Displaying items by tag: Election

Friday, 29 September 2017 11:36

Germany: influence of AfD

Alternative for Germany (AfD), founded in 2013, is a right-wing populist and Eurosceptic political party. In 2016 it made an alliance with the Freedom Party of Austria, with both party leaders saying border control officers should use armed force if necessary to protect the border. By May 2017, the AfD had gained representation in 13 of the 16 German state parliaments. Now it has become the third largest party in the German parliament, partly because immigration was the main election issue. Postwar Germany is multicultural, tolerant and liberal: abhorring war, and defending the environment, human rights and international teamwork. BUT the influx of over one million Muslim migrants, Russia’s dramatic resurgence, and Europe’s rolling financial problems are arousing other feelings and aspirations. These emotions don’t square with the desire to be tolerant and multicultural. Many are saying that a more powerful, more assertive, more terrifying Germany is coming.

Published in Europe
Friday, 15 September 2017 09:45

Germany: election on 24 September

Angela Merkel has been chancellor since 2005. Her Lutheran faith (she calls it an inner compass) expresses itself in her unflashy style and her instincts - debt is bad; helping the needy, good. She thinks ethically, not ideologically. ‘I’m a bit liberal, a bit Christian-social, a bit conservative’, she said in 2009. Her years in office have made her a familiar figure to Germans and to the world. However, Germany needs reform. The lowest-paid 40% of German workers are earning less than 20 years ago. Foodbank use is up. The rate of investment has been dropping since 2012. Bridges creak and potholed roads challenge even the best-engineered suspensions. The economically crucial car industry has been tainted, as has the country’s air, by emissions from the diesel engines it favours (a scandal it tried to cover up). Dirty coal is filling gaps left by closing nuclear plants, and the country’s carbon-dioxide emissions are up.

Published in Europe

President Erdogan labelled mainstream German political parties and their leaders - including Mrs Merkel - ‘enemies of Turkey’, and called on Turks not to vote for them in Germany’s elections on 24 September. This raised hackles on the German side; Mrs Merkel called it ‘meddling’ in German elections, saying that voters had the right to vote freely, regardless of background. SPD leader Martin Schulz said Erdogan ‘had lost any sense of proportion.’ Meanwhile, AfD leader Frauke Petry faces a perjury fight. Ms Petry moved the AfD to the right after it was founded as an anti-euro movement. In 2016, amid the influx of migrants and refugees into Germany, she suggested that police should ‘if necessary’ shoot at migrants seeking to enter illegally. Now there are calls for her to lose her immunity from prosecution over allegations of perjury (she is suspected of making false statements under oath before a parliamentary committee in November 2015). AfD hopes to enter Berlin’s parliament in September’s election. See also http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40961113

Published in Europe
Friday, 11 August 2017 15:21

Kenya: Election

A top Kenyan electoral official said the election commission's database was unsuccessfully targeted by a hacking attempt. Wafula Chebukati, the commission chairman’s comments came on the 10 August after allegations by opposition leader Raila Odinga that hackers infiltrated the database and manipulated results in favour of President Uhuru Kenyatta in the election on 8 August. At the time of writing the tallying of the final results is continuing with Kenyatta holding a strong lead. Clashes between police and opposition supporters have erupted in several areas with people being shot and killed, following Odinga's allegations. In the port city of Kisumu, the hometown of Odinga, police used tear gas and shot at supporters of the opposition leader, said demonstrator Sebastian Omolo. Kisumu shopkeeper Festus Odhiambo said he was praying for peace even as protesters blocked roads into city slums with bonfires and boulders. Everyone is keeping an eye on what the opposition leaders will do if Kenyatta is declared the winner. See: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/08/kenya-police-protesters-clash-poll-fraud-claim-170809081850902.html

