
Displaying items by tag: Africa

Thursday, 09 July 2020 20:51

Africa: tracking coronavirus

The coronavirus outbreak has reached every nation in Africa, a continent of 1.2 billion people. As of 7 July the confirmed death toll was 12,000, with fatalities including the former president of the Republic of the Congo and Somalia's former prime minister. With over 500,000 confirmed infections in Africa, experts warn that fragile healthcare systems in many countries could be overwhelmed in the face of a severe outbreak of Covid-19. African countries urgently need to scale up coronavirus testing and the use of face masks, a regional disease control body said, as the epidemic gains traction across the continent. New cases were up 24% in the past week. The pandemic is gaining full momentum: see

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Thursday, 09 July 2020 20:48

Zimbabwe: Peace Direct

Since its independence in 1980, Zimbabwe has experienced low-intensity conflict marked by periods of escalation and political violence. Once an economic powerhouse, Zimbabwe suffers from a worsening currency and economic crisis, leading to a rise in protests with some turning violent. Peace Direct and its partner, Envision Zimbabwe Women’s Trust, work in Murewa and Hurungwe districts to address the deeply embedded culture of violence by training traditional local leaders and the national police force in non-violent conflict resolution. They prevent violence against women by providing gender training and supporting women who have been victims of sexual violence or domestic abuse. Their local peace committees defuse community tensions through an ‘early warning early response’ network monitoring flashpoints of violence, so they can be quickly identified and calmed. Nationally unresolved conflicts remain rooted in disputes over national power and economic hardship.

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Thursday, 02 July 2020 20:51

Zimbabwe: economic crisis, poverty

A shopper grumbled while returning a loaf of bread to a rack - the price had jumped by a third. Nearby a half-mile queue of cars waited at an empty petrol station hoping for a delivery. Zimbabwe has an economic crisis. Basic goods prices rise weekly as the value of the Zimbabwean dollar tumbles. Inflation was 785.6% in April, and poverty is deepening. UN aid agencies reported that 7.7 million people, half of the population, require food assistance. A loaf of bread went up 36% last month, and last week a 22-pound sack of cornmeal jumped 30%. Fuel soared by 152% recently; a similar rise in 2019 sparked national demonstrations and deaths. ‘Things cannot continue this way. These people should just admit they have failed,’ said a Harare resident, referring to President Mnangagwa’s government which took power pledging to revive the economy. Pray for food aid to reach the hungry.

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Thursday, 02 July 2020 20:34

Ethiopia: ethnic tensions simmer

Hundreds of thousands of protesters brought sweeping change to their government in 2018 blaring the music of Hachalu Hundessa, a popular activist singing for the liberation and empowerment of the largest ethnic group - the Oromo. Now 34-year old Hundessa has been gunned down in Addis Ababa, causing massive new protests. By 2 July over 80 were dead. The internet has been cut nationwide. The prime minister, praising the singer, called for calm. Authorities say suspects are in custody, but beyond that little is known about what happened. In a deeply fragmented nation of 105 million people, coronavirus has forced the postponement of August’s national elections. Ethiopians, already in heightened social tension and economic uncertainty, now have to wait until next year to express their grievances and preferences through normal political channels.

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Opposition leader Lazarus Chakwera has won Malawi's latest presidential race, defeating incumbent Peter Mutharika with 58.57% of the vote. Chakwera is a theologian, pastor and former President of the Malawi Assemblies of God.

Following his victory, the new president said the election — which was a rerun following last year's poll being scrapped due to voting irregularities — was "a win for democracy and justice". He is the first opposition leader in Northern sub-saharan Africa to win a voting rerun after a result has been overturned due to fraud or irregularity.

He said his heart was "bubbling with joy" at the result.

In his speech after being sworn in, Chakwera said: "Time has come for us to go beyond dreaming, time has come for us to wake up, to arise from slumber, and to make our dreams come true.

"With your help we will restore faith in having a government that serves; not a government that rules, a government that inspires, not a government that infuriates, a government that listens, not a government that shouts but a government that fights for you and not against you."

Mr Chakwera worked as an instructor at the Assemblies of God School of Theology from 1983 to 2000 before becoming the Principal in 1996. He was given the name Lazarus following the death of his two older brothers when they were infants -- convinced that his son was going to live, Chakwera's father named him after the Biblical character who was famously raised from the dead by Jesus Christ.

Speaking to the BBC after being sworn in on Sunday, Chakwera promised to unite the troubled African nation and root out government corruption.

He said: "There's no cause for fear because I will be your president and my policy for inclusivity means we are building a new Malawi for all of us. I'm not a president of a faction, I'm a president of everyone in the country. I want to provide leadership that makes everybody prosper, that deals decisively with corruption and theft of public funds and a leadership that will follow the rule of law."

The new president added: "I do feel like Lazarus, I've come back from the dead, it's been a long journey and we feel vindicated in a way."

Following his victory, on Twitter, he simply wrote: "Thank you, my Lord Jesus."

