Displaying items by tag: Germany

Friday, 31 May 2019 06:48

Germany: Jews told not to wear skullcaps

A skullcap, sometimes called a kippah or yarmulke, is a cap worn by some male Jews under religious rules that say their heads should be covered. Commissioner Felix Klein, the German government's top official against anti-semitism, has warned Jewish people not to wear skullcaps in parts of the country because of a rise in anti-Semitic attacks. Mr Klein told the Funke newspaper group, ‘My opinion has unfortunately changed compared with what it used to be. I cannot recommend to Jews that they wear the skullcap at all times everywhere in Germany.’ According to statistics released earlier this month, anti-Semitic incidents were up by 19.6% to 1,799 in 2018, with 89.1% of them involving far-right perpetrators. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said he was deeply shocked by Mr Klein's words. He added, ‘We will never submit, will never lower our gaze and will never react to anti-semitism with defeatism - and expect and demand our allies act in the same way.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:55

Austria: Russian video scandal

On 18 May Austria's vice-chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache resigned after German media published a video that purportedly showed him offering government contracts to a woman posing as the niece of a Russian oligarch, in exchange for media coverage and political funding. The scandal drove Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz to call for snap elections instead of trying to revive his weakened coalition government. ‘Enough is enough,’ Kurz told reporters, while Strache, who leads Austria's far-right Freedom Party, described the incident as a ‘targeted political assassination.’ The video was reportedly just months before Austria's last election, where Strache's party received 26% of the vote and 51 seats. In the wake of the video, Kurz said the abuse of power, taxes and interference in media affairs were among his concerns. Strache vowed to take legal steps to address the video.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:18

Germany: opening to God

Before refugees came, Germans never thought about religion. Germany was a ‘Christian’ country. Lutheran or Catholic was an insignificant part of life. Now that Muslims have come, religion is an issue. Germans are questioning, ‘How am I different from them?’ ‘What do I even believe?’ ‘What does it mean to be a Christian?’ and ‘Who is God?’ Communities are becoming more open now. Even Muslims are becoming disillusioned because of the things being done in the name of Islam, and questioning if they want to be a part of something that does such harm. The Spirit is working in converts to Christianity. Most are authentic heart-transformations, even though some are sceptical and disheartened by occasional fake proclamations of faith. Fake or not, despite the intentions of the heart, God’s Word does not come back void. The gospel is being preached, even though there is still much opposition from sceptical nationals and fearful refugees.

Published in Europe
Friday, 22 February 2019 09:30

Europe: Huawei and 5G security

President Trump wants Europe to ban Chinese tech giant Huawei from their next-generation 5G information networks, citing security risks (giving China power inside telecommunication networks where they could modify or steal information or conduct undetected espionage). US secretary of state Mike Pompeo warned of consequences for countries that don’t toe Washington’s line on the issue. Nevertheless, Germany may allow Huawei to operate in its 5G network plans, and the UK thinks the security risks of using Huawei resources are manageable. Huawei set out ambitious plans for Europe at a festive evening to mark the beginning of the Chinese New Year. ‘Europe is like a big, lively family. We feel happy to be a part of it, and look forward to growing together with it,’ said a Huawei representative. See 

Published in Europe
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:44

German-Israeli cooperation in Africa

Since 2012, Israel and Germany have worked together on policies to aid the development of African countries. Germany is providing 90% of the financial support, which enables the Israelis to bring their expertise into the latest agricultural developments. Large projects, which Israel cannot carry out alone, will grow with German provision. As Israel was forced within its own land to find solutions for the lack of water in desert areas, Israelis are now blessing many countries in Africa with their knowledge, fulfilling God’s word ‘and you will be a blessing’ (Genesis 12:2).

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 November 2018 23:59

German Bible reading broadcasts

Six years after the first episode of ‘Reading the Bible with Ulrich Parzany’ went on air, the Christian TV station Bibel TV will broadcast a new devotional section, starting on Sunday 4 November. In it, Pastor Ulrich Parzany deals with Matthew's Gospel in 164 episodes. Viewers will get to know the clarity of the Bible and the relevance of the biblical word for us today. The programme’s content and language is carefully chosen to reflect the fact that it is watched both by Christians and non-Christians. Other books available on Bibel TV’s website are Luke, Acts, and Romans.

Published in Europe
Wednesday, 31 October 2018 13:12

Europe: Human Prayer Chain - Germany

We are building a Human Prayer Chain for Germany and the European Continent

Hand in Hand praying for our country / our countries!

Come and join us in prayer on 09. November 2018 at 11am and 3pm. MEZ / CET at 100 locations along the German border!

The time is NOW!, there is a need to act! We have seen a dramatic change in Germany and in other European countries in the last few years. Prayer is urgent, because we all need God's encounter in our country and on this former Christian continent!

Our aim is to build teams of German believers and believers from other countries as well. Denominations do not matter, only living faith in our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Two times Christians were praying in unity for Germany and Europe along the German border, in October 2015 and during Pentecost 2016. We have been obedient according to the call of God and we have another opportunity this year. That's why we are planning to do it a third time to pray and proclaim intensely and in unity along the border to our European neighbours. 

