British Isles
Ashers Bakery in Northern Ireland, which was found to have discriminated by refusing to make a ‘gay cake’, had their appeal heard by the supreme court on 1 and 2 May. They challenged the 2014 ruling…
School leaders gathered in Liverpool for their union’s annual conference and voted to support a motion calling for more male teachers in early years education (currently men only make up 3% of the workforce). They agreed…
On Saturday 12 May there will be the first ever ‘Pray for Justice’ event at St. Mark’s Battersea Rise, London. Intercessors from across the UK are being invited to be at the start of a pioneering…
Lord Sacks recently commented on Radio 4, ‘I have been doing Thought for the Day for thirty years, and never thought that in 2018 I would still have to speak about anti-Semitism’. He was born after…
Fifty years ago corner shops advertised rooms to let with the warning, ‘No coloureds, no Irish, no pets’. The early Windrush migrants from the Caribbean faced enormous prejudice as they played a vital part in rebuilding…
Recently we prayed for our children to develop discernment to navigate a disturbing social media landscape. On 22 April health secretary Jeremy Hunt threatened social media firms with new laws if they didn't do more to…