Displaying items by tag: Pakistan

Thursday, 26 July 2018 21:19

Pakistan: election in disarray

Pakistan’s election results are in doubt, with the incumbent Pakistan Muslim League (PML) rejecting the result amid widespread allegations of ballot rigging in favour of Imran Khan’s PTI party. With most of the votes counted, Khan’s party is in the lead, but the results have not yet been confirmed. The election was marred by violence, with 31 killed by a bomb at one polling station. The PML leader said his party’s polling agents had been evicted from dozens of stations by security officials before a final tally, so they were unable to monitor potential tampering. In fact almost every party except the PTI said their polling agents had been excluded from polling stations. For the first time ever, no Christian candidates were picked by the mainstream parties for the national assembly, so Christians will be bereft of a voice whoever wins. Khan said he will not change the blasphemy laws, rather he will ensure they are enforced. The blasphemy law is a discrimination tool for persecuting Christians.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:03

Pakistan: religious intolerance

Pakistan came into being in the name of the religion of Islam. Islamisation is integral to government policy. Constitution, laws and policies restrict religious freedom and the government enforces these restrictions. Acts of violence and intimidation against religious minorities by extremists increases and exacerbates existing religious tensions. Extremists in some areas demand that all citizens follow strict versions of Islam, with brutal consequences if they don’t abide by it. Society is deeply opposed to amending the blasphemy laws and some religious leaders use incendiary rhetoric to convince much of the population that any attempt to amend the laws is an attack on the sanctity of Islam. In the name of religion people are silenced by the military, civil bureaucracy, and Jihadists. Issues involving the blasphemy law generate extremist responses. Aasia Bibi, a Christian woman, was sentenced to death in 2010 for blasphemy. Her lawyer says international support is encouraging, but he is not hopeful for clemency. See

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Christian Solidarity Worldwide called for action to end religious discrimination in Pakistani, Iranian, Burmese, Nigerian and Mexican schools. They explored violations where many children experience various forms of mistreatment because of their faith. During an event at the Speaker’s House, in the United Kingdom Parliament, attendees heard how children and young people experience discrimination, verbal abuse, physical violence and even forced conversion at school because of their religion or belief. The Executive Director of the National Commission for Justice and Peace in Pakistan said religious intolerance in his country is facilitated by syllabuses that fuel prejudice. He said, ‘This intolerance has threatened the entire social fabric of our nation, and we have to begin by addressing the biased education system, policies and practices prevalent in Pakistan,’ A speaker representing the Iranian Baha’i community called it ‘cradle to grave’ persecution, ‘Baha’i children do not have an absolute right to education.'

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Friday, 26 January 2018 09:20

Central Asia: praying for the unreached

There are 50 million Pashtuns in Central Asia; they are the largest group of unreached people in the region. There are only about 500 Pashtun believers scattered through Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. The number is a best guess, as they live in remote locations under unbelievable challenges to their walk of faith. The worst thing a Pashtun could ever do is to turn from Islam and become a Christian. One believer taught his children a hymn, ‘Jesus shed his blood for us’, only to find one of them singing it in the street to strangers. Can you imagine your dilemma if your child sang a hymn in public that posed a threat to your life? Or can you imagine meeting with a new believer for discipleship for the first time, but being unsure whether that person was a true believer or a spy who would betray you to the government? Please take some time to pray for persecuted believers to persevere in their heavenward journey. See also the Praise article ‘The Bible for everyone’.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 January 2018 09:54

Pakistan: prayer

A prayer team recently visited some places in Pakistan connected to terrorism. They felt the presence of evil, but also felt prayer backup that allowed them to pray as God wanted them to pray. They experienced protection by the prayers of others. Please pray that their intercessions will bring real change, and that people will be encouraged to pray even more for their country. Continue to pray for God’s protection over the team - that there will be no backlash, particularly for those inside Pakistan who do not have intercessors covering them. We can also praise God that unreached people groups will soon be targeted with prayer petitions. A large prayer organisation will soon produce daily prayer material for the Hindu ethnic groups in Pakistan.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 December 2017 14:35

War-torn areas: shelter and relief

The word ‘shelter’ literally means a house, a tent, or a refuge. It arises from the command of Jesus that we are to ‘love our neighbour.’ This additionally implies providing food, clothing and drinking water to the poor and needy as well as a roof over their heads. For over thirty years Shelter Now has assisted with humanitarian and developmental assistance in Pakistan and Afghanistan, providing emergency relief for war-affected refugees and for victims of earthquakes, floods, drought and other natural disasters. It provides reconstruction, rehabilitation and long term development co-operation. Recently the work in Pakistan was closed, to start helping refugees from IS in Kurdistan instead. In November a staff member, Udo Stolte, visited Yazidi refugees in Sulaimaniya in northern Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region. You can read his report on Yazidi children going to school again by clicking on the ‘More’ button.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 December 2017 14:33

