Displaying items by tag: prayer

Thursday, 09 June 2022 23:19

Ukraine: pray for the refugees

Ukrainians fleeing to neighbouring countries, looking for peace from conflict, are finding that their lives have changed drastically. They face new questions: where to live? how to make a living? They are struggling with language barriers and uncertainty about the safety of their loved ones still in Ukraine. They had been owners of homes and financially independent: now they are alone in a foreign country that is not their home. Father, please bring healing and restoration to those with vivid memories of death and destruction. Give peace of mind to those now suffering strife and fear. May they quickly settle into their new environments and have a sense of belonging. Father, please care for those whose life seems out of control; may they find a sure foundation in you. Give the disillusioned hope in a future and by Your Spirit draw near to those who are living with sorrow and uncertainty. Release Your comfort into shattered lives.

Published in Europe
Friday, 08 April 2022 04:13

Europe - healing of the nations

God loves the nations, and we can pray for their healing and destiny. May Ukraine experience God’s comfort and help. May the sun of righteousness rise upon them with healing in its wings. May God’s peacemakers arise in Russia, people full of mercy. Pray for love to overcome evil and for all that is in the dark to come to light. Pray for corruption to be revealed. May Jewish people in both countries hear the call to come ‘home’ to Israel and that spiritual revival comes. Europe is currently experiencing how the national and international security of the past few decades is beginning to falter with Russia invading Ukraine. The war poses far-reaching questions regarding political, diplomatic (international relationships, understanding of national interests), economic (sanctions, embargo) and military (weapons delivered to Ukraine, realignment of military resources) How can the war be ended quickly? 

Published in Europe
Thursday, 31 March 2022 21:55

Asia / Arab world: pray for missionaries

Interserve works alongside the Church in nations across Asia and the Arab World, and in other locations where there is opportunity to disciple Asian and Arab peoples. Some missionaries serve long-term, others for a shorter time. Some join through as volunteers or as consultants. Pray for more people to hear God’s call on their lives to be involved in bringing transformation into the lives of the people by starting a business, or working in medicine, or ministering to refugees. Pray for God to send those with the skills to assist immigrants, now in the West, with language classes, teaching, and much more in partnership with the global Church. Pray for those already discipling people in dangerous situations; ask God to keep them safe. Pray for those countering human trafficking, working alongside refugees, and assisting immigrants in every way possible. https://www.interserve.org.uk/focus/ Times have changed, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 March 2022 20:34

Kyrgyzstan: overview for prayer

Kyrgyzstan, a remote mountainous nation with a nomadic tribal culture, is one of the poorest former Soviet states. Life is hard and many have left to work elsewhere. Most Kyrgyz have returned to their pre-communist Islamic cultural identity. 93% are Sunni Muslims: 4% are Christians, including less than 1% evangelicals. Some churches worship openly, even in small towns, but being a Christian is difficult because of the Islamic culture. Christian converts are commonly beaten, and the small Christian minority is generally oppressed by society. For example, buses will not stop for those known as Christians in small communities, and believers have difficulty getting jobs and even buying goods. In some communities, Muslim leaders have denied the burial of deceased Christians. Bibles are more accessible in Kyrgyzstan than in other Central Asian nations and can be purchased at churches in larger cities, but they are expensive.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 03 March 2022 22:19

Seeds of prayer

This issue departs from core concerns to pray for Ukraine. Agriculture is the largest sector of Ukraine's economy (10% of GDP and 41% of total exports in 2021). Ukraine supplies 10% of the world’s wheat; Russia a further 18% . The war and sanctions will severely disrupt Ukrainian and Russian agricultural production and trade, with profound effects on national and global food supplies, especially hitting lower-income countries reliant on imports from these countries. It will also impact farming and food in the UK. Pray for Ukrainian and Russian farmers, and for all whose livelihoods rely on farming and food production in every country affected. The bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (USA) have issued this prayer: ‘We beseech Your lovingkindness and abundant blessings upon the nation - the people - of Ukraine during these days of great danger to their safety and wellbeing’.

