Displaying items by tag: Canada

Please Pray with us for the 2019 Federal Elections in Canada:

1) Media - We are seeing an obvious manipulation of Canadians opinion in most of our mainstream national news forums. Global warming is being almost endlessly platformed and one news commentator stated that if you were interested in our environment and the future of our children, then there is only one party that you can vote for. (Liberal Party).

It is also what we are seeing that is not being reported. For example, we are not hearing of the huge protests and lawsuits being raised by many of our First Nations People regarding their desire to see pipelines built across our nation.

In addition, our current government has recently given over 600 million to news agencies that they deem to be good for our nation. This obvious ‘by-off’ by our government needs to be countered by righteousness.

2) Freedom of Speech / Religion - Three of the four main political parties have policy so that you cannot even run for those parties if you hold to a Pro-life viewpoint. This needs to be challenged in our Supreme Court as anti-democratic.

We are also seeing huge increases in those who want to be euthanized in Canada and many of our physicians and other medical personnel are being denied their freedom of conscience who would choose to not be implicitly involved.

3) Life - Canada is only one of three countries in the world with no law concerning abortion, (China, North Korea). In a recent Parliamentary meeting, one Member of Parliament stood announcing that Canada stands for abortion at any time in pregnancy and for any reason. (We are praying that the enemy has over-played his hand!).

4) Voter Turnout - Typically, there has not been a great difference between the percentage of Christians who vote and non-Christians. We are praying for effective national communication that will help pastors and other leaders to clearly see the crisis we are in. That boldness will replace fear and unrighteous issues will be addressed from our pulpits across Canada. Pray that Christians will be encouraged to register their voice in our nation by voting. What would happen if 100% of Christians voted?

5) Our God-Given Destiny - For Canada to arise and shine to fulfil her calling of Healing to the Nations, for Righteous Government to come forward in this season. (Recently submitted by the Canberra House of Prayer for Canada).

6) A Right Perspective Regarding Government - Please pray that Canadian Christians would not put all their focus on government as the only way we can positively change our nation. When we make all our problems political, we are saying therefore, that all our answers can only be political. This raises government to a place they were never meant to be. Jesus is the right solution, and he will be seen in us as we rightly minister to those around us, changing culture to eventually change government. Yes, prayer and righteous action are needed for our government, but let’s not make government something it was never intended to be.

Pray that Canadian Christians will develop a God-given compassion for those who are lost in our nation and are doing what they believe to be right in their own eyes.

Prepared by a National Prayer Leader in Canada
More info:
www.nationatprayer.ca, www.transformationcanada.ca/prayer-for-election/, and www.canadainprayer.com/prayer-for-canada

Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:24

Prayer for Canada

Numerous prophesies over the past decades have identified the nation of Canada’s end-time destiny to be one of healing to the nations.

The past 4 years have seen a government which has advanced a secular global agenda in political, economic and socio/sexual arenas.

As we approach an October election, many intercessors, churches and ministries have recognized the need for the global church to join us in coming together in unity for Canada’s future.

We recognize that we are at a critical crossroads needing to return to being a sheep nation for the Honour and Glory of God and our Christ.

Pray: That as Kingdom people we would unite and come up higher in Christ so we can worship and war from a heavenly/Kingdom position.

Pray: For one heart and mind as many ministries and believers come together from across the nation and the globe Aug 7th - 10th in Ottawa, the capital, to seek God for our nation.

Pray: For the everyday Christian in Canada not to get caught up in partisan politics but to wake up and arise and see our responsibility to pray for and vote in a righteous government so of the next generation will not lose any more of their Godly inheritance.

Pray: For wickedness to be fully exposed and truth to prevail among party agendas and alliances especially in the areas of parental rights, promoting of gender fluidity and LGBTQ agendas, the persecution of Christian values and immigration policies that court the Islamic vote and embrace the “progressive left

Pray: For the people of Canada not to be blinded or deceived by personalities but to desire and elect people who have the leadership giftings of moral integrity, economic understanding, administration and a foreign policy that supports Israel.

