
Displaying items by tag: Asia

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:57

UPRISING GLOBAL 2018 – Indonesia (WYPA)

Members of the IPC Leadership Team joined Pastor Jerome and Mrs Abel Ocampo and the organisers of regional United Prayer Rising events in Jakarta on 23rd and 24th January 2018 for a summit.

The purpose of the meeting was to report back on the recent events and plans for forthcoming gatherings. In particular, the group prayerfully explored the possibility of organizing a Global Uprising event in Jakarta during October 2018. The vision is to see 2,000 Indonesian young people meet up with a further 2,000 youth from the other nations of the world.

Pictured below are all the attendees with Pastor Niko from the Sentul ICC.

A recurring theme during the times of prayer and worship was Isaiah 43: 9-10 - “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” During a visit to the Sentul International Convention Centre Prayer Tower, the leaders had a sense that something extraordinarily new and exciting was about to happen that would blow our minds!

The group of young leaders agreed to form part of an Indonesia Dream Team that would input to the program planning processes for the Global Uprising. The provisional date of October 24-26 and the venue will be confirmed shortly.

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Please pray:

> For protection, wisdom, and for the right doors to continue to open for these young people who have dedicated time, energy and skills to the United Prayer Rising Events.

> For Pastor Andy Tjokro (Jakarta) as he co-ordinates the various planning teams for the Global Uprising.

> For substantial funds to be released to undergird the regional and global events planned for the next few years. (Mal 3:10)

> For the Manilla based team who support and direct the events under the leadership and guidance of Pastor Jerome Ocampo.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:46

Prayers for Iran and Kurdistan

Since December 28, tens of thousands of Iranians have taken to the streets in huge numbers of towns and cities to demand better economic conditions and freedom from their oppressive religious government and the bad. Prices of basic goods had, in the past year, increased by roughly 40 percent. The protests began over Iran's stagnant economy and the rising cost of living but quickly have developed into a broader outcry against the oppressive government.
These demonstrations have become the most powerful challenge to the Iranian government's authority since mass demonstrations in 2009.

At least 20 people have since been killed in clashes with security forces, and more than a thousand of mostly young people have been arrested.
The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards said that the anti-government protests were over now as the government very violently cracked down on them.

We thank the Lord that we can continue to work in Kurdistan and for the family that will soon go there.
The Kurdish Pastor who was for nearly two years imprisoned in Kurdistan and has moved with his family to a neighbouring country, finally after about 5 years got residency for this country.
The strong tensions between the government of Iraq and Kurdistan has not been resolved. The tension is still there and the possibility of fighting breaking out between the Iraq and Kurdistan. Also it seems clear now that the Iraqi government will continue to ban direct flights into Kurdistan (Erbil & Sulaymaniyah).


• For this difficult situation in Iran. Only God can cause the leadership of this nation and their severe oppression of its people to change.
• That many of them would hear the Good news and that all these difficulties cause even more Iranians to accept the Lord.
• Protection of our brothers and sisters in the country and courage to reach out with wisdom and boldness to the Iranian people.

• For a good settlement between the Iraqi and Kurdistan governments and that the airports would soon open up again.
• That all the preparations for the couple that plans to move to Kurdistan would be completed soon and that they would be able to move there in the next few weeks and build up our work and ministry in the country.
• For the Kurdish church to grow throughout all the Kurdish regions.
• The Kurdish Kanal Hayat TV Programs to be watched by millions of Kurds! For more presenters for these programs.

Thank you for your prayers for these countries and the challenges they are facing and for believing with us that in the midst of these difficulties God expand His kingdom.

Your ElRock Team

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Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:41

Sunrise Prayer Relay Catching on Around the World

See some of the USA testimonies from Florida, South Dakota and Tennessee.

We are cheating a bit to say 50 countries because Puerto Rico is part of USA but they seem to regard themselves as another country. These countries included in the 50 are Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, China, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Fiji, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Liberia, Kenya, Mauritius, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria. North Korea, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Rwanda, Russia, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, USA and Vanuatu.

Check out more testimonies HERE - There are many more still to come!

Suffice to say from small beginnings in 2016 the New Year’s Sunrise Prayer Relay is exploding. There were 23 NATIONS where locations were confirmed in 2017 for the New Year's Day Sunrise Prayer Relay, so we have had a huge multiplication of people, locations, and nations praying in 2018. We believe that when people pray God moves and we are expecting Him to move powerfully in 2018 in EVERY NATION as we continue to pray for awakening, revival, and transformation in the name of Jesus.

This year we had 141 REGISTERED GLOBAL PUBLIC LOCATIONS with hundreds more that are private. This was an increase from around 100 on New Year's Day 2017, we are still going through the global registrations to confirm but at this stage we can say there were over 400 valid registrations worldwide this year, it was very difficult to confirm some of the locations and we are currently looking into more effective ways to register locations globally.