Published in British Isles

The Kremlin is considering imposing martial law on its own citizens, the EU suggests. Russia's economy has descended into turmoil. The rouble is at a 10-year record low, anti-war protests continue in Moscow and St Petersburg, and the bloc was picking up speculation on social media about potential Russian plans, which it said would be ‘completely home-produced’. At a morning press conference, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov accused Western politicians of considering nuclear war, and said Moscow would press on with its military operation in Ukraine ‘until the end’. Ukraine Christians have matured over the years of fighting for freedom for their country and are depending on help from God more than support from America or Europe. In Russia, Christian revival is already growing despite much pressure from state authorities. Father God, we ask You to bring about Your outcome to this crisis. Replace error with truth and where there is darkness bring Your light.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 24 February 2022 20:58

Ukraine: pray during the time of turmoil

Every Generation Ministries bring the transformed life Jesus intends for children in Ukraine. Ukraine is home to over six million children and 5,000 evangelical churches. Russia and the West have battled over influence in Ukraine before. After the annexation of Crimea, thousands of children were displaced from their homes to live in fear and uncertainty. The country is in turmoil again and the world is praying for peace. Ask God to invigorate the church to reach out to searching people during this time of tumult. Pray for boys and girls who are experiencing tremendous fear and anxiety during the current unrest and those still recovering from 2014. Ask God to give church leaders wisdom as they navigate the tensions of civilians bearing arms, bombs, and millions fleeing. Christians in the town of Lviv are deploying a shield of prayer and worship. In an upper room African Christians are praying for their host country, ready to be Jesus’ hands and feet to those who must flee. On the other side of Lviv pastors meet, plan and pray the battle for freedom. In separatist areas Christians forbidden from meeting together meet secretly.  Ukraine’s vibrant Jewish community of 200,000 is one of the largest in the world. Many elderly Jews are comfortable with Russians as their neighbours. When their men served in the Soviet army during WWII they couldn’t imagine then that Russia would attack Ukraine. ‘I’m following the news,’ said Vera, a 68-year-old Jewish lady who practises Heseds (generously lovingly helping others). ‘I pray daily to God. I’m trying to cheer up my fellow-seniors.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 17 February 2022 21:52

Changing communities - prayers

In our communities we see pockets of prejudice and persecution, and in the marketplace we have to watch out for fraud and dishonesty - but, Father, we know you can bring change and establish kingdom values in our land. So we ask You to call, raise up, and anoint men and women to bring transformation to the hard places. May 2022 be the turning point as Your Church delivers love and compassion to deprived areas. Where there is despair bring hope; where there is grief, release Your healing. Father, we ask You to expel the enemy from his strongholds and flood every dark area with your light and power. Release forgiveness, reconciliation and peace to communities experiencing prejudice and animosity, and strengthen Your church as they step out in faith to proclaim freedom for the captives. Let this year be the year of the Lord’s favour as wounds within cultures are healed.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 February 2022 21:13

Ukraine: prayers

Ukrainians are watching Russian forces mass at their borders, and we pray for all who are frightened and at risk in these dangerous times. We ask You, Father, to hold Ukrainians safely in Your hands and spread your banner of protection over them. Protect them from violence and political gamesmanship, from being used and abused in geopolitics. Give the nations of the world the courage to stand up for justice and dare to show that they care generously. Father, we echo all the intercessions for those families living under the threats of war. May they be granted a calmness of spirit by Your presence. May the diplomatic voices of discernment and peaceful solutions be heard and successfully break the enemy’s hold. Lord, raise up peacemakers on all sides and build trust amongst the diplomats. Give them heaven's wisdom. May the Church in these nations be salt and light in dark situations. 

Published in Europe
Tagged under
Thursday, 10 February 2022 20:18

Global: the Buddhist world

There are about 400 million Buddhists in the world today. God loves each and every one of them. His heart’s desire is that they would be reconciled to Him through Jesus. Buddhism is the dominant religion in over a dozen Asian countries including mainland China and Japan, while large Buddhist populations live in North Korea, Nepal, India and South Korea. Buddhism revolves primarily around suffering. Its founder was born nearly 600 years before Christ. In its 2,500-year history, Buddhism has been one of the great religions of the world. The main expansion occurred during its first two millennia, and Buddhism has made no significant geographical expansion in the last five centuries. Revitalisation and missionary movements of Buddhism are currently on the increase. See

Published in Worldwide