Pray: That this Election will serve God’s Purposes for Canada

Pray: That the Holy Spirit will guide Campaign Strategy

Pray: That Candidates will be filled with Integrity, Courage, Humility, and Grace

Pray: That the Holy Spirit will guide and guard the Thoughts and Speech of Candidates

Pray: That Candidates and Campaign Material will present Positions and Platforms Clearly, Openly and Fully

Pray: That Candidates and their Families will be granted Wisdom, Endurance and Protection

Pray: That the Holy Spirit will guide Electors in Examining Issues and Candidates, and in Voting

Pray: That Every Elector Will Cherish The Right to Vote

Pray: That elected candidates will be:

  • Individuals of Integrity, Discernment, Grace, Courage and Conviction
  • People of Vision, Perseverance & Character
  • Willing Servants

Carol Hay - North America Prayer Summit

More at: www.nationatprayer.ca, https://www.transformationcanada.ca/prayer-for-election/, and http://www.canadainprayer.com/prayer-for-canada

Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:16

Canada: Christians mobilising for elections

In September 2018, some evangelical leaders in British Columbia unveiled a statement on sexuality and gender identity after 21 days of fasting and prayer. ‘We believe this to be a historic moment both here in BC and Canada,’ said a pastor, in a video of the event. Supporters included Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, a People’s Party of Canada candidate who has been outspoken against sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) education in schools. The statement says, ‘We are hereby revealing, for the first time, the West Coast Christian accord, which in 14 articles provides a Biblical statement on the supremacy of Christ, the authority of scripture, salvation, marriage, sexual orientation, and gender identity.’ That document now forms the basis of the growing One Accord movement, which seeks to encourage Christians across Canada to vote in the upcoming election (on 21 October) for candidates who they think will protect their Christian beliefs.

Published in Worldwide

According to a clause introduced by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pro-life Christians are barred from federal funding unless they support a woman’s right to an abortion.

“I have met Justin Trudeau three times,” said Pastor Steve Long, a Canadian Baptist minister. “Sadly my last meeting with him in his office was very disappointing. He told me that evangelical Christians were the worst part of Canadian society.”

Trudeau’s enmity toward Christians is not solely against evangelicals. Canada under Trudeau has also become a very unwelcome place for Christians who flee from persecution in the Middle East.

Over 30,000 Syrian refugees were brought to Canada in an expedited manner and found themselves immediately taken care of by the Trudeau government. In the meantime, mass murder to the point of genocide of Christians has occurred within a number of Islamic nations. Trudeau has not breathed a word about the situation. Government assistance for the victims has been casual and minimal.

When questioned on his religious affiliations, Mr. Trudeau claims to be a Catholic. Yet inexplicably, his behaviour displays not an ounce of Christian identity or adherence to Christian values. It’s all so strange. In fact, his behaviour toward Christianity is downright punitive. Pushing mass abortion and euthanasia. Cancelling funding for church groups. Ignoring Christian persecution within foreign nations. Running down evangelicals.

If this is the behaviour of a believing Christian, than perhaps Osama Bin Laden deserved to be appointed Pope. Is Trudeau a practising Christian. or has another religious way of life captured his imagination? Either way, the man is as mystery of a prime minister – made all the more mysterious by establishment media obfuscation of his character and personal believe system.

Perhaps the truth will be revealed once Justin is removed from office, which according to current polls, is likely to be the case come the October, 2019 election. Thank God for this.


Pray: for true biblical values to be restored and upheld in Canada

Pray: that Canada will once again be a safe and welcoming place for those fleeing persecution and seeking sanctuary

More: https://capforcanada.com/justin-trudeau-informs-minister-religious-christians-worst-part-of-society/

Thursday, 09 May 2019 23:27

Aasia Bibi’s ordeal finally ends

Aasia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian freed from death row last year, has arrived in Canada with her husband to join her daughters. She had suffered repeated death threats from religious extremists when her conviction for blasphemy was quashed. In 2018 the Islamist movement Tehreek-e-Labbaik went on the rampage in Islamabad and Lahore when she was acquitted. Protesters attacked public property and burnt cars. Although Aasia has been released, please continue to pray for the countless, nameless, Christians (and others from minority faiths) still languishing in Pakistan’s prisons after unproven accusations of blasphemy.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 April 2019 22:11

Canada: floods affect 2,300 homes

On 24 April, prime minister Justin Trudeau visited a flood evacuation centre in Quebec where 300+ people were sheltering from floodwaters caused by spring rains and a thaw which affected thousands of homes in the province. Authorities are monitoring water levels as rain continues, and water levels across the region are not expected to peak until 26-27 April. Soldiers stacked sandbags and built dykes as floodwaters kept rising from 22 April onwards. Roads were closed as rivers expanded. Premier François Legault indicated that Quebec may offer incentives for people to move out of areas that flood every year permanently. ‘If we have to force people to move, we will have to do it.’ The Canadian Red Cross has a disaster relief fund to help residents rebuild their homes. The provinces of New Brunswick and Ontario are also waterlogged. Soldiers have been deployed to help with sandbagging in communities affected along the St John River. 55 roads and bridges are affected, with 36 of them either closed or partially closed. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 22 March 2019 08:58

