Displaying items by tag: USA

Thursday, 02 March 2023 20:09

USA: open arms for refugees

President Biden has announced a new pilot programme that empowers individuals to privately sponsor refugees coming to America. Through the programme, Welcome Corps, groups of five individuals or more can raise funds to sponsor a refugee. Once the refugee arrives, these people will help them secure housing, employment, and education as they integrate into American life. Christians are called to care for the persecuted and vulnerable. The narrative of Scripture reveals God’s heart for the immigrant and the refugee, who are valuable people made in His image (Matt. 25:35-40).

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 March 2023 20:06

G20 deadlock

Finance ministers of the world's largest economies failed to agree on a closing statement after China refused to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine or accept parts of G20’s statement deploring Russia's aggression ‘in the strongest terms’. Moscow said ‘anti-Russian’ countries had ‘destabilised’ the G20 after China’s plan was viewed as pro-Russian. President Zelenskiy will meet China’s president to discuss China’s cease-fire proposal, saying a meeting would be ‘important for world security.’ China's 12-point ‘political settlement’ plan does not require Russia to leave Ukraine and was met with scepticism from Ukraine’s allies. Emmanuel Macron called on Beijing to ‘help us pressure Russia’ to end the war as peace was only possible if ‘Russian aggression stopped, troops withdraw and territorial sovereignty of Ukraine and its people is respected’. Joe Biden said, ‘China as a peacemaker in Ukraine is not rational. Putin's applauding it, so how could it be any good? I've seen nothing in the plan that would benefit anyone other than Russia, if China's plan were followed.’ See also

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 February 2023 22:26

Asbury fire of revival spreading

Last week we praised God for the revival fires burning at Asbury University, and now this outpouring of the Holy Spirit is spreading. CBN News reported that for days, people have been giving testimonies, reading scripture, worshipping God, and praying in the ongoing revival that began on 8 February. Four auditoriums on the campus are now filled with people. Graduates, pastors, seekers, and busloads of students from over 24 other universities began visiting Asbury, seeking God. The wave of revival fire shows no signs of stopping. Lee Christian University Campus caught the fire next. By 23 February reports were coming in from colleges and universities across the nation fully igniting into spontaneous worship, prayer, and repentance as the Holy Spirit continues to fill students' hearts and minds. Christian leaders are speaking about the timing and what it could mean for this point in history. Also this outpouring coincides with the national Collegiate Day of Prayer on 23 February.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 February 2023 21:30

Saddleback Church in dispute over female pastor

America’s largest Protestant denomination is grappling with gender issues and politics. The recent Southern Baptist Convention expelled its largest and most prominent church, Saddleback Church in California, because it installed a woman pastor. Saddleback still operates as a church, and its members will not be overtly impacted. But Southern Baptist leadership’s ejection of such a high-profile member church underlines their struggles with gender, sexuality, abuse, politics and race, including criticisms from an energetic right flank that the group is drifting to the 'woke’ left. The convention also removed other churches over women holding certain leadership roles, and a Florida church over a sex abuse case. Saddleback was founded by pastor Rick Warren, who built a national profile thanks to the then innovative posture as ‘seeker-sensitive,’ attuned to those unfamiliar with, or wary of, traditional church experiences. He also wrote the best-selling book ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 February 2023 23:48

USA: a ‘surprising work of God’

‘The choir sang the final chorus, then something happened that defies description. Students didn’t leave, they continued worshipping. I teach theology across the street. When I heard about this I went to the chapel to see for myself. I found hundreds of students singing quietly, praising and praying earnestly for themselves, their neighbours and our world; repenting for sin and interceding for healing, wholeness, peace, and justice. Some were reading and reciting Scripture. Others were standing with arms raised, or clustered in small groups praying. Some were kneeling at the altar rail. Some were lying prostrate, others were talking together, their faces bright with joy. When I returned in the evening they were still worshipping. By Thursday midmorning hundreds were filling the chapel again. Then students began arriving from other universities. Asbury Chapel continues in waves of prayer, worship, and gut-wrenching public confession. It was a significant and spontaneous move of the Spirit. What a phenomena to witness. Come, Holy Spirit.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 February 2023 00:11