Pakistan: persecution in churches and prisons

On 17 December, two suicide bombers targeted a Methodist church in Quetta, leaving nine dead and over fifty injured. Only one managed to detonate his vest: the second was killed by security forces. Over 400 worshippers were in church at the time. A group affiliated to IS claimed responsibility. Pray for the Pakistani government to take all steps necessary to provide adequate security to Christians during this Christmas season. Pray for God’s healing mercy upon those injured, and His presence to be with those grieving the death of loved ones. Also, Pakistan Prison Mission Society reported discrimination against Christians in prison. Christians are accused of blasphemy only because of personal vendettas or vested interests, and it takes years before courts absolve them of false charges. They are mistreated by other prisoners as soon as it is known they are Christians. Pray for pastors to be allowed into prisons this Christmas.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 01 December 2017 09:48

Pakistan: a missionary’s message

‘Nawaz Sharif has been ousted from government several times, but he has returned to Pakistan, leaving his wife in an English hospital dying of cancer. The High Court ousted him on corruption charges, and he is banned from taking any political office; but his party (the major party) have changed the parliament’s constitution so that Nawaz can become its president. They also passed a stricter Islamic law, making it much harder for Christians and other minorities. The present temporary prime minister has little backing. There is no control in the country. Terrorists are crossing back and forward across the border. When US secretary of state Rex Tillerson came to meet Pakistan’s military on the Afghan situation, he was undercut by Pakistan’s government who demanded that he speak to it only. The military is held in favour by much of the populace.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:34

Pray for Pakistan (Nov 2017)

Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ Acts 26:18

Unbelievable things are happening in Pakistan; there is turmoil in the government. Nawaz Sharif returned to Pakistan, even though his wife is in the hospital in England dying of cancer. The High Court, as the highest authority in the country, ousted him on corruption charges. This is the third time he has been ousted and he is banned from taking any political office. His party is the major party; they have just changed the constitution in the parliament so that Nawaz can become president of the party. To try and make people happy, along with it they passed a stricter Islamic law that will make it much harder for Christians and other minorities.

The opposition groups, through their demonstrations, have virtually closed down the streets in Islamabad, the capital.   They are being told to back down or a clash will come in the next day or two. The present Prime Minster who holds a temporary position had to come from the majority party which is Nawaz’s party, but he has little backing from his own party. He really has no power and there is no control in the country.

For example, last time we prayed for US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s trip to Pakistan. He was to mainly meet with the military on the Afghanistan situation. He was kind of undercut by the present government who demanded to be the spokesperson to talk to him. The meeting did not go well.

General Votel, America’s Central Command, has made four trips to Pakistan to try and repair some of what was said. This is in preparation for US Defense Secretary James Mattis’ expected trip to Pakistan next month. For the first time Gen. Votel said both America and Pakistan have a part to play in stopping terrorists from moving back and forth across the border.

PRAISE God for this truth. It is an impossible task unless both sides take part. There always has been quite a clash between Nawaz and the military. The military has done a lot with its last two leaders in taking out terrorists. The military is well liked by the people.   When things have really gotten bad in Pakistan the military has usually had to take over.   The question is will American allow the military to take over. This is a very MIXED up situation.


Pray: for Nawaz, who has been voted out, to leave without destroying the country.
Pray: for the clash that is coming between opposition groups and the authorities.
Pray: 'May God intervene'. There are positives and negatives on both sides.
Pray: for America’s position in all of this. For Gen. Votel and Gen. James Mattis of America to be able to meet with the military. For better understanding between both sides.
Pray: that Christians will not be suppressed even more.
Pray: for preparations for a prayer team going to Pakistan. One person has received his visa. Places to stay have been worked out.


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Friday, 10 November 2017 10:40

Pakistan: Christians seek answers after murder

On his third day of high school, the parents of 17-year-old Sharoon Masih learned that he had been in a fight and had been taken to hospital. They rushed to the hospital but found he was dead. His school friends said he died in the classroom. Police said that another student at the Punjab school kicked Sharoon in the stomach and that he died of internal injuries. The student charged in his death now awaits trial, but police are not calling the attack a hate crime. Many suspect the teenager was targeted because he was a Christian. Christians are regularly discriminated against in education, employment and housing. Sharoon’s parents want to know what happened and why no-one saved him. He wanted to be a lawyer, and was to start as an apprentice at a lawyer’s office after completing high school. Sharoon’s father has stopped sending his six other children to school because he does not feel they will be safe.

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