Displaying items by tag: Community

Friday, 27 January 2017 10:04

Germany: integration of refugees

‘One of the most important issues of our time is how to integrate refugees into German society. Integration works best by involvement in everyday life - in a day-care centre or school, in learning a trade or in a place of work. Here the refugees can come into direct contact with the German language and culture and can also become familiar with the social norms and customs of our society. Integration into the job market however takes time; this might be because of lack of qualifications, or few opportunities for apprenticeships or vocational training. Many refugees remain in temporary accommodation for a long time, with no prospects for work or a more permanent place to live. The ready availability of social housing is an essential component of a successful integration plan: but a home of your own must be affordable not only for refugees but also for the low wage earners, the unemployed and pensioners. These also should not be forgotten! Much patience is often expected also from them. To ensure the keeping of peace and harmony in communities, the task of effective integration requires our constant prayer.’

Published in Europe
Friday, 20 January 2017 09:17

Friday Focus - HOPE 2018

‘I have given them the glory that You gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and You in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent me and have them even as You have loved me.’ (John 17:22-23) HOPE unites the church across denominations, race, culture and customs. An unprecedented number of churches are committed to mission in 2018. The dream is to grow the church by 10 per cent. Thank God for churches working together. Pray that Christians will show God’s reconciling love and peace. Consider meeting to pray with other churches in your area.

(written by Rev’d Yemi Adedeji, Redeemed Christian Church of God)

Published in British Isles

At least 500 churches, syn­agogues, and mosques across the UK have opened their doors to homeless people in the past year, a report by the charity Housing Justice says. Volunteers donated more than 490,000 hours to the 34 church and community night-shelter projects that contributed data to the report - an average of 14,850 hours per shelter. The report was produced to draw attention to the plight of homeless people in the UK and the work of night shelters. It says that these shelters stayed open for an average of 114 days during the year, with a total of 1,920 guests (84 per cent of them male). The findings were published as the Prime Minister announced extra funds for helping the homeless. Speaking last month, Mrs May said, ‘In the run-up to Christmas, images of soup kitchens and hostels remind us of the vital lifeline provided by charities and local services to those facing a night on the streets. But today I have witnessed a different kind of support, one which seeks to stop people ending up on the street altogether by providing assistance to address their most immediate needs, and - crucially - giving them the skills and oppor­tunities to help them build a more secure future for themselves.’

Published in British Isles
Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:57

Europe - a hope and refuge

Millions are fleeing from the tyranny of war, famine, and heartache in the largest movement of people since WWII. For most, Europe offers the only hope of safety, and many risk the very real threat of death on their journeys to refuge. Often these people are seen as a problem, but while our enemy can use people to kill, steal, and destroy, God sees each and every person as a unique and loved creation. Greater Europe Mission (GEM) is just one of the many organisations which are working to meet the needs of the millions of vulnerable and hurting displaced people in train stations, courtyards, and fields across Europe. Unfortunately defensive reactions, not open-handed welcome, is the response from many citizens in receiving countries. Anxiety about those who are ‘different’ is driving people to fear and reject refugees.  Pray for Christians in these countries to lead the way by offering rest and refreshment, and lifting burdens.

Published in Europe
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