British Isles
Recent incidents, being investigated by police, have caused concern among local residents that a Satanic-style cult could be to blame. A sheep was fatally stabbed and marked with pentagrams, while a heifer and two calves were…
Three women a week are murdered by their current or ex-partner in the UK. One in five women has experienced sexual assault. There is a fashion today to reach for alternative facts when the truth is…
None of the possible outcomes of the election will bring immediate peace and tranquility in rural areas, where farmers and small businesses face continued uncertainty. Across the nation many are anxious and fearful, including candidates facing…
Lord, we pray for peace in this election season. We pray for peace between divided communities and within families; we pray for peace between political opponents. We pray that You will be our refuge and our…
Please continue to pray for the owners of over 1,750 properties that have been flooded in recent weeks. Ask God to support them as they go through the painful process of assessing damage, claiming insurance, and…
On 10 November Rev Roland Parson was told by police officers he could not show his ‘Blood of Jesus Christ’ banner which was fixed with rope to the side of his preaching stand while he preached…