Canada: Ears to Hear

The second largest country in the world is sparsely populated, so Ears to Hear unites intercessors across Canada. We can join them in praying for their Churches to experience a great move of God’s Spirit, manifested in prayer and heart-felt closeness to God. Pray that during Lent there will be a powerful time of encountering God! May the Spirit’s call to fasting, prayer and softened hearts bring the Church back to her first love (Revelation 2:4, 3:19,20). Pray also for the harvest fields. Contend that the Lord will bring hunger for God in the areas of the nation that seem most resistant to the gospel, and that the fields will be prepared to receive the gospel.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 December 2018 10:58

Canada: forced sterilisation of indigenous women

In 2017 two indigenous women alleged that they were coerced into undergoing sterilisation at a Saskatchewan hospital. More than sixty women have now joined them in a pending class action lawsuit, seeking compensation for the violation of their rights, supported by Amnesty International (see). The legal challenge centres on whether proper and informed consent was obtained before the women were sterilised. One woman said she explicitly refused to have her fallopian tubes tied when staff suggested the procedure after the birth of her son. On 7 December the UN officially called on Canada to ‘ensure that all allegations of forced or coerced sterilisation are impartially investigated, and the persons responsible held accountable with adequate redress for the victims’. Pray for policies and accountability mechanisms across all provinces to ensure there are clear regulations around free will, and informed consent.

Published in Worldwide

On 28 October a Catholic couple launched a children’s faith-filled video adventure series called The Opus Joyous Show, featuring 3D animation, puppets, music, rockets, ships, pirates, and a time-travelling Bible. There are four 23-minute episodes featuring ‘characters with character - children, their family, their friends, a priest and a nun - who work together with the grace of God to try and stop the evil villain Captain Barnacle and his shady plan for utter darkness upon the world’. Opus is the little boy hero, and Joyous is his dog. Parents have concerns about the time children spend on electronic media, and the show intends to create an authentically Catholic video series for children to enjoy.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 November 2018 10:57


He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, from the River to the farthest parts of the earth. Psalm 72:8

Dearest Pastors and Signatories,

The Accord Movement is growing daily! In the last 3 weeks we have had over 10,000 people visit our website with an average of 103 people signing daily. There are now more than 418 Pastors who have signed on worldwide. The Accord is becoming more and more International. In my first update, people from 20 Nations had signed on as of today that number has more than doubled going over 50. The top 5 nations and provinces are:


  1. Nigeria - 85
  2. United States - 76
  3. United Kingdom - 72
  4. Australia - 11
  5. Ghana – 10


  1. BC - 1980
  2. AB - 295
  3. ON - 249
  4. MB - 164
  5. SK - 87

We have sensed that in order for this to become the global movement that we are sensing God wants it to be that we are needing to change the umbrella name to OneAccord.

BC will continue to operate under the name West Coast Christian Accord. But the movement will be called OneAccord from now on and the website will soon be converted over to www.oneaccord.one

We would hope to establish chapters across Canada and the world. I will be traveling to present OneAccord in Calgary and Edmonton early next month. Pastor Giulio will be presenting in Saskatchewan. I just now got off the phone with a key Pastor who was inquiring for Quebec. Bless the Lord. Ontario is right now in the planning stages for launching D21.

As we all know we are only days away from the municipal election. What I am finding is that there are so many people running in every municipality that people are genuinely confused about who is who, and their positions. NEWS1130 just sent out a voter position guide. I posted this on my own personal FB page - maybe you could too: https://www.citynews1130.com/2018/10/15/anti-sogi-endorsements/

You can also refer to letsvote.ca and elections.bc.ca

Over 3,199 committed Christians have signed the West Coast Christian Accord (WCCA), a declaration of covenant upholding Biblically-based truth on human identity, sexuality, marriage and the responsibility to protect all children.

For more information please contact:

Pastor Kevin Cavanaugh
Lead Pastor, Cedar Grove Baptist Church
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Pastor Giulio Gabeli
Lead Pastor, Westwood Community Church
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Pastor Paul Dirks
Lead Pastor, New West Community Church
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