Displaying items by tag: Evangelism

Friday, 16 March 2018 10:11

Intercessor Focus: praying for Easter

Easter is a great opportunity for evangelism. Pray for the body of Christ across our nations to recognise every opportunity to talk to the people they meet regularly about Easter’s actual meaning. Pray for each church denomination to be anointed by God to go where He sends them. Pray for a fresh Holy Spirit enabling so that God’s people do all that He has called them to do, and for the Church to use all its resources to impact with power the lives of those who do not yet realise the price Jesus paid for them. May each Easter service be an occasion of supernatural discovery of biblical truths. Pray also for church-based courses and initiatives like Alpha to explode onto the social scene, building influential life-changing bridges in communities not yet touched by Holy Spirit-led evangelism. May the Church see prayer and mission powerfully united, achieving amazing results.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:30

South Korea: Olympics opportunities

Over five billion people across the world are not followers of Jesus, and two billion have never even heard the Gospel. Most will never hear unless somebody tells them. Pyeongchang has welcomed the world for the 2018 Olympic Games. 92 nations are participating. The world's best athletes are competing side by side with people from every corner of the world. They represent every possible worldview, religious background, and political system. Many - maybe most - of these athletes, families, and fans have never heard the Gospel. This is a special window of time for Christian athletes and participants to shine His light to those around them. What if the Olympic Games became an open door for the message of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed to the nations? Pray for an anointing of evangelism for every Christian involved in the Olympic Games.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 February 2018 07:18

Bolivia: Urgent Prayer Request

We extend greetings and blessings from the Christian church in Bolivia. We are very grateful for your prayers in favor of our continent. Those who could participate in the UPRISING organized in Bolivia in November 2017, now understood in greater depth the role of prayer to transform a nation and now we can see many results of those days of UPRISING, since the prayer in Bolivia has risen a lot.

On January 10, 2018, the Extraordinary Assembly of the National Association of Evangelicals of Bolivia (ANDEB) was held, with the participation of different denominations, missions, evangelical organizations, and some Evangelical United Departmental and Regional Churches to analyze the situation of the country and draw conclusions and determinations regarding the enactment by the President in exercise of Law 1005 of the Code of Procedure of the Bolivian Criminal System, as according to this Code, our country faces the possibility that as of 2019, evangelism activities are punishable by law.

In this sense, we request you to pray for our country, with the following prayer requests:

1. Pray for the ABROGATION of the aforementioned Law 1005 of the New Bolivian Penal Code.

2. Pray for the unity of ALL the Evangelical Church in Bolivia through its National, Departmental and Regional representation bodies in such a way that we are one voice, according to the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ "So that all may be one ... so that the world believes that you sent me.”

Cochabamba, January 18th, 2018
Asamblea General Extraordinaria
Asociación Nacional de Evangélicos de Bolivia (ANDEB)
Iglesias Evangélicas Unidas Departamentales (IEUD

Friday, 19 January 2018 10:16

Reaching millennials

There are around 13.8 million 18-34 year olds who fall into the category of millennials. The Church Army is releasing guidance on how to evangelise millennials as we face a lack of young people in the pews. Research based on observing twelve different approaches to mission and evangelism around the UK from a variety of church traditions suggests a way forward. 'The findings are really encouraging and suggest that mission with young adults, while challenging, is not as difficult as one might think,' said Dr Tim Ling, the Church Army's director of research. In the churches studied, at least sixty people became Christians, with a further 48 reporting that the church had helped them rediscover a lost faith. The report urged churches to create 'spaces where young adults can belong and feel part of a community before they believe'.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 January 2018 11:44

Pray for isolated ministers

The Agricultural Christian Fellowship recently noted that we live in days of constant change, and uncertainty is the norm. They discussed reshaping British farming during exceptionally difficult times, and establishing sustainable farming to preserve this green and pleasant land for generations to come. In our cities and towns Railway Mission workers offer friendship and a listening ear to anyone connected with our nation’s railways. Their website states, ‘Hit a rough patch? Need someone to talk to? Railway Mission offers support on the whole of life’s journey, especially during the bumps in the road.’ On the canal systems of the United Kingdom we have the little-known Canal Ministries. These are people living on narrowboats and bringing the Gospel to the UK’s inland waterways. The Waterways Chaplaincy also offers support to the floating community. Pray for many divine appointments in the coming year. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 January 2018 11:42

Alpha targets Underground users

It is hoped that 1.2 million Underground passengers will notice new posters inviting them to find out more about Jesus by taking an Alpha course. The banners will appear for two weeks on staircases, escalators, and platforms at 400 different locations. Alpha’s marketing and communications officer said that the beginning of January is a ‘natural’ time of year to highlight the evangelistic programme.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 01 December 2017 09:38

Global: Jehovah’s Witnesses

There are seven million Jehovah’s Witnesses in North America and Europe. They believe that Jesus is an inferior being, the Holy Spirit is simply a force of Jehovah, and that Jesus was resurrected in spirit, not in body. They trace their origin to Charles Taze Russell who believed that Christ’s second coming occurred in 1874. He spread his ‘New World Translation’ of the Bible and the Watch Tower magazine. Russell’s groups took the name Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1931 to reflect their proselytizing focus. Though Witnesses identify themselves as a part of Christianity, many Christians consider them a cult, associated with occasional inconvenient knocks on the door or groups on street corners offering literature. But they are God’s beloved, beautiful creations who are in need of the truth of Jesus Christ.

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 15 November 2017 09:32

Great Commission website


As people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus, we all have a story to share...

But sometimes we can struggle to find the words to talk about what Jesus has done.

That’s why, at Great Commission, we want to not only inspire a passion for sharing Jesus, but also empower you to have the confidence to talk about Him.

Our online hub connects you to a wide range of stories, tools, resources and initiatives, inspiring and equipping us to be talking about Jesus and praying for those who don’t yet know Him.

Have a look at how you and your church could use our Watch, Read, Pray and Act sections...

Visit the Great Commission website


Winners of Premier Digital Awards 2017 - Best New or redeisgned website

Published in Websites
Friday, 20 October 2017 10:52

Albania: prayer needs

In this Islamic country, only 0.4% of Albanians are evangelical Christians; 14.3% live below the poverty line, and there are over 8,000 refugees. We can praise God for the relatively good sense of unity and peace among people of different religious faiths, and the Church continues to grow. Many claim that concentrated intercession is responsible for Albania’s openness to ministry. May a prayer movement be raised up within the country, to pray for all the region. Pray that unsaved members of Christians’ families will come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. There are three complete translations of the Bible in Albanian: one literal, one paraphrased, and one Catholic. Pray for widespread use of the Scriptures.

Published in Europe
Friday, 15 September 2017 10:05

Friday Focus: empowering peer to peer evangelism

The best and most authentic evangelism takes place in the context of relationship. Mission Academy Live launches on 16 September, using 10 video-based sessions to empower thousands of 11-18s across the country to reach out - intentionally, authentically and relationally - to six friends for Jesus.

(Phil Timson, Hope Revolution)

Published in British Isles
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