Displaying items by tag: prayer

Friday, 21 September 2018 09:47

Scotland: St Andrew’s Day

St Andrew’s Day is 30 November and it will also be a day of prayer for Scotland, with many churches in different parts of the country hosting a variety of prayer events. May God bless Scotland and help every individual to show gratitude for what has been good in the past, goodwill in the present, and hope with determination for the days ahead. May Scotland follow Andrew’s footsteps, just as he followed his Lord, Jesus Christ.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 September 2018 00:26

Prayers for our parliament

Parliament is sitting again, and the following are some general pointers to guide you in praying for our national life together. Pray for our MPs - their faith, the pressure of being away from home, their workload as they serve their local communities. Thank God for freedom to pray and worship together, and pray that this precious freedom is protected by our politicians. Pray that Christian MPs, peers, policy staff and house staff will grow in numbers and in the depth of their faith, and also that they will be a positive and gracious influence in Parliament. Pray for politics of wisdom, integrity, self-sacrifice and policymaking for the good of all, and for effective and gracious Christian presence and influence in political debate. Pray that the Christian groups in each of the main parties will grow in influence and the positive contribution that they can make.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 August 2018 10:21


After Salih Khater attempted a terror attack outside the Houses of Parliament, we can pray: ‘In the Name of Jesus, we enforce God’s original plans for peace, mercy and hope over and against every plan and purpose of Satan to bring death or destruction, and we declare this nation will be a place of safety. We declare You are the one in whom we put our trust. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses; but we remember the Name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7). We thank You for Your love and Your covenant with us, and we come into agreement with Your word that “love always protects”. We thank You for those You have called to watch over our nation at this time, both in the spiritual realm and in the physical realm, and we release Your strength and Your wisdom to them in the Name of Jesus.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 August 2018 09:57

Brussels: European Parliament prayers

Since 2011 intercessors from different backgrounds and nations come into the presence of God in the European Parliament every Friday. Some attend regularly; other individuals or groups join when they can. Every gathering looks different as the Holy Spirit leads. Afterwards they have a sharing time over lunch or coffee. Hundreds of people from across the world have prayed with them inside the EP. All have experienced God intervening in every meeting for every prayer topic. There have been deliverances, healings and visitations of the Holy Spirit. An intercessor writes, ‘We’ve already begun praying for the May 2019 elections for members of the European Parliament; for God to raise up people with godly values to represent the people of Europe. Key people at the top of the list in each political party, who will seek and have the Lord’s favour and grace. We also pray that those who are obstacles will resign or be moved out and for the “unknowns” to come forward.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 14 June 2018 23:12

Church leaders endorse Season of Creation

Every year, from 1 September to 4 October, members of the Christian family set aside time to deepen their relationship with the Creator, each other, and all of creation. This is the Season of Creation, which began in 1989 as a day of prayer for creation in the Orthodox Church, and which is now embraced by the wider ecumenical family. A letter to all churches said, ‘During this season, we join together to rejoice in the good gift of creation and reflect on how we care for it. As the environmental crisis deepens, we Christians are urgently called to witness to our faith by taking bold action to preserve the gift we share. During this season we ask ourselves: Do our actions honour the Lord as Creator? Are there ways to deepen our faith by protecting “the least of these”, who are most vulnerable to the consequences of environmental degradation?’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 June 2018 23:02

USA: pray for trade tariff turnaround

One of the underlying motivations for the American Revolution was to industrialise, and reverse the crippling trade deficit with Britain. Protectionism and trade barriers were the USA's de facto policy for trading until 1947, when it switched to free trade after most of its industrial competitors were wiped out by the war. It signed up to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas, ‘on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis’. GATT morphed into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1995, but its original text is still in effect. Pray that current international debates will draw countries back to the roots of GATT and WTO, to reduce or even eliminate trade barriers.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 31 May 2018 23:52

White fields across the Channel

Mainland Europe is a mission field on our doorstep. Jean Darnall and Smith Wigglesworth both prophesied God’s Spirit would flow from the UK to mainland Europe. Some from the UK and other European nations have relocated to France as ‘missionaries’. The evangelical church in France has seen remarkable growth equivalent to one new church every ten days. There are now 650,000 evangelical Christians in France. At the same time, the Roman Catholic church has declined, but there is a thriving RC charismatic movement. Social despair, mistrust of political leaders, and high unemployment, combined with a cultural willingness to discuss and debate have created conditions favourable to evangelical church growth. Now a Paris-based ministry with a vision for France and Europe called Jesus2Europe invites UK intercessors to join in prayer for France between 1 and 7 June. You can sign up for a prayer slot at

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:55

Trumpet Call - Birmingham - 9 June

We need to see change in the United Kingdom. It is time to turn to Jesus. It is time for His Kingdom to come, and His will to be done here. You are invited to join thousands of Christians praying, worshipping and declaring for God’s Kingdom to come in our families, churches and communities, praying for an unprecedented turning to God in our nation. This is the eleventh Trumpet Call that the World Prayer Centre has held in Birmingham. Speakers include R T Kendall, Malcolm Duncan and Yinka Oyekan.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:29

Remembrance 100

From 4 August to 11 November 2018 there will be a hundred days of prayer for peace, marking the centenary of the end of World War 1. Some 65 million men were mobilised across Europe during this war. On 11 November, people will remember them, but also will pray and work for peace. On 4 August 1918, George V called for 100 days of prayer across the country. This year, throughout those 100 days, there will be prayers and actions for peace. People can sign up to take part and spend just a few minutes of their day, adding their prayers to those of tens of thousands more throughout the season of prayers for peace.  The period will culminate in Peace Parties on 11 November in communities across the nation. For details of the many organisations providing resources needed to stage a local event, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 18 May 2018 11:17

Thy Kingdom Come: celebrate!

Today’s youth meditation: #pledge2pray #celebrate - To celebrate is to do something that isn’t just required or expected. It is to go a bit over the top about someone; to do more than you need, because, as they say, they’re worth it. God’s worth it. But we regularly take it all as a bit standard. If you were going to celebrate God, how would you do it?

Published in British Isles