Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 23 June 2022 23:36

Covid cases increasing

Covid infections are up 43% across the UK, following the Jubilee weekend of partying and two new fast-spreading subvariants of Omicron, BA4 and BA5. People can catch them even if they have recently had other types of Covid. The Office for National Statistics (ONS), which compiles the data, says it is too early to say if this is the start of another wave. Millions celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee between 2 and 5 June, giving Covid many opportunities to spread. It usually takes a few days for people to show symptoms or test positive after catching it, so the latest data covers some of that Jubilee mixing. There were 11,778 new confirmed positive test result on 17 June 2022, and 80,128 people in the last 7 days. An increase of 17,771 compared to the previous 7 days. Data is being monitored closely: see


Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 June 2022 23:32

Crackdown on efforts to save lives

The Aurora, a former RNLI lifeboat, was sold to the British charity Search and Rescue Relief. After they had rescued 85 people in a sinking skiff off the north African coast on 29 May, Italian authorities gave them permission to land on Lampedusa Island. Two days later, the UK’s maritime and coastguard agency gave the charity notice that prevented Aurora going back to sea, claiming it was operating ‘beyond the geographical limitations’ of the Rescue Boat Code under which it is certified. The Aurora, which is operated by the international non-governmental rescue body Sea Watch, has been stranded at the island for nearly a month. 45 people have died while trying to cross the Mediterranean in that time. The ban comes after the European Court of Human Rights stopped asylum seekers from Africa and the Middle East in the UK being sent to Rwanda. Migrants from these countries hoping to reach the UK via the English Channel must first cross the Mediterranean.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 June 2022 22:41

Britain has poor nature connectedness

From the romantic poets to Sir David Attenborough’s research, Britain has a reputation for being a nation of nature lovers. But citizens of this green and pleasant land are ranked bottom of fourteen European nations measured for their ‘nature connectedness’, according to a new study. This is a psychological concept which measures the closeness of an individual’s relationship with other species and the wild world. Studies have found that people with a high level of nature connectedness enjoy better mental health and are more likely to act in environmentally friendly ways. Britain. which has lost more wildlife than any other G7 country, has been shown to be one of the most nature-depleted countries on the planet. Professor Miles Richardson, the lead author of the study, is asking the UN to adopt the concept of nature connectedness as a sustainable target, with 17 sustainable development goals focused on issues for people or for nature.

Published in British Isles

One of the many refugees destined for Rwanda under a controversial scheme is an Iranian ex-police commander who fears Iranian agents would kill him in Rwanda. Iran's Revolutionary Guard is known for kidnapping and assassinating dissidents in African countries, including Rwanda. He testified via Skype to a tribunal investigating Iranian atrocities during anti-government protests. He was in charge of sixty police officers when he refused to obey orders to shoot protesters during the rallies. He was demoted by Iran’s military court and sentenced to five years in jail. 1,500 men, women and children were killed in the demonstrations. While out on bail pending his appeal he escaped to Turkey and lived in hiding for fourteen months, before fleeing to England in May. Although his face was covered when he gave evidence, Iran's security forces managed to identify him and have persecuted his family who are still living in Iran. See also article 5 in the World section.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 June 2022 10:30

Film deemed 'blasphemous' by Muslims

Cineworld has removed a film about Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, from Bradford, Bolton, Birmingham and Sheffield venues, after hundreds of Muslims protested, calling the film blasphemous. Cineworld said that because of incidents outside venues, and for the safety of staff and customers, the screening of 'The Lady of Heaven' will stop. The film opens with the IS invasion of Iraq, showing a jihadist murder, before telling the story of Lady Fatima. The movie's executive producer called Cineworld’s decision ‘unacceptable’ and accused them of 'bowing down to radical extremists'. He said, ‘It is never right to submit to anything that undermines free speech. The only caveat to free speech is if you incite violence either directly or indirectly. If someone doesn’t want to watch something, then don't watch it, that's your freedom. People can’t compel you to watch this film, it doesn’t incite violence, and there is nothing in British law preventing the film being screened in the UK.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 June 2022 10:28

Isolated elderly

There are unseen challenges that people struggle with in later life. Pray for the elderly struggling with eating and living well. May they have a network of caring friends to support them as they find they cannot do the things they used to do, due to limited mobility and shrinking finances. Pray for those impacted by the onset of dementia and trying to maintain their independence in an ever-shrinking world. Pray for the widows and widowers living alone who could be depressed, with no one to share the ups and downs of their days with. Pray for God to raise up people in different generations to come alongside the elderly people in their communities and be befrienders. Pray for anointed and caring people to help older people to understand their purpose in later life. May our aged feel that they remain purposeful in their later years.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 June 2022 10:24

12-year-old’s life support to be removed

The mother of 12-year-old Archie Battersbee is ‘devastated’ after a court ruled his life support should be removed. This was because it decided that ‘on the balance of probabilities’ Archie had died. His mother said, ‘Basing judgment on an MRI test that he is likely to be dead is not good enough.’ This is the first time someone has been declared probably dead based on an MRI test. The concept of brain death is discredited if Archie cannot be reliably diagnosed brain-dead. His mother added, ‘The hospital and judge failed to take the wishes of the family into consideration. His heart is still beating, he has gripped my hand, I know he is still in there. Archie has not been given enough time. From the beginning I have thought, “Why the rush?” Until it is God's way I won't accept he should go. I know of miracles when people have come back from being brain-dead.’

Published in British Isles

Citizens Advice is warning of different cost-of-living tactics used by scammers. Over 75% of UK adults report being targeted by scammers this year, including emails claiming to be from Ofgem asking people to enter their bank details to get the £400 energy rebate, or claiming the government is giving £200,000 at random to pensioners, disabled or on low income. The director of National Trading Standards said, ‘Criminals are exploiting people’s worries as household bills rise. Consumers are put under increasing pressure from waves of scam emails, or imposters cold calling. Legitimate organisations would never put you on the spot in this way.’ Popular scams are people saying they are from postal or courier delivery services, from the government or HMRC with rebates and refunds, online shopping, energy, medical or fake investments.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 June 2022 10:19

Church urged to engage in education system

Research by the Times Education Commission condemned ‘shocking’ regional disparities in schools. One primary school reported children starting school unable to say their names; half of reception and nursery were not toilet-trained. There was also a lack of training on how to identify students with special education needs. The Association of Christian Teachers (ACT) called for the Church to play a bigger part in the education system after the report also found that parents do not believe classrooms prepare pupils for life or work and the system places too much emphasis on exams which could damage pupils' mental health. Exams have become a source of emotional stress for teachers and students: some students refuse to even open an exam paper. Christian teachers can emphasise that exams aren’t everything. They have the opportunity to say how trusting God puts worry in perspective, that God has a plan for our lives - even if we feel it all depends on one certain day and one exam.

Published in British Isles

Mariangela Alejandro, a history and politics student, was taught by professor Tim Hayward at Edinburgh University. But a few weeks into the course she complained, ‘He goes from talking about global financial markets and poverty into this realm of conspiracy theories about the Syrian president and Russia.’ Days after a maternity hospital in Mariupol was bombed, Prof Hayward retweeted a Russian ambassador to the UN describing the attack as #fakenews. The tweet said the hospital had been controlled by the Ukrainian military, and no patients were there. In a lecture he outlined an argument that the renowned aid organisation the White Helmets may have helped fake a chemical attack in Syria. Russia has said the attack was staged. In March he and other academics were accused by MPs in the House of Commons of spreading misinformation about the Ukraine war. Education secretary Nadhim Zahawi said the Government would crack down hard on misinformation.

Published in British Isles