British Isles
A six-year-old boy’s parents removed him from a church school, in a row over another boy wearing a dress. Their son was confused as to why the boy dressed as both a boy and a girl.…
The Prayer Book Society gives free copies of the 17th-century Book of Common Prayer to first-year students in theological colleges. This year they will also be given a key to some of the BCP’s more old-fashioned…
33-year-old James Ward has a low IQ and mental health problems. In 2006 he fought with his father and was given a ten-month jail sentence. Unable to cope with prison life, he set fire to his…

Missing people

15 Sep 2017
Over 335,000 missing person calls were made in 2015/16. One in every five had mental health issues. 3,000 people have been missing for over 10 years. Andrew Gosden is one of them. In 2007 14-year-old Andrew…
Rev’d Rose Hudson-Wilkin is a familiar figure around Parliament: leading daily prayers in the House of Commons Chamber, officiating at Wednesday’s Holy Communion, and providing pastoral care for Members and staff of both Houses. She is…
In 2015 forty Christian leaders gathered in the Lake District for 24 hours of prayer and reflection. Next week leaders gather once again at the invitation of HOPE, the Evangelical Alliance, and the Church of England,…