Displaying items by tag: Christian persecution

Friday, 11 August 2017 15:17

Iran: What made you hate me?

Eight days after receiving a 15-year prison sentence and nearly a year after he was first detained, Muslim convert to Christianity Amin Afshar Naderi wrote an open letter to Iranian authorities. ‘What have I done against you and our country that made you hate me this much? I have learned from the Bible to love my enemies and to pray for those who hate me,’ his letter began. In July Amin was sentenced to 15 years in prison: 10 years for ‘acting against national security by organising and conducting house churches’” and an additional five years for blasphemy. Two other believers received 10-year sentences at the same time. In his letter, Amin said during his interrogations, he had been spoken to abusively, mocked and insulted, but he prays for the health of his interrogators. He also said his fellow prisoners were forced to sign a false statement against him, and that officials wrongly reported that Amin had insulted their religious beliefs.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 August 2017 10:57

Laos: Homeless

‘A’ woke up to the sounds of someone burning her house down. She grabbed her baby son and escaped. This was one of many hardships she had faced since deciding to leave her tribe’s traditional religion and follow Jesus. Laotians believe Christianity is an American religion. When someone in the community becomes a Christian, the community worries that the spirits they worship will be offended, and that the community might also suffer ill-effects as a result. ‘K’, his wife and daughter were recently evicted from their home by their eldest son. ‘K’ is a Christian leader of a church that he planted years ago after moving to the unreached region as a missionary.  ‘K’s son despises his parents’ faith and drank and used drugs. He demanded his inheritance from his father and said that the house should be his portion.  K and his family now live under a roof in a rice field.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 August 2017 10:36

Update - NHS worker’s legal battle

Last week we prayed for religious freedom to be protected and upheld in the UK when Victoria Wasteney took her legal case to an Employment Appeal Tribunal. (see: http://www.prayer-alert.net/british-isles-ireland-pa-site/item/9618-christian-nhs-worker-s-legal-battle )  This appeal was refused and she is now taking her case to the European Courts. Victoria's career has been damaged simply for reaching out to a Muslim colleague with whom she had a friendly, positive relationship, and who at the time seemed grateful for her Christian support. The ensuing court cases have not displayed justice. It evidences the increasing hostility towards Christians and Christianity in the UK.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 July 2017 10:32

Iraq: will Christians be welcomed back?

The Government has allocated $100 billion for post-IS reconstruction in Iraq following the recapture of Mosul and other devastated towns in the Nineveh plains. The worst-destroyed areas are in the historic heartland of Iraqi Christianity, but will Christians be welcomed back? Many  who fled the region in 2014 remain deeply sceptical that they will ever be able to return safely, recounting how their Muslim neighbours helped evict them and destroyed or commandeered their homes while IS militants deliberately destroyed churches. A member of the Nineveh Council told journalists that any plans for the future must be to eliminate ‘ideological extremism from the culture of the people of Mosul, who have been living for three years with IS inflammatory rhetoric, and to prevent the emergence of a new generation inspired by the culture of hate’.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 07 July 2017 15:13

Ireland: anti-Christian persecution

Christianity, no matter what form it takes, has now become unacceptable to the political and media establishments. The Bishops of Ireland call it 'a kind of persecution'. Viewed from a distance, anti-Christian activity might seem to have undergone merely an increase in intensity. But a closer inspection reveals that something more fundamental has changed. It is more subtle, taking the form of gradual exclusion of Church people or Christian activities from the public space. There is denigration of religious beliefs, practices and institutions on radio, television and on social and other media. There is often a focus on bad news about the Church, to the almost total exclusion of good news. The message is clear, in Ireland and in Britain alike: the persecution of the Christian faith has been ratcheted up a notch.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:17

Iran: election on 19 May

Ethnic Persians are born Muslim. It is illegal to run Christian activities in Farsi, the national language. Despite this, Christians from a Muslim background make up the largest group of Christians in Iran. A few years ago International Freedom of Religion or Belief reported, ‘There was cautious optimism when Hassan Rouhani became president that his influence would soften harsh policies toward religious and ethnic minorities. Sadly, his moderate language has not translated into any meaningful improvement.’ Since he is aiming for another term in office, many believe that next month’s elections pose an ultimate vote of confidence. Pray for political changes in Iran that will allow for freedom of religion. A Persian who leaves Islam can be sentenced to death if male, and life imprisonment if female. For many Muslim families, it is a disgrace when a family member converts. Pray for protection and provision for Christians who have been cursed and disowned by their families. See also:

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:11

Prayer changes things - Christian persecution

The persecution of Christians is real, global, and brutal; it occurs every day, and is worsening. Pray for more people to learn about their plight, and raise their voices for those who are suffering. Pray for God to give successful strategies to those actively working towards advancing the cause of religious freedom throughout the world. Pray for the persecuted people who have had to leave their communities. Ask God to give them peace and rest and be with them in circumstances for which life had not prepared them. Some people have had to reach some level of compromise and accommodation with their oppressor to survive. Pray for governments to remove oppressive regimes peacefully in countries where communities are under siege and for God to surround displaced people with comfort. Pray for those risking martyrdom to be wise in all their actions, and for God to be with the families of martyrs. For an informative resume of a symposium on persecution in Paris this week, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Worldwide