaying items by tag: Australia

Thursday, 01 April 2021 21:37

EU sounds alarm for Great Barrier Reef

The EU’s environment commissioner, Virginijus Sinkevičius, said he was deeply concerned by the threats facing the Great Barrier Reef. ‘As long as we do not change our behaviours, things will not improve,’ he said. He hopes Australia will sign up to the 84-country Leaders’ Pledge for Nature - a document that calls for a ‘green and just’ recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and stronger political will to act against the ‘crises of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation and climate change’. The leaders’ pledge backs the objective of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, has said this is his preference, but he has resisted making a formal commitment amid divisions within his government over climate policy. Coral reefs are threatened because of human activity - unsustainable ways of living, producing, and consuming.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 25 March 2021 20:43

Australia: flood devastation

Days of torrential downpours caused rivers and dams to overflow around Sydney and south-east Queensland. The military helped search and rescue in a ‘one-in-fifty-years event’. By 22 March 18,000 people had been evacuated and 10 million people across Australia were under a weather warning. Dead livestock floated through floodwater and houses were engulfed, causing over 22,000 flood damage claims to be lodged by 25 March. Receding waterlevels have begun to expose the extent of flood devastation to collapsed homes and businesses.Pray for those who have lost homes, farms, cattle, and businesses to have government support. Pray for people ordered to evacuate, still sheltering in centres living in fear and apprehension of what they will find when they return home. Pray for people warned to prepare for flash flooding and landslides as rivers rush in their direction. New South Wales Health is warning residents to be aware of the risk of contamination and water-borne diseases. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 February 2021 21:00

Global weather challenges

In the USA a powerful storm sent waves crashing into sea walls and caused flooding in coastal communities from New Jersey to Maine. In Australia bushfires have forced thousands to flee Covid-19 lockdowns in an ‘unprecedented situation'. By 3 February the fire had destroyed 71 homes and injured six firefighters. In addition to the dangerous blazes, tropical storms churning off the coast could help to contain fires. Also widespread record-breaking snow pummelled northeast America, shattering centuries-old records, and is expected to spawn another whopper next week. Pray for God to watch over all who have lost their homes and businesses to the Australian fires. May they be able to achieve social distancing in relief shelters. Pray for God to give peace to people experiencing travel disruption, particularly those in stranded vehicles. Pray for aid and help to reach isolated rural communities, particularly those with power cuts.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 January 2021 20:43

Australia: assisted dying bill in Tasmania

A key member of the ‘independent and objective’ panel advising Tasmanian MPs on Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) has a long history of strong advocacy for the reform, prompting concerns about bias. University professor Margaret Otlowski is one of four review panel members whose expert report will help shape the state’s final voluntary assisted dying law, which is set to pass parliament in March. The panel was requested by Premier Peter Gutwein, a declared supporter of the bill, to provide independent and objective advice to MPs ahead of the vote. This advice is to include a comparison with legislation in other jurisdictions, an objective analysis of safeguards, the interrelationship between VAD and palliative care, and stakeholder feedback. Opponents of the bill have said they are concerned that the professor, as the key legal expert on the panel, has been a consistent and firm supporter of VAD.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 03 September 2020 08:29

Australia: National Solemn Assembly 26-27 Sept

For the Healing of the land

We invite the people of Australia and other Indigenous Elders to join with us in as we seek Gods face according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, and Joel 1:14, ‘for the healing of the land’.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

 “Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly; Gather the elders And all the inhabitants of the land Into the house of the LORD your God, And cry out to the LORD.” Joel 1:14

We have been working towards a National Solemn Assembly for the last ten years. This is the moment we have been waiting for. We are praying for ‘times of refreshing’ and the ‘healing of the land’ as the scripture says in Acts 3:19, “ Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

The ‘times of refreshing’ from the presence of the Lord that Peter the Apostle is talking about is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is found in Acts 2:1-21 That is what Australia needs.

We are praying that Australia will get a revelation of the love of God through Jesus Christ.

Matthew 18:20 gives us the key, “Where two or three are gathered together in My name there am I in the midst of them.”

