British Isles
Many are petitioning for ‘Frack Free Somerset,’ the Economist has called fracking the ‘Dash for cash’. tens of thousands are concerned that the government is considering proposals to allow the fracking industry to drill below people's…
Legislation aimed at boosting equality is actually victimising traditional marriage supporters, a gay journalist has warned. Andrew Pierce, who has repeatedly spoken out against redefining marriage, accused the Government of making ‘empty promises’ to protect freedom…
A Christian pressure group is campaigning to oust a high-profile university professor who boasted about his 1,000 sexual conquests. Eric Anderson, 46, a Winchester University professor of sports studies, told a gathering of gay and lesbian…
Christian charities from across the UK are joining forces to launch a year of prayer and fasting for the climate. A number of church services are taking place around the country where believers will be encouraged…
Only eleven per cent of voters in marginal constituencies think religious liberty has improved since David Cameron became Prime Minister, according to a new survey. The ComRes poll, commissioned by The Christian Institute, found that over…
Paedophiles are grooming women to bear their children, giving them easy access to victims, according to a child abuse charity. MOSAC - a charity which supports the non-abusing parents and carers of abused children - says…