Displaying items by tag: Indonesia

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:20

United Prayer Rising Events

UPRISING Global: Jakarta, Indonesia - January 23-26, 2019 (WYPA)

World Generation

Jakarta, Indonesia, January 23-26, 2019

Please pray for and consider taking part in this world youth prayer assembly in January. Here is a video and details to register. You will want to forward this to younger generation  believers but anyone is welcome.


Thursday, 01 November 2018 23:45

Indonesia: cause of plane crash not yet known

Indonesia has ordered inspections on all its commercial Boeing 737-Max 8 planes, after one crashed into the sea minutes after taking off from Jakarta, with 189 people on board, on 29 October. There are no known survivors. Searchers have recovered debris, bodies and personal items. The flight recorder (‘black box’) has now been located, which may shed light on the mystery of why it crashed, considering that it was almost brand-new. It seems that the pilot asked to return to Jakarta airport before losing contact with air traffic control. A log obtained by the BBC showed the plane had experienced technical problems on the previous day. Indonesia, a vast archipelago, is heavily reliant on air travel but many of its airlines have a poor safety record.

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 31 October 2018 13:10

United Prayer Rising Events

UPRISING Global: Jakarta, Indonesia - January 23-26, 2019 (WYPA)

World Generation

Jakarta, Indonesia, January 23-26, 2019

Please pray for and consider taking part in this world youth prayer assembly in January. Here is a video and details to register. You will want to forward this to younger generation  believers but anyone is welcome.


Thursday, 25 October 2018 23:56

Indonesia: Christians sing despite devastation

As Open Doors workers walked through a village in Indonesia, surrounded by the rubble and destruction left behind by the recent earthquake, they could hear voices singing ‘Hallelujah’. Coming round the corner they found a group of believers standing under a tent, singing their praises to God. It is incredible to see the faith of our brothers and sisters in Indonesia, even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances. The death toll following the recent earthquake and tsunami has now exceeded 2,000, and many thousands more have been left homeless, their houses destroyed. On top of that, Christians face discrimination because of their faith as aid is distributed. A Muslim-majority village is located next to a Christian-majority one. But when military tents and other relief aid were sent to the victims, only a small amount of instant noodles were given to the Christians. Discrimination is widespread.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 October 2018 23:09

Global: severe weather on 11 October

In eastern India a 140-165 km/hr cyclone called Titli ravaged Odisha. All buildings were closed, 300,000 people were evacuated, and 1,112 relief camps opened for evacuees from five coastal districts. 123 pregnant women were moved to hospitals. ‘The entire nation is with you’, tweeted President Ram Nath Kovind. Pray for those now working to clear roads, restore power, minister medical care and comfort those in shock or mourning. In North America 155 mph Hurricane Michael became a tropical storm as it moved from Florida to Georgia. It was described as one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever hit the US. A total of about 370,000 homes and businesses were without power across Florida, Georgia and Alabama. See  In Majorca 9 inches (23 cm) of rain fell in four hours, causing flash floods that killed at least ten. See Meanwhile, In Indonesia, the death toll has risen to 200, but 5,000 are still missing.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 October 2018 01:35

Indonesia: earthquake,tsunami, volcano eruption

Air traffic controller Anthonius Agung died after waving out the last flight from Palu airport on 28 September (see). He was one of the first casualties of a disaster that has taken at least 1,407 lives, injured many thousands more, and left most of the 350,000 residents homeless when a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the island of Sulawesi. It triggered a ten- metre, 400mph tsunami that dragged cars, trees, houses, boulders, logs and mud inland. Three days later, Mount Soputan erupted, spewing ash clouds that make air flights hazardous. Clinics have no power and low medical supplies. Many communities have received no aid at all; other areas are experiencing looting. The tension is palpable with fights breaking out for food. Unless the government and agencies can deliver aid, there is a risk that tensions could spill over. Bridges must be repaired and roads restored before essential aid can reach points of need. Boats from other islands are delivering food, water and medicine.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 October 2018 01:32

