Displaying items by tag: Donald Trump

Friday, 03 November 2017 11:31

Iran: weapons-grade uranium warning

Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran’s nuclear programme chief, said on 29 October that Iran can begin producing weapons-grade nuclear material quickly if the nuclear deal with foreign powers fails, and insisted that international inspectors would not be given access to Iranian military sites. In early October President Trump told the world, ‘Iran is not in compliance with the deal, and it needs to be renegotiated even though our allies, and even our enemies, do not agree.’ Mr Trump said that the agreement had not curbed Iran’s missile programme and destabilising activities in the Middle East. Mr Salehi said that, although Tehran prefers to keep the agreement intact, they could quickly ramp up uranium enrichment to produce 20% enriched uranium in four days. He made these comments after meeting the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano. Mr Amano also met President Rouhani and foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. See

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:09

Evil Plans for Revolutionary Violence in the USA

"Get ready for the Second Coming of Barack Hussein Obama. THE COMEBACK! Ready or not, Obama will emerge from the shadows that have been sheltering him as ‘Leader of the Resistance’, for a 2-day Global Summit in Chicago, where he floats the hope that young civic leaders gathered for the Summit call will live on to “change the world”.

"Note that Resistance Leader Obama, flush with a $60-million plus book deal and a $1-billion, modern, stone-and-glass complex on Lake Michigan planned as the Obama Presidential Center for a 2021 opening, is not creeping back to the front of the battle lines, but will be strutting across the stage, in full theatrical glory at Chicago’s Hyatt Regency McCormick Place."


"The Obama center is no longer just the dream blueprint of an egomaniac. It is theObamaFoundation, the former president’s 3-year-old nonprofit forglobalchange, that is hosting the global summit onOct. 31 and Nov. 1and bringing to reality, the future site of the Obama Presidential Center in the City of Chicago.

“Expected to be completed in 2021, it will be located in Jackson Park, a space designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. The 500-acre, lakefront park already includes the Museum of Science and Industry, a beach, golf courses and athletic facilities."

Nov. 4th: Progressive/left are boasting as their biggest demonstration to date

Even with Obama’s September video calling on civic youth to come together to “change the world”, and with his inaugural global summit heralding the attendance of the Prince of Wales, comments on some sites promoting the big Chicago global event total zero in their comment sections.

But it’s the timing of the summit that presents the most clear and present danger. The summit will be followed three short days later by what the progressive/left are boasting as their biggest demonstration to date, the one whose hopes ride on FINALLY removing both Donald Trump and Michael Pence from office.

Tom Trento, of theUnited Westsends this warning to the United States: “OnNovember 4, 2017the Marxist Left will attack American cities to destroy President Trump.”

Read read full article with sources here:  http://canadafreepress.com/article/the-big-obama-comeback-to-be-followed-by-the-big-trump-takedown

Let’s pray for the overthrow of these evil plans of globalists to ignite anarchy and revolutionary violence in order to bring down the U.S. government and to create a New World Order.

1. Pray that the "global summit" Obama and his people are planning for Oct 31 to Nov 1 will be a non-event, even a complete bust, and that those participating will see right through him, being repulsed by his noble-sounding but narcissistic and false vision.

2. Let's also pray that groups like Antifa and associated radical leftist groups that are socialist-communist-anarchist in their political stance and who are prepared to use violence to destroy our elected president and government will be stopped (even arrested) and shown up to the American people as being an evil danger to our nation. May they and their philosophy be rejected wholesale by the American people and especially the youth whose support they are courting!

3. Pray that the US government will be effective in forcefully coming against and neutralizing such radical groups and that any plans for violent demonstrations on Nov 4th will be unsuccessful so that any socio-political revolution intended will be quashed by our police and military and so that lives and property will be kept from harm.

4. Behind all of those human actors who are wrong-headed or are planning outright harm and evil there are spiritual forces of darkness that want to use people in these ways. Let's indeed use the Lord's authority to bind Satan and such demonic beings, preventing them from bringing chaos and destruction upon the USA.

Friday, 22 September 2017 10:43

Theresa May at the UN

In a keynote speech at the UN General Assembly, the Prime Minister said Britain will continue to be the second biggest contributor to the UN, but warned that 30% of the annual £90 million funding for agencies would be ring-fenced for those showing ‘sufficient results’. She said the UN must change ‘in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century’. This echoed President Trump's earlier message that financial contributions to the UN were now under threat. Mrs May vowed Britain ‘will never let anyone destroy our way of life’, following recent terror attacks. She condemned the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons in Syria and North Korea’s controversial nuclear weapons programme, and warned Donald Trump that withdrawing from the Paris climate change treaty ranked alongside North Korea’s nuclear missile tests as a threat to global security.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 September 2017 10:11

Bankrupt Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has been in a painful recession since 2006; previous governments dug it deeper into debt by borrowing to pay operating expenses, year after year. For the last two years, officials have been seeking assistance from Washington, testifying before stern congressional committees and even before the supreme court. In May, with creditors at its heels and its coffers depleted, it sought what is essentially bankruptcy relief in federal court, the first time in history that an American state or territory has taken this extraordinary measure, because of a $123 billion debt. Government workers are foregoing pension money; public health and infrastructure projects are not happening because of the crushing weight of debt. Now, Hurricane Maria has ripped through Puerto Rico, causing potentially thirty billion dollars in damage and threatening to exacerbate the population exodus that has helped push the island into bankruptcy. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 25 August 2017 17:07

