
Displaying items by tag: Asia

Thursday, 30 January 2020 20:28

China: coronavirus update

Please continue to pray for the success of thermal-imaging screening and other airport precautions to contain coronavirus. Over 130 people have died, and the total is rising daily; there are 6,000 confirmed cases, but due to under-reporting the true figure may well be much higher. Pray for those who have unwittingly been in contact with the virus to be discovered by investigating authorities, as only detective searches can bring this epidemic to an end. Currently there is no vaccine for the virus; may God help scientists make an antidote. Pray for His peace to surround the many frustrated people who are subject to limits on travel at home and abroad. Pray for the success of the information programme encouraging hand-washing. Praise God for a 1,000-bed coronavirus hospital , completed after 48 hours of construction, and for an even more ambitious hospital building project due to be completed by Monday. Pray for an equally speedy delivery of protective clothing for healthcare workers. See also

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 January 2020 20:25

China: Africans trapped in lockdown

With rich countries like the US evacuating their students, Doctor Bakari, a Tanzanian PhD student, has become a leader for hundreds of students from poorer African countries stranded in Wuhan with little chance of escape. Beijing’s expanding influence on the youthful African continent means Africans are the second-largest population of foreign students. Over 4,000 are estimated to be in Wuhan alone. No one knows how long the lockdown will last, or all the ways the virus can spread. Students fear that angering Chinese or their country’s authorities could lead to retribution such as withdrawing scholarships. Kenya’s government had to defend itself against accusations that it was not helping its students. ‘Students don’t have a clue what’s going on’, says Bakari, who is sending updates on social media to 400+ Tanzanian students in Wuhan and hundreds more across China. ‘Together we are one family,’ his association tweeted, encouraging fellow Africans to take precautionary measures.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 January 2020 20:20

Israel: peace plan protests

Palestinian terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad have rejected Donald Trump’s peace plan which was unveiled on 28 January. Many Palestinians protested in the West Bank, and the US embassy warned of potential terror attacks. The plan calls for a two-state solution with detailed maps of territory showing territory currently under Palestinian control more than doubled, while recognising Israeli sovereignty over major West Bank settlement blocs. Palestine’s president, Mahmoud Abbas, had a rare phone call with Hamas head Ismail Haniyeh in which they agreed to work together against the plan, even though Abbas’s Fatah faction has been at loggerheads with Hamas for over a decade. Palestinian demonstrators at the entrance to Ramallah City burnt tyres, chanting, ‘We will resist the occupier and we announce our rejection of the deal of the century. We won’t accept any substitute for Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state.’ Trump’s plan enshrines Jerusalem as Israel’s ‘undivided’ capital.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 January 2020 23:34

He was the answer to his own prayers

Philip saw members of his isolated tribal community in Bangladesh dying from simple diseases (malaria, diarrhoea, childbirth complications) because there was no medical care. ‘I asked God to open a door for our community because I could do nothing. I never thought that God would open the door through me!’ With help from Open Doors, Philip trained as a rural doctor and returned to his village to serve as a pastor and a doctor, providing medical help and supporting Christian families who were mocked and insulted in a traditionally Buddhist tribal community. ‘But now they have started respecting the Christians. They buy medicine from me and say good things about my service. I am building good relationships with them and telling them about Jesus Christ.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 January 2020 21:36

China: coronavirus Wuhan lockdown

A virus that was first discovered on 31 December in Wuhan now has over 500 confirmed cases and has spread abroad. Anxiety is growing as 11 million people are told not to leave the city and experience lockdown in an attempt to control the spread which is killing people (17 dead, with the toll rapidly rising). Planes and trains in and out of the city are suspended, and no buses, subways, taxis or ferries are running. Millions of Chinese people travel to different destinations for the 25 January lunar New Year holiday. Supermarket shelves were reportedly bare as residents scrambled for supplies, while people took to social media to complain about soaring prices for groceries. The virus, which originated in a seafood market ‘conducting illegal transactions of wild animals’, may have originated in snakes. The centre for infectious disease analysis at Imperial College London estimates that there could be 4,000 people sick with the virus in Wuhan.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 January 2020 21:21