Indonesia: Christian agencies join forces

Four leading Christian humanitarian organisations are joining forces in a fundraising campaign to try and help survivors of the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami, as authorities fear the number of fatalities, casualties and people displaced will rise in the coming days. See Tearfund is also working with Indonesian churches still looking for whole families and congregations and burying their dead. Rev Krise Gosal said, ‘Survivors are hungry, babies are crying for milk. We asked church networks to share the burden by donating food, tents and funds and they are uniting with one heart to express their solidarity with Palu, Donggala, and Sigi.’ Christian agencies have deployed emergency doctors, nurses, an orthopaedic surgeon, and a team with a midwife to affected areas. A possible 1.5 million people could have been affected. The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has also opened an Indonesia appeal.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 18 May 2018 10:21

Indonesia: one family bombs three churches

IS has claimed responsibility for the suicide bombings in three Indonesian churches, killing at least 13 people and injuring dozens of others. According to police, the suicide bombers were all members of the same family: a mother and two daughters aged nine and 12 detonated their bombs in one church, while the father and two sons, aged 16 and 18, targeted two other churches. The Santa Maria Catholic Church was attacked first, then the Surabaya Centre Pentecostal Church and the Diponegoro Indonesian Christian Church. The fact that a family, including children and teenagers, carried out these attacks is part of what makes them so shocking. A family should be a place of love and safety - and yet this one was used to inspire hatred and violence. But there is another family that we are a part of: God’s worldwide family of the church. Our brothers and sisters in Surabaya need our prayers and support today. Many are grieving, many are injured, many are scared.

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:57

UPRISING GLOBAL 2018 – Indonesia (WYPA)

Members of the IPC Leadership Team joined Pastor Jerome and Mrs Abel Ocampo and the organisers of regional United Prayer Rising events in Jakarta on 23rd and 24th January 2018 for a summit.

The purpose of the meeting was to report back on the recent events and plans for forthcoming gatherings. In particular, the group prayerfully explored the possibility of organizing a Global Uprising event in Jakarta during October 2018. The vision is to see 2,000 Indonesian young people meet up with a further 2,000 youth from the other nations of the world.

Pictured below are all the attendees with Pastor Niko from the Sentul ICC.

A recurring theme during the times of prayer and worship was Isaiah 43: 9-10 - “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” During a visit to the Sentul International Convention Centre Prayer Tower, the leaders had a sense that something extraordinarily new and exciting was about to happen that would blow our minds!

The group of young leaders agreed to form part of an Indonesia Dream Team that would input to the program planning processes for the Global Uprising. The provisional date of October 24-26 and the venue will be confirmed shortly.

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Please pray:

> For protection, wisdom, and for the right doors to continue to open for these young people who have dedicated time, energy and skills to the United Prayer Rising Events.

> For Pastor Andy Tjokro (Jakarta) as he co-ordinates the various planning teams for the Global Uprising.

> For substantial funds to be released to undergird the regional and global events planned for the next few years. (Mal 3:10)

> For the Manilla based team who support and direct the events under the leadership and guidance of Pastor Jerome Ocampo.

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:48

Indonesia: Communicating the gospel

Over 700 languages are spoken in Indonesia and people are scattered across 6,000 islands varying in composition from rural fishing villages to highly metropolitan mega cities. Persecution is a reality for many believers in the most populous Muslim nation in the world. Although only 15% of the population follow Christ, the Indonesian church is experiencing profound unity as a result of the persecution, and mission organizations are growing in number. Indonesian believers also face a unique challenge as many of their neighbours are in geographical transition due to large-scale resettlement projects, migration, and forced relocation after natural disasters. However, the emergence of Indonesian (a form of  Malay) as the national language has allowed the Gospel to be communicated across ethnic and geographic borders as never before.

Published in Worldwide
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