Walker0920We thank the National Council of Churches Australia and the National Day of Prayer & Fasting and other groups who are helping to facilitate the National Solemn Assembly on behalf of the First Nation People.

We encourage you to pray together in your churches, in your homes and on the hills as we lift our nation up before God.

Join us as you are able on Zoom between 9AM – 9PM any time on both days at: undefined

Yours for our Nation

Ps Peter Walker


The explosion in Lebanon has reignited fears among Sydney residents where a huge chemical plant sits within three kilometres of the Sydney central business district (CBD). Residents have been demanding for years that the stockpile, four times larger than Beirut’s, should be moved away from the CBD and surrounding suburbs. Explosives expert Tony Richards said it is worth noting that plants used to produce and store ammonium nitrate and other explosive chemicals are not uncommon. There are thousands of facilities just like Beirut’s in Texas, Paris, and other places.

Published in Worldwide

National Day of Worship, Prayer and Fasting for an end to the Pandemic

Sunday 2 August 2020

“Jesus answered, the Scriptures says: Worship the Lord

your God and serve only Him!" Matthew 4:8

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:13,14

1. Worship the Lord & pray for our nation that we will come back to the Lord in a true spirit of repentance.

2. Pray for Australia & particularly Victoria for an end to the Pandemic!

3. Pray for America, Brazil, India and the rest of the world with over 16 Million COVID-19 cases recorded.

This National Day of Worship, Prayer & Fasting has been called by the National Day of Prayer & Fasting team in consultation with Australian Prayer Leaders to support the Day of Prayer called by Bishop Philip Huggins & the National Council of Churches in Australia regarding the Pandemic for Sunday 2 August 2020.  Draft 1-26/07/20


Warwick Marsh

National Day of Prayer & Fasting


PO Box 378

Unanderra NSW 2526

Thursday, 30 July 2020 21:15

Australia: national day of prayer

The National Council of Churches has called on all Christians across Australia to set aside Sunday 2 August as a day of prayer, worship and optional fasting, as the state of Victoria in particular continues to battle with the pandemic. The council’s president, Bishop Philip Huggins, said in a letter to member churches, ‘We all know the impact of the pandemic here and overseas, including on some of our own loved ones. At our council meeting this week, we directors all shared our vivid and poignant current reflections. What we can offer again now are our prayers together. Hence this encouragement to you all. It is comforting when we know we are all praying together to our Saviour. From our various traditions, there are prayer resources, ancient and contemporary, which we have been offering already.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 April 2020 21:51

Australia urges G20 action on wildlife markets

The Australian government wants G20 countries to take action on wildlife wet markets, calling them a ‘biosecurity and human health risk’. It is not calling for a ban, but believes they may need to be ‘phased out’. Although wet markets sell fresh meat and fish, some also sell wildlife. It is believed that coronavirus began in a Chinese wet market selling foxes, wolf cubs, civets, turtles, pangolins, and snakes. Australia’s agriculture minister said, ‘A market like the Sydney fish market is perfectly safe. But when you add live exotic wildlife, it opens up human risks to the extent we have seen.. China itself reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health that a wet wildlife market was the cause of Covid-19. WHO said, ‘When these markets are allowed to reopen, it should only be on the condition that they conform to stringent food safety and hygiene standards’.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 February 2020 07:20

Australia: United Prayer Rising

In South Korea, in 2016, generations from across the nations converged to fast and pray and believe God for the birthing of new, youth-led prayer and mission movements. After the UPRISING in Korea, young people have owned the vision and taken the zeal for united prayer to their respective regions and nations. The ‘waves’ have rolled out; there is now UPRISING in the Philippines, South Africa, Mongolia, Bolivia, Malaysia, Europe, Canada, Chile, Mexico, and California. On 14-18 July, in Sydney, Australia there is a calling for another United Prayer. The theme will be: ‘From the Womb to the World.’ and an estimated 1,500, young and old, will attend a four-day destiny-engaging event at the Rosehill racecourse, with even more expected to be present in the Solemn Assembly in Sydney. The organisers hope that many more will join them in catalysing waves of youth-led global prayer and mission movements at the UPRISING.

Published in Worldwide