Afghanistan: unreached people, US military

Thousands of missionaries worldwide depend on our prayers for strength. Afghanistan is just one of the nations where people groups have not yet heard about Jesus Christ. Cultural traditions that have survived centuries of invasion are guarded and observed, like that of offering extraordinary hospitality. A strong national identity and their characteristic hard work ethic will doubtless serve community members well as Afghanistan rebuilds. In addition to Islamic beliefs, spiritism (using charms and amulets) is also widespread. Pray for the Christians in the extra American military soon to be deployed to Afghanistan by President Trump. May God inspire them with a spirit of evangelism as they meet the locals who have known frequent war and internal tribal strife. Ask God to restore political peace and stability among tribes, and call for more Christian workers who are trained in the various language dialects to enter Afghan’s mission fields. Pray for Christian relief workers in Pakistan as they witness among displaced Afghans. See also https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/14372/AF

Published in Worldwide

Ecclesiastes 9:17,18 says, ‘The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good.’ Tensions around Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un are dangerous. No one is backing down in their war of words. Yesterday Trump implied in a tweet that he had North Korea to back down over its threat to Guam. It is a dangerous misperception that could cause the crisis to escalate. Trump could miss the best chance he will have to halt the missile tests that threaten the American homeland. Anxious about annual US-South Korea military exercises that begin next week, Pyongyang has presented the US with clear choices: reduce tensions or face a destabilising missile strike to the waters around Guam. Kim Jong-un is waiting to see what the ‘foolish Yankees’ do next. Pray for God's protection over Korea, Japan, Guam, and the USA.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 18 August 2017 15:46

Bishop attacks Trump and ‘Christian Right'

The Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines, has launched a scathing attack on the 'narcissistic amorality' of 'lying' Donald Trump, along with the American 'Christian Right' for failing to recognise the president's traits before he was elected last November. This assault on Trump and his evangelical backers was in a blog written in the wake of violence by white supremacists in Charlottesville, which Trump failed specifically to condemn on two occasions. But the blog goes broader than Charlottesville; it charts Trump's 'consistent' positions on domestic and international areas including North Korea, Russia and Nato. Bishop Baines blames what he calls the 'Christian Right' for failing to see this disastrous presidency coming. ‘His misogyny, amorality, financial track record, sexual behaviour, narcissism and nepotism would have ruled out the candidacy of any other semi-reputable politician for the presidency of the USA.’

Published in British Isles

Donald Trump said the US would consider any lever, diplomatic, economic or military, to forestall North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and tweeted, ‘North Korea is looking for trouble.’ But experts say Pyongyang’s latest missile launch has underlined the futility of his efforts to bully Kim Jong-un into abandoning his nuclear ambitions. ‘There is a problem with playing the military threat card with North Korea because they are inclined to call the bluff,’ said John Delury, a North Korea expert in Seoul. ‘I’m not saying they tested because of the threats. But bringing a naval strike group doesn’t help if your goal is to put off a test. If anything you are increasing the odds.’ Delury added that sabre-rattling rhetoric and erratic use of force would only strengthen Kim’s determination to develop a nuclear deterrent to spare him the fate of Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:19

London mayor accused of double standards

Ex-UKIP chief Nigel Farage has accused London mayor Sadiq Khan of hypocrisy for attacking US President Trump’s travel ban while inviting ambassadors from countries which refuse entry to Israeli citizens. At a meeting in City Hall on Tuesday night, Khan condemned Trump’s so-called ‘Muslim ban’ for being a ‘cruel, prejudiced and counterproductive’ policy. Also present at the reception were diplomatic representatives from eleven of the sixteen countries which do not allow entry to Israelis. Farage took to Twitter to call the London mayor a hypocrite. However, LSE professor and Middle East expert Fawaz A Gerges told the Independent that the two situations are totally different. ‘Trump’s ban is a Muslim ban, based on religious discrimination and racial discrimination. The relationship between Israel and its Arab neighbours is one of war since 1947 - for the last 70 years. By trying to force comparison, it just flies in the face of reality, it’s apples and oranges, sky and sea,’ he said. ‘What Trump has done has undermined America as a moral voice in the world.’

Published in British Isles
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:31

The Disunited States

America and new President Donald Trump has been hitting the news headlines repeatedly in recent days. He lost the popular votes but won a majority of States through the electoral college system. America was deeply divided under President Obama and remains so under President Trump. It is not simply a political divide, there are divides across the age groups, rural voters v city voters and deep divisions on ethnic lines.

From a Christian perspective we believe unity is high on God’s agenda. Many American cities are working hard to bring the churches together so people around them see one body. Globally we believe there is a spiritual special relationship between the USA and the UK. We are both called to take the gospel to the world.

So at a time when Christians are arguing vehemently on Facebook and Twitter that Donald Trump is the Lord’s anointed, and others that he is just plain dangerous, we recommend three pray points:

  • God bless America - we believe America has a key role in showing and communicating the gospel and we pray for God’s hand on its government and President - give them wisdom and may God’s will be done.
  • God strengthen our links - at a time of great disagreements we pray the UK and USA might stand together as servants, ready to do what you call us to do.
  • Bring healing - the disagreements are so fierce but God says He wants His church to be one so that the world will know Him. Disunity is the enemies strategy. Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit miracle of unity, heal the hurts, enable your people to disagree but stand together.
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