Displaying items by tag: Philippines

Friday, 30 June 2017 14:20

Philippines: Christians as human shields

Rebel fighters in the Philippines are reportedly using dozens of Christians - including a priest - as human shields, amid an ongoing battle to retake Marawi City. The IS-linked Maute group is believed to be hiding behind 100 Christian hostages after President Duterte ordered intense bombing raids on the rebel zone. Abdullah Maute, one of the group’s leaders, said he would free Father Suganob in return for his parents, currently held by police. His request was refused by the president, who said that any bargaining with terrorists was ‘against government policy’. Most people fled from the city in May; those left have been forced to convert to Islam and be lackeys to the Mautes. The women and girls have become sex slaves and lost all dignity. The White House said, ‘These cowardly terrorists killed Philippine law enforcement officials and endangered the lives of innocent citizens. The US is a proud ally of the Philippines, and we will continue to work with them to address shared threats to the peace and security of our countries.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 June 2017 23:32

Escalating violence in the Philippines

The Maute group, an Islamic extremist group linked to IS, captured nine Christians, tied their hands together and shot them dead in Marawi city, according to the Mail Online. Images circulated online show the Christians lying dead face-down in the grass. Reports say villagers are too afraid to move the bodies because terrorists are still in the area. News of the murders comes just days after the same group captured a Catholic priest, Father Teresito Suganob, the church’s secretary, two working students, and a number of parishioners. The militants are holding their hostages at an undisclosed location. They also set fire to the cathedral in Marawi. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines urged the government to make the safety of the hostages top priority.

Published in Worldwide

Cybersex trafficking is a new and devastating form of slavery. It is a rapidly growing problem as internet access increases everywhere. Now, paedophiles worldwide can direct the live sexual abuse of boys and girls, many under ten years old. For a crime, it’s low risk, easy to do, with high potential reward. 54% of victims rescued in International Justice Mission (IJM) cases are between one and twelve years old. Victims can be exploited in any location with a computer and the internet, or just a mobile phone. Philippine authorities are already receiving thousands of referrals a month, like Cassie, who was tricked to move to Manila when she was twelve. She had big dreams, but what she found was a nightmare - being forced to perform sex acts in front of a camera.

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