Israeli elections: prayers for the next government

All the lists of candidates parties have now been submitted, and some parties have agreed to run together in this new election. There was a joining together of several left wing and some of the smaller right wing parties, yet polls show that there will be no clear victor. We cry out for mercy: ‘Lord, have mercy on Your people as Israel needs a God-given government. Since You are the One who raises up and pulls down, please raise up the one of Your choice to be the next prime minister, defence minister, finance minister, etc. We plead with You for a government which will do Your will for Israel at this time. Abba, show us how to pray and even give us specific people to pray for. President Trump plans a “Deal of the Century” peace plan that could impact the elections. May you reign over the timing and content of this plan.’ (Psalm 99:1)

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 January 2020 21:13

Saudi Arabia / Yemen: prayer focus

The Lord has moved the hearts of workers in Saudi Arabia and Yemen to have a special prayer focus for the Khawlan people, a tribe with a unique Semitic language living in a region straddling the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. During a special prayer gathering in Saudi Arabia for the Khawlan Tribe in October, those present sensed that God was encouraging a call for the global church to join in a five day prayer focus for these unreached people. Would you join in? People can pray at any time, and there will be a special prayer focus for this people group from 14 to 18 February. Click the ‘More’ button for a five-day prayer guide translated into various languages, including English, plus a video. 

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 January 2020 20:57

PM would back 'Trump deal' on Iran

Boris Johnson has said that the Iran nuclear deal should be replaced with a ‘Trump’ deal. He recognised US concerns that the 2015 deal was ‘flawed’, but there had to be a way of stopping Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. His comments come amid reports that the UK, France and Germany intend to try to rescue the situation by triggering a dispute mechanism in the 2015 deal - which was abandoned by the US in 2018. Boris said, ‘Somehow, we have to stop Iran acquiring nuclear weapons. If we're going to remove we need a replacement. From the American perspective, it is a flawed deal negotiated by President Obama. Let's work together to replace it with the Trump deal. That's what we need to see. President Trump is a great dealmaker by his own account, and by many others.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 January 2020 20:41

Philippines: fears of huge volcanic explosion

Taal volcano began spewing lava rocks and ash on 13 January, forcing 53,000+ residents to flee. However thousands refused to leave their animals and possessions. Clouds of ash carrying microscopic shards of glass 62 miles cause serious illness if lodged in people’s lungs. Taal is dangerous because 459,000+ people live within an 8-mile danger zone, and a 10.5- mile evacuation zone affects 930,000. Strong, continuous earthquakes rumble, new vents have opened, fresh ash covers towns and the lake’s water temperature has risen. An estimated 25 million people are at risk if the volcano erupts again. Please pray for the thousands in 118+ evacuation centres or with friends and family. Pray for medical teams giving psychological and medical care and for those providing water-tankers, rescue vehicles, and ambulances.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 January 2020 20:29

Azerbaijan: religious persecution

Azerbaijan’s major religion is Shia Islam. Churches developed in the wake of the Soviet Union’s dissolution. The economy is dependent on oil and gas, but corruption and an authoritarian government have impeded economic growth. Pray for President Aliyev and his government to provide solutions to widespread corruption and for Christians to address the country’s societal problems, including abortion. Families are the biggest persecutors of Christians in a shame-honour culture; those who leave Islam are considered to have brought shame on the family. The government also pressurises Christians with heavy fines. For many years, churches have been denied the ability to register legally. Secret police attend every church meeting and raid ‘illegal’ ones. The Old Testament and Christian literature are banned. Church leaders must now submit lists of members’ names; many think the information will be used later against congregations or pastors.

Published in Worldwide