Displaying items by tag: church

Friday, 13 January 2017 07:02

The Church in China: persecution and influence

The Church is the largest social force in China not controlled by the Communist Party. As a result, there are increasing efforts to restrict the way Christians operate. A considerable number of Christians are still imprisoned. Violence is at a very high level and is increasing: also, churches have been closed, and landlords pressurised to stop renting premises to Christians. The story for Christians in China varies hugely depending on the region. There has been a significant change for the better for Han Chinese, but Christians from minority ethnic groups face a great amount of persecution. ‘There was a woman in my church who was kidnapped by her family when they found out she converted. They took her back to her home village, broke her legs so she could not escape, and then tried to force her to be a Muslim again.’ These are the words of a Christian leader from the Hui people group. Originally from a Muslim family, as most Hui are, she came to Christ 14 years ago. In spite of the enormous risk, many Hui are becoming Christians. ‘It is amazing how the gospel message touches the hearts of the Hui; many are giving up everything to follow Christ.’

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:47

Iran: worsening persecution of believers

A report by the Iranian Christian news agency Mohabat News showed that persecution worsened in 2016, with a steep rise in organised, government-sponsored anti-Christian campaigns on radio and television, combined with a vicious crackdown on Farsi-speaking fellowships. Dozens of house churches have been investigated, meetings interrupted and members arrested, interrogated and imprisoned. Records show that 92 Christian converts from Islam are currently awaiting trial, although the real number is likely to be far higher. The report also mentioned a number of well-known Iranian Christians being deliberately defamed, portraying them as morally and financially corrupt. Publication of Bibles and Christian literature in the country is banned, whilst there is subsidising of the publication of works which give a false and negative image of Christianity. Lift up in prayer all Christians held in prison. Pray that the authorities in Iran will not see Christians, including converts from Islam, as a threat but rather as a valuable part of Iranian society, and that government efforts to discredit and suppress Christianity will prove futile.

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