Jury rejects government intimidation

Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck was raided by 15 to 20 armed federal agents banging on his door in the early hours of the morning. They treated Mark like a terrorist. This massive show of force sparked fierce criticism and questions about whether the Biden administration was using the FBI for political purposes ahead of a heated election. His appearance in court was demanded in the case of United States of America v Mark Houck. He faced up to 11 years in prison and a $350,000 fine as the government claimed a violation took place. Houck vehemently disagreed, saying they were arresting Catholic protestors like terrorists. When the ‘Not guilty’ verdict was announced his supporters in the courtroom wept tears of relief. They had taken on Goliath - the full might of the American government - and won. They later prayed outside the federal courthouse, thanking God for being with them in spirit and truth.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 February 2023 22:01

Rabbi uses AI to write sermon

In what might be the latest sign of things to come, a rabbi in New York has become the first Jewish teacher to deliver a sermon written entirely by artificial intelligence. Before teaching on Genesis 44, Rabbi Joshua Franklin of the Jewish Center of the Hamptons, told his congregation that his AI-written sermon was, in fact, written by ChatGPT. Following the crowd’s reaction and applause, Franklin said the real issue is how AI will impact what the world considers spiritual. He asked, ‘How does spirituality function in a world that’s driven by data and driven by information?’ AI has jumped from simple task management to being used to design self-flying planes, paint works of art and consider ‘moral dilemmas’ for AI-driven ‘driverless’ cars.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 February 2023 21:57

USA: protests over police brutality

Protests in Memphis on 27 January blocked a major highway and small-scale demonstrations were held elsewhere when over an hour of video footage was released of police violently arresting Tyre Nicholas twenty days earlier. There were no signs of Tyre resisting arrest. He was beaten unnecessarily and died in hospital three days later. Five officers were charged with his murder before the videos were released, to avert anticipated protests against police violence. Protests are spreading. Two thousand miles away in Los Angeles, demonstrators vandalised eight businesses and one person in possession of spray paint and a glass-breaking tool was arrested for felony vandalism. Marchers met in Hollywood, and Black Lives Matter continue to press for an end to traffic stops by police.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 20 January 2023 05:04

USA: Debt ceiling danger

At the time of writing, 19th January America is about to hit their debt limit, meaning the government is not allowed to borrow any more money - unless Congress agrees to suspend or change the cap, currently almost $31.4tn (£25.4tn). Since 1960, politicians have moved to raise, extend or revise the definition of the debt limit 78 times - including three just in the last six months. But Republicans recently took control of the House of Representatives and are calling for spending cuts, raising concerns that politicians will delay acting this time - leading America to intentionally default for the first time in its history. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has estimated that special measures can buy time for the US until at least June, at which point the government will no longer be able to pay its bills. A true economic catastrophe - unpaid defence contractor payments, Social Security cheques, received by retirees and salaries of government employees, including the military, will all be affected.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 12 January 2023 20:56

USA: abortion pill could be sold at pharmacies

The US government has paved the way for pharmacies to sell mifepristone, the first of a two-drug procedure for medication abortions. Mifepristone is used first to block progesterone and cause the unborn baby to die over several days. It is followed by misoprostol, which causes painful uterine contractions which expel the deceased baby from the mother’s womb. Retailers CVS and Walgreens will seek government certification to dispense the drug to women with a doctor’s prescription. Women could then take it at home, despite documented medical risks. Pro-life leaders say the new regulation will turn neighbourhood retail pharmacies into participants in killing unborn children. Peer-reviewed data from California, Finland and Sweden show that chemical abortions result in higher rates of medical complications than surgical abortions. A pro-life research organisation said emergency room visits associated with chemical abortion increased by over 500% from 2002 to 2015. During those years chemical abortions increased from 4.4% to 34.1% of total abortions.

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