British Isles
The recent Archers storyline on Radio 4 has drawn people’s attention to the rise in controlling behaviour in relationships. One of the hardest parts of being a parent is seeing your child hurt in a relationship.…
The government is set to relax rules on how faith schools select pupils, to allow new Catholic schools to open in England, according to a Number Ten source. It comes as the education secretary said ministers…
Dr Clifford Hill writes, ‘It is vital that those in Britain who know the Lord declare the Gospel with their words and lives.’ In the aftermath of the vote to leave the EU all the forecasts…
A letter to the College of Bishops, signed by three deans, eight archdeacons, and 72 members of the House of Laity, states, ‘We are keen that the College of Bishops is unequivocal in its acknowledgement that…
In thirty years over 100 million Bibles have been printed to keep up with global demand. Yet in the UK 90% of people don’t read it. One third of 15-year-olds don’t know that the nativity story…
The Michael Ramsey Prize, which is sponsored by the Lambeth Trust and administered by SPCK, was inaugurated in 2005 to encourage the most promising contemporary theological writing and to identify it for a wider Christian readership.…