Displaying items by tag: Middle East

Friday, 12 May 2017 10:28

Hamas' new leader

It was announced last Saturday that Ismail Haniyeh had won the movement’s internal elections, and that he is the new head of its political bureau. Haniyeh, who lives in Gaza, is widely popular among the Palestinians. A political science professor in Nablus said that Haniyeh has an ability to address the Palestinians; most importantly, he will bring the movement closer to Iran through efforts by senior Hamas leaders. He will revive reconciliation with Hezbollah and Syria, working on resolving the negativity that harmed Hamas’ relationship with these parties in the past. Difficult challenges await Haniyeh, such as achieving reconciliation with Fatah, restoring Hamas' relations with countries such as Egypt and Iran, easing the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip, and keeping the spectre of war out of Gaza.

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Friday, 05 May 2017 11:25

Thousands of former Muslims baptised

Pastor Paul, director of Bibles for Mideast, writes: ‘My risen Lord Jesus Christ has saved my life once again, and I praise and thank God for His unspeakable grace! Certainly, I am not worthy of it. The Assembly of Loving God Church of Bibles for Mideast started praying and fasting from 13 March to 2 April. As that period ended, over three thousand former Muslims were baptised in our churches in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The Lord enabled me to baptise many people during this time. Then three weeks later, when I was changing after an early-morning baptism, militants began stoning our group. Although we were injured, God protected us from much worse.’

Published in Praise Reports

In the Syrian war, the town of Maaloula - one of the few places where people still speak a dialect of Jesus' language, Aramaic - was occupied by Islamist al-Nusra militants. Almost all of the town's 3,000 inhabitants, mostly Christians, had to flee from their homes. Thankfully, the town has now been liberated. Many homes were damaged in the fighting, and every church was burned or vandalised, yet some believers have now returned. With support from local churches and partners of Open Doors, families are beginning to rebuild their homes. Four have already been reoccupied, and in the coming months they expect the other houses to be finished too. Gradually, the infrastructure in Maaloula is also being restored. A bakery, pharmacy and bookshop have opened their doors again.

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Friday, 28 April 2017 02:28

An Asian mission organisation asks for prayer

‘Our International Board meeting will take place from 27 to 30 April, in the Middle East. Our board members and the directors of our national offices in the UK, Holland, Germany, Australia, and the USA will meet. Please pray for wisdom, discernment and unity in all the decisions they have to make, and for a strengthening of the vision to gain access to many unreached people groups in the countries we work. From 30 April to 6 May, all our team members will meet for our annual conference. Please pray for safe travel, and that everybody will be strengthened and encouraged and equipped afresh for our work and ministry. This is a very important time for our teams, and God always ministers to us as individuals and as an organisation. Pray also for all those who will come to speak and minister to our team members.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 April 2017 01:46

Syria: the diplomacy dilemma

Russia has invested politically and militarily into Syria; many believe their primary concern is less President Assad than the power and prestige of maintaining their position. Any plan to move Moscow from this stance needs to involve a face-saving mechanism that Putin could package as win-win internationally, and in Russia’s best interest domestically. Many strongly believe that if Assad were to go, the Syrian Christians would be history, and like Iraq and Libya before, Syria would descend into jihadist chaos. The BBC’s correspondent Robert Pigott said, ‘If he goes, IS and Al-Nusra will be fighting it out on the streets of Damascus’. Also, Assad is the leader of the Alawites. The Alawites are Shi’ite Muslims centred in Syria who have older beliefs that predate Islam. Unless the Syrian Alawites themselves make a change in their leadership they will back Assad. Any initiative that omits Syria’s Alawites will be a diplomatic failure and lead to more deaths.

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Finally, after years of apathy and inaction, Washington is extending its hand to help Christians in the Middle East. US president Donald Trump recently announced that persecuted Christians will have priority when it comes to accessing refugee status. Christians and Yazidis are exposed to genocide at the hands of IS and other Islamist organisations which are moving into a vast campaign to enslave non-Muslim minorities and destroy their cultural heritage. Finally, self-interest and oil interests will take a back seat, with the UN and the USA showing solidarity with Middle East Christian refugees.

Published in Praise Reports

Last week UNHRC issued five resolutions against Israel, including accusations against its activities in the Golan Heights. The British ambassador to the UN said, ‘Israel has a population of eight million, in a world of seven billion. Yet since its foundation UNHRC has adopted 135 country-specific resolutions; 68 of them have been against Israel. Justice is blind and impartial. The selective focus on Israel is neither. So today we put the Human Rights Council on notice. If things do not change, in future we will adopt a policy of voting against all resolutions concerning Israel’s conduct in the occupied Syrian and Palestinian territories.’ He added, ‘Peace is built through trust and goodwill on all sides. Human rights violations break down that trust. By continuing an unacceptable pattern of bias, the Council discredits its voice and hardens positions on both sides.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 31 March 2017 11:02

Iraq: ‘wherever we go, we get bombed’

Exploring Mosul, RT news reporters have gathered more evidence in support of the Amnesty International report which accuses the US-led coalition and Iraqi government of indiscriminately bombing civilian homes along with IS targets. The debris of destroyed houses, schools and hospitals has turned the city into an urban graveyard. On Tuesday, with explosions and gunfire heard in the distance, RT's crew saw coalition jets heading to and from Mosul every 5–10 minutes. They heard chilling stories of how IS terrorists use civilians as human shields during airstrikes. The Iraqi government isn’t organising humanitarian corridors for civilians to leave Mosul, they’re urging them to stay inside. The perceived safety of their homes becomes their graves as bombs continue to rain down (although less intensively since a severe loss of civilian life which is being investigated).

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2017 08:47

World: refugee children

Many refugee children are abandoned, abused, or lost to trafficking because of neglect or being orphaned. They are forced to work or beg for money on the streets where refugees currently live. One child said: ‘Because my father died in the war, I was forced to work selling things on the streets. One day, some people visited my mother, sisters and me. They helped me go to a school for refugees and learn about Jesus.’ The compassion expressed in the story of the prodigal son gives us insight into the heart of God. He is the compassionate God who weeps over those who are lost and despairing. His desire is that those who have lost their way will return to Him and know the great love He has for them. Pray for refugee street children in the Middle East and Europe.

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The fighting in Syria grows more complex as Turkey aims to interrupt the line of territory held by Kurdish forces along its border and the US works with the Kurds to prevent battle escalation and focus on IS. Pray for this tense situation where Turkish and US goals are in disagreement. Pray also for the third round of peace talks sponsored by Russia and Turkey that began on 14 March. In Iraq, the campaign to retake Mosul from IS progresses despite fierce resistance. Iraqi commanders are hopeful they can overcome IS within six months. Many civilians have been prevented from fleeing by IS, and horrific sites of mass burials have been uncovered in captured areas. Pray for the future for Mosul, for peace-building and reconstruction to be given as much thought as the current military campaign. The two-year conflict in Yemen has killed 7,700 people, including 1,500 children. The fallout is that over 18 million people need food aid.

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