Friday 9 November 2018 is a very historic day for Germany. We will come together at 11am. and 3pm. MEZ / CET again to pray at exactly 100 locations (you will find them under "locations" on this page). We will go to the German border again - the common border with nine European nations - to plead to God the Father in the name of HIS Son Jesus Christ for HIS encounter for Germany and Europe. 

Be one of the living stones, Jesus Christ can use to rebuild the spiritual wall around Germany and the other European countries. Pray with us for God's protection and a spiritual breakthrough. We need HIS encounter NOW! It is time for the body of Christ to arise and to take responsibility for our nations! 

We call the believers of The Netherlands, Denmark, Great-Britain, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Russia, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Finland, Sweden, …" Come and join us!" 

Brothers and sisters from other continents, from the USA and Canada or South America and Australia as well as Asia for instance - you are also invited! We will be glad when you join us on those days. If you cannot join us in prayer here in Germany, then please consider supporting financially or / and come together in your church or prayer group just where you are and pray on the same day and the same time with us together. We will be one in the spirit!

We don't want to wait for a better time and there may not be a better time than this. The time is NOW! We are standing up and taking responsibility for Europe. These are OUR countries! 

Many have been working before us. We now step into their foot steps. Let us pray for the Salvation and Future of our countries and our nations!   


Your Save Europe Team

Heidi Mund & Save Europe Team

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Webpage: www.SaveEurope.de

The Vision: https://youtu.be/jLVqVCprPR4

What you can do

to support the call for the salvation and rescue of Europe?

  • Forward the video https://youtu.be/jLVqVCprPR4  , the webpage www.SaveEurope.de , the vision and flyers in eight languages to all of your friends. Ask them to do the same and to forward the information about the „Human Prayer Chain - Save Europe 2018“ to all of their friends, so that they will know too.  
  • Everyone, who is a believer in Jesus Christ and also those, who stand for Christian values in Germany and abroad as well are invited to come to the common boarder of Germany with 9 European nations and to pray together with us at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. CET / MEZ for a spiritual breakthrough in Germany and Europe. We urgently need God’s encounter, we need a miracle to save our nations and to rescue the continent. 
  • If you cannot be with us on that day in Europe, please organize prayer, just where you are; on Friday 09 November at the same time together in your church or home group. 
  • Support others, so that they can come to stand with us as „The Human Prayer Chain“ (Bank Account you will find on the webpage www.SaveEurope.de under „Spenden“ 
  • Pray, that our heavenly Father opens the hearts of the people, that we can come together in unity, because He gives His blessings to those who are united.

To find out the time change: https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ 

The flyer in English, you will find flyers in 8 languages also under download on the webpage www.SaveEurope.de.

Tagged under
Thursday, 19 April 2018 22:43

‘Islam does not belong to Germany’

In his first interview since taking over the position of interior minister, Horst Seehofer said, ‘Islam does not belong to Germany’, and he has committed to an immigration policy with a ‘master plan’ to accelerate deportations. His statements brought criticism from Angela Merkel. Seehofer said Germany was moulded in Christianity, traditionally resting on Sundays, holding Christian festivities and rites - Holy Week, Pentecost and Christmas. He promised to put a heavy hand on migrants committing crimes, and accelerate the deportation of migrants whose asylum applications are denied, adding, ‘There must be an agreement in all of Germany to stop consenting to areas of exclusion’. Exclusion zones are communities living outside the law in cities where the state has lost control over delinquent migrant gangs. Native Germans, including the police, are afraid to enter them. The high number of migrants has generated many more questions regarding internal security.

Published in Europe
Friday, 02 March 2018 10:53

Germany: a letter from Watchman International

‘Five months after the elections we still do not have a new government in Germany! We await approval of SPD party membership for the SPD to join the CDU/CSU in a ‘grand coalition’ new government. In February Watchman International intercessors joined Prince Philip von Preussen (descendant of Kaiser Wilhelm II), the Sisters of Mary, and Harald Eckert (who leads Christians for Israel), in obedience to a call for repentance on behalf of Germany, and to seek God's face so that our land can be healed. We are now in a Lent period of prayer and fasting for our nation as we approach Easter.'

Published in Europe
Friday, 05 January 2018 12:09

Germany: migrants and rise in violent crime

Research commissioned by the government suggests that migrants may be responsible for most of Germany's rise in violent crime. Researchers say the findings are not surprising because many migrants are single males aged 14-30. This group is most likely to commit crime, irrespective of nationality. Migrants are twice as likely to be reported to police for alleged violent crimes as German nationals, and a third of all victims of violent crimes by migrants are other migrants. The report comes as Chancellor Angela Merkel's centre-right CDU/CSU, after its poor showing in the recent election, prepares for coalition talks with the centre-left SPD. Over a million migrants and refugees, fleeing war and abuses, have entered Germany through the open-door policy, which has led to tensions at home.

Published in Europe