Displaying items by tag: Birmingham

Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:18

Passion plays

A thousand years ago, the Church realised how powerful drama could be in communicating gospel truths, and started a tradition of mystery plays, portraying the whole Bible story. Passion plays - focussing on Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection - evolved from these, often using many local community members and seeking to entertain and instruct audiences. This year there will be at least twelve such plays up and down the UK. There is a one-man version, in and around Southampton; at the other end of the scale are the Birmingham Passion Play, with a community cast of nearly 100, starting at the Bullring shopping centre, and the Good Friday performances in Trafalgar Square which might draw 20,000 spectators. Pray for all those taking part in these plays, and for those who are out and about - shopping, on a lunch break, tourists, business people - who might unexpectedly find themselves watching ‘the greatest story ever told’. For more information, see

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:00

More Birmingham schools stop LGBT classes

Last week we prayed for sex education to be the responsibility of parents not schools. This week four more schools in Birmingham have stopped teaching about LGBT rights following complaints. The No Outsiders programme in Birmingham will now be suspended until an agreement with parents is reached. The debate began when Parkfield Community School suspended the lessons following parents’ protests. Campaigner Amir Ahmed said some Muslims felt ‘victimised’, but an LGBT group leader said No Outsiders helped pupils understand it is OK to be different. Leigh Trust said it was halting the lessons until after Ramadan, which finishes in June. Also, seven primary schools in Manchester, which have been contacted by parents unhappy over sex and relationships lessons that teach children about LGBT rights, have asked school management to discuss the inclusion of the lessons in the curriculum.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 09:47

Birmingham mosques attacked

On 21 March, five mosques in Birmingham were targeted in a string of violent attacks overnight and into the morning. Reports of a man smashing windows with a sledgehammer were received at 2:30 am. Officers were then alerted to four similar attacks nearby. West Midlands police said it has yet to establish a motive, and officers from its counter-terrorism unit are investigating. Since the tragic events in New Zealand, police officers and staff have been working closely with their faith partners across the region to offer reassurance and support at churches, mosques and places of prayer.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:38

Birmingham demonstrations

The ASCL, the second-largest head teachers’ union, has 18,500+ members, most of whom are in favour of relationship and sex education (RSE). Education secretary Damian Hinds will speak at their annual conference in Birmingham (15 to 16 March). In February he published new guidelines which state that parents will have no right to take their children out of RSE lessons. LGBT activist Andrew Moffat has been developing gay programmes while working as a teacher in Birmingham schools. Most recently he has piloted a programme called ‘No Outsiders’ at Parkfield School. Parents are currently protesting at Parkfield and calling for Moffat to go (see). Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman will also address the conference. She has condemned the parental protests and called for ‘sane, rational discussion’. Concerned Christians will be demonstrating outside the venue on both days, and ask for our prayers.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:28

Parkfield School: controversy over curriculum

Birmingham Mail recently reported clashes between parents and Parkfield Community School over a pilot curriculum challenging homophobia in primary schools. The deputy head of Parkfield, Andrew Moffat, who is openly gay, created the programme. The parents’ objection was not his sexuality, but the curriculum, called ‘No Outsiders’. They feel it goes against their religious beliefs regarding homosexual relationships. The school is mainly attended by Muslim children. Moffat has a lot of support in local government, and was given an MBE for services to education equality and diversity. Tristan Chatfield, the cabinet member for social inclusion, has suggested the parents are simply misinformed about what the school is trying to do. On 7 February dozens of parents gathered outside the school gates to object to transsexualism being taught to primary-age children. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 November 2018 00:42

Suffragette mosaic in Birmingham

A giant mosaic (20 metres high), made up of thousands of photos of ‘inspiring’ women, has been unveiled. Depicting Hilda Burkitt, a militant suffragette, it is now on show at Birmingham New Street station, where she threw a stone at the prime minister's train in 1909. Named Face of Suffrage, the artwork includes 3,724 photos from the public, who had responded to an appeal by artist Helen Marshall. Ms Marshall said: ‘The photo is the face of a smiling Edwardian lady, but her story is far from what we might expect.’ Jailed for breaking a window of Herbert Asquith's train, Burkitt went on hunger strike and was force-fed 292 times while at Birmingham's Winson Green prison. Ms Marshall said she chose Burkitt as the subject of her piece after people she spoke to ‘really seemed to connect’ with the picture the mosaic is based on. It will be on display until 14 December, marking 100 years since some British women were allowed to vote in a general election for the first time.

Published in British Isles
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:52

Join in with a global wave of prayer

We want to encourage you, as part of the World Prayer Centre family wherever you live in the world, to support The Archbishop of Canterbury’s call for Christians to join a wave of prayer across the UK and around the world. WPC will be providing resources and updates and will be working with church leaders in Birmingham to provide prayer points and prayer events in the city.

It’s not complicated – Thy Kingdom Come are simply asking people to pray in whatever way they want and with whoever they want for others to come to know Jesus Christ.

• Everyone is asked to Pledge2Pray by visiting www.thykingdomcome.global where there are resources to help and inspire. You can sign as an individual, family, church group, church, group of churches or organisation
• As Thy Kingdom Come falls in half term week in England resources are being prepared to help families engage wherever they are on holiday

The aims are:
• For people to pray with God’s world-wide family from 25 May – 4th June - individually, as a family or as part of a church

• For prayer events to be held across churches in the UK and the world. This will culminate in many larger ‘beacon’ events in cathedrals where communities gather to worship and to pray for the empowering of the Holy Spirit for effective witness.

• For people to be transformed through prayer by the Holy Spirit, finding new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Last year in May 2016 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York invited people to join a wave of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost. The response in May 2016 was overwhelming as hundreds of thousands joined in from churches of many denominations and different traditions around the UK and across the world.

For 2017 the vision is even bigger. The hope is to see at least 80 per cent of Church of England churches and cathedrals taking part as well as many other denominations and the churches of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Leaders from the international Methodist church, the Free churches, the Roman Catholic Church, Pentecostal churches and several of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches in the UK have all signalled their support.

“This is not a Church of England thing, it's not an Anglican thing, it's a Christian thing! “ World Prayer Centre see this as a very significant element in a fresh call to pray for our nation and expect a great move of God.
What can you do?
We would love people to champion “Thy Kingdom Come” at a local level. In February 2017, further resources and information will be available on www.thykingdomcome.global including tips and materials to download on prayer and details of prayer events and how to organize your own. Please look at these and ensure local clergy and church leaders are aware. Encourage them to engage.

UsePledge2Pray and you’ll be kept updated on new resources and information and if you’re on Facebook or Twitter reminders will be posted there.

Pray for a great wave of prayer to hit our nation and your local area. This is a really important time to keep praying – “Your Kingdom come, your will be done.”

“Jesus prayed at the Last Supper that we, those who follow Him, might ‘be one that the world might believe’. We are invited to make a lasting difference in our nations and in our world, by responding to his call to find a deep unity of purpose in prayer.” Archbishop Justin Welby

As more information becomes available we will keep all WPC family updated. It is a privilege for us at World Prayer Centre to partner with Thy Kingdom Come and for me to serve on the national steering group.

Jane Holloway National Prayer Director

Published in WPC News
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