British Isles
As the world mourns with the people of France because of the devastation from these insidious attacks, let us engage in sincere, specific and faith-filled prayer for the healing of the victims. The road ahead for…
Rt Revd David Urquhart, Bishop of Birmingham, spoke about Friday’s terror attack from the House of Lords, where he is sitting this week. He said, ‘We have to face up to the next stages of rooting…
An erroneous and seditious report published on 17 November claims that Muslims in the UK live in ‘an environment of hate’, and that the Government is to blame. The so-called ‘Islamic Human Rights Commission’ launched a…
The following is a portion of Scotland’s ‘The Stand’ monthly prayer letter regarding recent events in Paris. ‘At such times the inevitable questions are “Why now? Why there? Why them?” and the danger is that we…
Britain's security services published a new list of what they believe are the greatest threats to the country. International terrorism from IS and the threat of returning UK jihadists from Syria are among the top concerns…
India's prime minister will visit London this week amid protests that his Hindu nationalist party has created an atmosphere of religious intolerance and impunity. Narendra Modi will have lunch with the Queen and address a joint…