Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:45

Seeds of prayer: the seasons

In Israel, August is the beginning of the season of pomegranates. One of the ‘seven species’ (Deuteronomy 8:8), pomegranates are symbolic of blessing and fruitfulness (Numbers 13:23),  providing much needed refreshment when summer is at its hottest and driest. Full of seeds, they remind us that fruitfulness is also about securing future generations. Give thanks that it is the Lord who blesses and makes us fruitful, who sustains us through dry and difficult times, and whose plans for us are always for a ‘future and a hope’ (Jeremiah 29:11). Boris Johnson has pledged more funds to address ‘imbalances that affect rural communities’, with funding for rural schools, supporting rural post offices, and fibre broadband by 2025. He said rural communities will be central to kick-starting the British economy after Brexit. Pray that he and his cabinet will govern so that rural and urban communities lead a quiet and peaceable life.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:40

Iran: UK initiative on Strait of Hormuz

On 29 July Iran said that talks with the USA would be possible if based on an agenda that could lead to tangible results, but Washington is not seeking dialogue. Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, appealed to Mr Trump to ignore the advice of his hawkish advisers and seek a diplomatic solution to the standoff with Iran. Mr Trump has occasionally expressed interest in negotiations, but will not ease sanctions on Iran. Recently France, Italy, and Denmark gave support for a British plan for a European-led naval mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz. On 31 July Britain invited military representatives of the US and other countries to a meeting in Bahrain to discuss this initiative. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:33

UK invited to pray for the Hajj

Jesus has all authority and power to forgive sins through his sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection for those who receive Him by faith. However Muslims reject this mercy and look for forgiveness and an allegiance to Allah by doing a Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. Muhammad said, ‘Whoever performs Hajj for the sake of Allah and does not utter any obscene speech or do any evil deed will go back (free of sin) as his mother bore him.’ All Muslims must perform the Hajj at least once in their lifetime if they are able; it is one of the five pillars of their faith. On 18 August, three million Muslims from all over the world will flock to Mecca to perform sacred acts and follow the steps of Muhammad, for three days. You are invited to join Christians globally to pray for the millions taking this spiritual journey.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:41

Intercessor Focus: new leader

Lord, you moved the heart of Cyrus, even though he did not know you, to do your will for the sake of the nation (2 Chron. 36:22). You changed Saul’s heart and used him to fulfil your purposes (Acts 9:4). The UK has a new prime minister. We pray that you will enable Boris Johnson to stride into your Kingdom purposes with every decision he makes. We ask You, Father, to use his strong intellect to take us on the Brexit journey and also to inject your purposes into education, the NHS, social services, police, military, commerce and industry; bringing them back onto the paths of mercy and moral laws. Father please open his mind to Your strategies for the coming months. May he lead this nation into restoration and renewal. Surround him with wise advisers who have Your vision and anointing to meet the needs of society through Brexit transitions to achieve a ‘breakthrough’ in the Irish border blockage.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:39

New cabinet

Boris Johnson is leading a ‘Brexit’ cabinet, so called because key roles were given to leading Brexiteers. Our reputation in the world will change as new faces represent the UK, possibly with new policies. Let us pray into these changes. May God's hand and mercy direct Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary; may he see the work centred on the persecuted church through to completion. May Priti Patel, the home secretary, use her innovativeness to address terrorism, drugs, and knife crime, keeping our streets safe. May Chancellor Sajid Javid keep our economy safe during and after Brexit. Apart from high-profile ministers, Boris will also rely on key advisers behind the scenes, such as his senior adviser Dominic Cummings; may God use his outspokenness to establish reforms aligned to Kingdom purposes. For a ‘who’s who’ of the new cabinet, click the ‘More’ button.
Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:37

Praying for Christians in the media

In difficult economic and social times, we need strong and courageous international, national and local media, working to the highest ethical standards. To this end, the vision of Christians in the media is to see the media flourish as they become key influencers. Please pray for more churches to engage positively with the media, and for the life-affirming Gospel message of faith, hope and love to be reflected more and more in the UK’s national newspapers, community radios, websites, TV networks and blogs. Pray for more Christian researchers, writers and editors to step into key roles of international and national networks. May there be thriving media with Kingdom values woven into programming schedules. Ask God to give spiritual and moral strength to those striving for integrity and truth. Pray also for journalists around the world facing death and imprisonment for speaking the truth.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:33

Children excluded for opposing LGBT lessons

Ten-year-old Kasey, a Pentecostal Christian, is speaking out against the growing LGBT agenda in her classroom. As parents nationally protest against LGBT school lessons, the Christian Legal Centre is supporting courageous Kasey and her mother, who are taking a stand against a school seeking to eradicate any opposition to its LGBT agenda. Kasey and her Catholic friend, Farrell, were explaining in the lesson how gay people would be 'punished' for their sexuality in some countries, but their point was misunderstood and the school suspended them for five days for being homophobic. Kasey said, 'I only learned what homophobic means the other day. I'm not homophobic, I'm just against the school traching LGBT topics to children.' Kasey's mother said, 'The school is failing to recognise our Christian beliefs and is persecuting us for wanting to maintain our Bible principles.' The Christian Legal Centre said the situation reflects the sexual agenda imposed on innocent children.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:31

Iran’s piracy and British ships

Currently events in the gulf are operating just below the threshold of all-out war between Iran and the UK/USA over the Straits of Hormuz. On 24 July Al-Jazeera reported that President Rouhani has suggested that, if the United Kingdom releases its tanker seized off the coast of Gibraltar earlier this month, his country will return a British-flagged vessel it apprehended last week. Rouhani made the purported offer during a weekly cabinet meeting, assuring an ‘appropriate response from Iran’ if the UK stepped away from the ‘wrong actions in Gibraltar’. Boris Johnson will immediately have to deal with the crisis over Iran and the deployment of a European-led maritime protection mission which the previous Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt announced on 22 July. Six tankers have been sabotaged in six weeks: see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:28

Universal Credit benefits

Since its introduction, Universal Credit (UC) has made things harder for people receiving it. Now, a court ruling has made it possible for 13,000+ disabled people to receive backdated benefit payments. People who moved from the severe disability benefit to UC, which rolls six payments into one, will receive backdated payments of up to £405 per month alongside the UC benefit. The work and pensions secretary said that claimants who had been entitled to the severe disability premium would be given ‘ongoing transitional payments’ as they moved across to UC, and those who had already moved to the new system would be eligible for backdated payments. While we can thank God for this change, we can continue praying for other support packages which need re-assessing and addressing, including dementia care and undiagnosable illnesses that do not fit into any recognised medical category but still need support with training, transport, supervision, and personal care.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:26

World Day against human trafficking

On 30 July, thousands will come together to draw attention to the horrific crime of human trafficking. IJM has partnered with singer-songwriter Roo Panes to release a powerful music video to raise awareness of the brutal reality of human trafficking, and to inspire individuals to get involved and take a part in ending it. Awareness is a vital first step in ending trafficking, and it is hoped this video will reach thousands, or even millions, as people share about it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, using the hashtag #Warrior and #EndTrafficking and tagging @IJMUK. Everyone who wants to make a stand against trafficking is invited to find the film at: www.ijmuk.org/Warrior or on Roo Panes' YouTube. Nothing happens if people are unaware of the need: when we are aware of modern slavery, still nothing happens, unless we do something.

Published in British Isles