British Isles
Christ himself gave the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. (Ephesians 4:11,12) Michael Oh, the CEO of the…
The number of applications for homelessness status in Scotland is up by 3% on the previous year, with 36,465 people needing help from their local council. Glasgow saw the biggest increase, up 8%; it also accounted…
From Passion for the Nation: ‘As the process of choosing a new prime minister continues, we can pray that every significant seat of power in our capital city will be filled by those appointed by God,…
Last week we asked God to unlock doors that are bolted, and change hearts and minds to see God’s way forward as we await the outcome of the Conservative leadership election. This week, let us continue…
On 16 June the Neighbourhood Prayer Network and others encouraged churches in London to join a prayer walk initiative because ‘whatever happens in London affects everyone of us. When we see London in revival, the whole…
Nearly 600 homes around Wainfleet, Lincolnshire, were evacuated after the River Steeping burst its banks. Residents still in their homes were told to avoid using toilets, showers and washing machines due to a strain on the…