British Isles
In Israel, August is the beginning of the season of pomegranates. One of the ‘seven species’ (Deuteronomy 8:8), pomegranates are symbolic of blessing and fruitfulness (Numbers 13:23),  providing much needed refreshment when summer is at its…
On 29 July Iran said that talks with the USA would be possible if based on an agenda that could lead to tangible results, but Washington is not seeking dialogue. Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, appealed…
Jesus has all authority and power to forgive sins through his sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection for those who receive Him by faith. However Muslims reject this mercy and look for forgiveness and an…
Lord, you moved the heart of Cyrus, even though he did not know you, to do your will for the sake of the nation (2 Chron. 36:22). You changed Saul’s heart and used him to fulfil…

New cabinet

25 Jul 2019
Boris Johnson is leading a ‘Brexit’ cabinet, so called because key roles were given to leading Brexiteers. Our reputation in the world will change as new faces represent the UK, possibly with new policies. Let us…
In difficult economic and social times, we need strong and courageous international, national and local media, working to the highest ethical standards. To this end, the vision of Christians in the media is to see the…