British Isles
A church in Bristol, closed after it suffered bomb damage during the Second World War, will be reopened with a vision of making Jesus known to the city's young adults and vulnerable people. Rev Toby Flint,…
Theresa May has replied to the Archbishop of Canterbury after he criticised the Government’s record in tackling poverty. She said that working hard was ‘the best route out of poverty’, rather than state interventions. Jeremy Corbyn…
A poet and songwriter has complained to the Welsh Language Commissioner after HSBC told him it could not respond to his letter because it was written in Welsh. The bank asked Mr Lovgreen to resend his…
Farmers are coming to terms with low crop and forage yields resulting from a long cold winter and hot dry summer. They are also worried about Brexit; many feel that farming is a long way down…
On 13 September 2018 the House of Lords debated a motion from Lord Popat, ‘to ask Her Majesty’s Government what actions they are taking to reassure the Jewish community over the impact of anti-Semitism in the…
Christian Unions (CUs) are groups within schools for young people to explore Christianity and develop their faith, usually meeting during a lunchtime. They are typically student-led, sometimes with teachers present, and every group is different. We…