Praise God for the election of this Christian President who honours and publicly professes his faith in God.

Pray that President Chakwera will quickly win the trust and confidence of all of the people of Malawi.

Pray for God-given wisdom for Lazarus Chakwera as he appoints his government and implements his manifesto.

Pray that the President will develop and strengthen the Malawi economy so the country will not need to depend on foreign aid.

Watch a video of Lazarus Chakwera telling his testimony to God’s grace.

Thursday, 02 July 2020 05:56

GO2020 Kids Story from Global Outreach Day

The original plan for Go 2020 Kids in Africa was to mobilize 1 million children across 31 nations where the Prayer Covenant for Children was active. Each child would be challenged to reach out to 20 students during May with a Prayer Covenant for Children Prayer Card that included the Gospel message, designed by the children, on the other side.

The Pandemic, of course, closed the schools and most to the actual “outreach” part of those plans had to be put on hold until the schools open again. But prayer was mobilized with current numbers showing 700,000 participating by praying for those they want to reach. And new doors opened for Go 2020 Kids to be active, like the radio stations that partnered with the All Africa Baptist Youth Fellowship (21 denominations) to allow daily “on-air” prayer programs across 19 nations in multiple languages.

Two days of prayer and fasting were observed on May 28 and 29.

Then on Saturday, May 30, children went to the streets to share the Gospel. Here’s one report from Elias about Go 2020 Kids. It represented the activity of just one church in Togo on Go Day.

The experience of children spreading the Gospel was very fruitful as 22,004 evangelistic tracts were distributed by the children in our church in Togo - during May 30 – Go Day!

It was an excellent experience for children to have the opportunity to be part of God’s mission by sharing the Gospel.

They were so excited as they first enjoyed praying for winning souls.

They see themselves no longer as useless people to God.

Many Christians, especially youth and adults, saw themselves as lazy as they saw children committed to share the Gospel

This morning I got a voicemail from one Christian brother who found my number on the outreach cards that children gave out during Global Outreach Day. He confessed that he was very touched to see children committed to evangelism and he was impressed and edified by the tool of the Prayer Covenant for Children evangelism card.

Thursday, 18 June 2020 21:19

Egypt: church demolitions

On 30 May, two days before ‘Global Coptic Day’, authorities demolished the only Coptic church in Koum al-Farag village, even though it served 3,000 Christians. The demolition was a punishment for the 'crime' of building rooms for Sunday school. When the extension work began, Muslims attacked the Christians by building a mosque next door (according to common law, churches are prevented from being formally recognised or displaying Christian symbols if a mosque is built next door). Police also imprisoned 14 Christians overnight. The nearest church is now ten miles away. Demolitions of churches are seldom reported in the West. Christians and priests are also randomly assaulted in Egypt’s streets - not by terrorists but by Muslim neighbours. See

Published in Worldwide

‘The incessant killing is more dangerous than coronavirus’, said a community leader in central Nigeria recently. His reaction is one of several testimonies - frequently harrowing to read, let alone to have experienced - which feature in an Inquiry into the scale of death and destruction caused by conflict occurring along the Christian-Muslim fault line running across the ‘Middle Belt’ of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation. The inquiry, published on 15 June by the UK parliament, had been taking evidence since autumn 2018. Since the coronavirus pandemic, violence appears to have grown even as international media have been otherwise occupied. The report, Nigeria: Unfolding Genocide, said, ‘Violence has claimed the lives of thousands of people and displaced hundreds of thousands more, causing untold human and economic devastation and heightening existing ethno-religious tensions.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 June 2020 21:03

Libya: working for a ceasefire

Libya, a major oil producer, has been mired in turmoil since 2011 when Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in a NATO-backed uprising. In the first week of June the warring sides began new ceasefire talks in Libya. On 14 June the Turkish foreign minister and his Russian counterpart decided to put off the talks during a phone call; however, they said that it was important to prevent another failed ceasefire. Pray that there will be constructive positive talks for a lasting ceasefire without any more postponements. Pray for a spirit of unity to flow through all communication between the Iranian foreign minister, Turkish president Erdogan, and Russian president Putin. Pray also for an end to the heavy clashes that erupted recently despite a unilateral ceasefire proposal by Egypt.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 June 2020 20:56

Nigeria: a prayer

As attacks on Christians continue in northern Nigeria, we can pray for Christians there, asking the Lord to end the killing and suffering for being a believer. ‘Father, may their witness be vibrant, as a lamp set on a hill. May their lives and actions demonstrate Your goodness. Give them hearts for reconciliation and forgiveness instead of revenge. Heal the broken-hearted. Comfort the mourning. Bind up the wounded. Be a father to the fatherless. Let our brothers and sisters know the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge, that they may be filled with all the fullness of You. May they be rooted and established in Your love. O Lord, empower those who minister in the most difficult areas with new strength. Refresh their spirits and fill their cups to overflowing. May the gospel of Your peace that they share bring peace to this place of turmoil.’

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