British Isles
‘Christians in Entertainment’ encourages a Christian presence in the entertainment scene in Britain by providing a network of emotional and spiritual support to professionals. They engage with Christians and those of little or no faith. They…
Jesus came and brought light into the darkness, so we can pray that his light will be spread even more powerfully through the media into all aspects of our culture over Christmas and in the coming…
There are many Christians in our parliament, and we thank God for the freedom they have to pray and worship together. Please pray that during 2016 this precious freedom will be protected. Pray that Christian MPs,…
‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (Jn. 1:5) Jesus was born into a dark world. No sooner was he born than Herod tried to kill him. Even during this…
Pray for those whose duties take them away from their families this Christmas and New Year, and that soldiers will find peace and joy in the fact that God sent His Son Jesus to be our…
Sarmed Ozam, a 24-year-old Iraqi Chaldean Christian forced to flee Mosul by IS, has appealed to the Prince of Wales for help with his failed asylum application. The Home Office rejected his bid for safety and…