British Isles
Pokémon Go is a smartphone reality game that could improve mental and physical health. But it has been called a public nuisance. Players capture, battle and train virtual Pokémon creatures on device screens as they walk…
The number of people claiming unemployment benefits in Northern Ireland has dropped, according to new figures. The unemployment rate was 5.9% between March and May this year, a decrease of 0.4% over the year.The latest Labour…
The Church of England is opening free Christian schools. They will be a way for the Church to have a voice in an increasingly secular government, a voice many secular leaders want diminished. England's new initiative…
David Isaac, the new chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, described disability rights in the UK as ‘a badge of shame’, saying that disabled people are discriminated against in every area of life –…

Home for Good

21 Jul 2016
The last five years have seen a significant increase in the number of unaccompanied children leaving their homes and claiming asylum in the UK because of war, persecution or lack of safety in their country of…
Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Archbishop Justin Welby launched the Full Community Sponsorship scheme at Lambeth Palace on Wednesday morning. Justin Welby has welcomed this new scheme to allow community groups to sponsor a refugee family…