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 14 July 2017 10:26

India: high stakes in 17 July election

India's politics are complicated by caste, racial and religious prejudices, and cultural identity. The constitution outlawed the caste system, but it is very much alive. It also guarantees religious freedom, but increasing persecution threatens that liberty. On 17 July Indians will elect a new president. The leading candidates, Mr Ram Nath Kovind and Mrs Meira Kumar, are Dalits (formerly known as ‘untouchables’). Mr Kovind is anti-Christian and anti-Muslim. Mrs Meira is said to ‘represent the values that bind India as a nation.’ Prime minister Modi wants a Hindu nation. There is a very real danger that Christians could be marginalised by the outcome of this election. An Indian Christian pastor is urging Christians reading this prayer alert to pray, ‘binding demonic spirits that are forcing through anti-conversion laws and trying to wipe out the Christian presence in India. Bind the spirit of confusion and pray for truth to reign, for God's perfect plan for India to prevail.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 26 May 2017 12:03

Every vote counts

Every election is important, and many believe this next government will be strategic in this season of praying and working towards a harvest. Across the UK we are seeing significant numbers of people becoming Christians, more unity between churches and organisations, and people of other faiths having visions of Jesus. But there is growing uncertainty, with more mental health issues, homelessness, poverty, addiction, and broken families. Elections are contested spiritually. Satan will be resisting God’s sovereign purpose. It is time to pray that our extraordinary, merciful Father will touch our nations. Paul reminds us that it is God’s plan to have the right people in authority to enable people to be saved (1Timothy 2:1-4). With this in mind the World Prayer Centre has put together a document with prayer points for each day from 25 May to 12 June. To access this resource click the ‘More’ link.

Published in British Isles
Tagged under
Friday, 26 May 2017 11:50

Election manifesto agendas

The main parties have published their policies. But how many voters will read the manifestos? Prophecy Today has highlighted things that reveal the spirit behind their promises. Two of the social issues cropping up across all three are extending sex education to all children and promoting LGBT+ lifestyles. The Conservatives ‘will introduce comprehensive relationships and sex education in all primary and secondary schools’. Labour will ‘make age-appropriate sex and relationship education a compulsory part of the curriculum, and ensure all teachers receive ongoing training on how to address relationships and sex education that is LGBT inclusive.’ The Liberal Democrats will ‘include teaching about sexual consent, LGBT+ relationships, and issues surrounding explicit images and content’. For further insights into how the parties will tackle hate crime, strengthen equalities laws, and promote humanist values, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles

There are certain critical issues that quickly reveal whether a society recognises or rejects the reality that we are made in God’s image and pursue God’s values. It is vital that Christians speak out on them, even if others want to bury them. Politicians may want to tell us that the big issue in this election is the economy, the NHS, or immigration. They are not unimportant but none is the most fundamental. In fact, some of the challenges we face in those areas are simply symptoms of a deeper problem. The biggest issue isn't Brexit. It's a moral, relational and spiritual challenge; freedom, family, life and Christianity. Pray for the result of this election to cause our nations to turn and walk the ancient paths of our Christian heritage. Pray for a new confidence in the value and relevance of Christianity in our culture.

Published in British Isles

Iran’s presidential election today is seen as a referendum on Hassan Rouhani’s outreach to Western nations and his nuclear deal with world powers. The following are comments by some Tehran residents: ‘- I decided not to vote; candidates do not consider the future of our youth. - People have difficulty making a living. - I will not vote, I do not know any of these candidates and I do not trust any of them. - Voting or not voting will not make any difference. - I vote because of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the enemies around my country. - The biggest challenge of Iran is the mismanagement. If the president stops the reckless use of people’s assets by officials, it is possible to improve the situation. - 80% of the young people I know are jobless even though they hold master’s degrees. - Voting is a way of showing our protest to the heads of the ruling system.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 12 May 2017 11:02

Being alert in prayer for the election

Many believe this election is a key step in God’s plans for our nations, and are expecting a great move of God with a time of harvest. The election comes four days after Pentecost - the celebration of God’s Spirit breaking out. God is placing an opportunity in our hands to bless the UK. Please encourage your friends and church to pray. Just as the political parties stir people up to canvass and promote their issues, we should be encouraging people to pray. Every election is contested spiritually, and this is no exception, Satan will be resolute in resisting God’s sovereign purpose. God calls us to partner with Him to bless where we live locally and bless our nations. We need to pray for God’s sovereign will and purpose. Pray also for the Christians standing for election to know His peace, and walk close with Him in this busy and demanding time.

Published in British Isles