We also know of many locations globally that were not registered, or informed us via email or message that they were praying with us, we did not count these. We believe that the number of unregistered locations is greater than the number of registered locations. We need to simplify to multiply in other nations, and we would love to get prayer networks in nations like USA, UK & South Africa more involved to help with getting the word out and administration in their countries the way National Day of Prayer & Fasting has done for Australia.

The beauty of the New Year’s Day Sunrise Prayer Relay is that it is short (30 MINs),easy to do, easy to promote, requires minimal effort, is organic in nature, rides on an existing established event (New Year’s Day Sunrise) and has a proven track record of encouraging and reproducing more daily, weekly and monthly prayer events.

Warwick Marsh & Pat Steele
Global Coordinators Sunrise Prayer Relay

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:00

Highway 19 Prayer Summit 2018

If you are in prayer ministry and care about the work of the Lord in the Middle East region, this event is for you. You are invited to participate and to contact the organizers at the email or phone below.

Date: Feb 28 - March 3, 2018

Theme: RESET: 'Remaking the Beginning'

Isaiah 12:5 for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.

Yerevan, Armenia
The Ark Hostel

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 26 January 2018 09:23

Thailand: slavery in the seafood industry

Thailand is the third largest seafood exporter in the world. The industry relies heavily on trafficked and forced labour on unlicensed vessels. Many victims are from Cambodia, Laos and Burma. Beatings and starvation are commonplace. The Thai government claims it is regulating the fishing industry more tightly, yet slavery persists. The International Justice Mission (IJM) works with other bodies to rescue victims trafficked into Thailand’s fishing industry, and creates individualised care plans to meet survivors’ physical, psychological and emotional needs so that they can thrive in freedom. IJM requests prayer for favour and wisdom as the team builds relationships with police and prosecutors in both Thailand and Cambodia (where many of the traffickers target victims).

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 26 January 2018 09:20

Central Asia: praying for the unreached

There are 50 million Pashtuns in Central Asia; they are the largest group of unreached people in the region. There are only about 500 Pashtun believers scattered through Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. The number is a best guess, as they live in remote locations under unbelievable challenges to their walk of faith. The worst thing a Pashtun could ever do is to turn from Islam and become a Christian. One believer taught his children a hymn, ‘Jesus shed his blood for us’, only to find one of them singing it in the street to strangers. Can you imagine your dilemma if your child sang a hymn in public that posed a threat to your life? Or can you imagine meeting with a new believer for discipleship for the first time, but being unsure whether that person was a true believer or a spy who would betray you to the government? Please take some time to pray for persecuted believers to persevere in their heavenward journey. See also the Praise article ‘The Bible for everyone’.

Published in Worldwide

Islamist parties in Iraq are shedding their religious platforms to focus on reform in the campaign for upcoming elections in May, and are also allying with secular parties. Out of 200+ Islamist parties registered with the independent electoral commission, only ten have names explicitly invoking Islam. This development clearly shows the overall decline in Islamic movements, both Shiite and Sunni, compared with previous elections in which Islamist parties accounted for more than half of the registered groups. Many Iraqis blame political Islam for the tragedies and corruption plaguing their country, as Islamists have held the reins of power since 2005. At present Shiite political power influences state institutions and there is ongoing support from Iran, so we need to pray for God’s intervention in the elections.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 January 2018 09:54

Pakistan: prayer

A prayer team recently visited some places in Pakistan connected to terrorism. They felt the presence of evil, but also felt prayer backup that allowed them to pray as God wanted them to pray. They experienced protection by the prayers of others. Please pray that their intercessions will bring real change, and that people will be encouraged to pray even more for their country. Continue to pray for God’s protection over the team - that there will be no backlash, particularly for those inside Pakistan who do not have intercessors covering them. We can also praise God that unreached people groups will soon be targeted with prayer petitions. A large prayer organisation will soon produce daily prayer material for the Hindu ethnic groups in Pakistan.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 January 2018 09:44

Current natural disasters

Mount Mayon, in the Philippines, is erupting like a fountain. By 18 January, forty thousand villagers had been evacuated. People expect volcanic mudslides and roofs collapsing from accumulated ash and rainwater. Pray for those living in fear. In North America thousands are still engaged in search and clean-up efforts from last year’s wildfires, followed by huge mudslides. Pray for those who have lost everything. In Africa humanitarian aid takes months to reach people. 15 million people need aid in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia; pray for better aid agency networking. Europe has experienced devastating floods. Pray for the 80,000+ who were evacuated and are still receiving relief efforts. In Australia temperatures of 47.3 degrees necessitate a total fire ban. See and also

Published in Worldwide