British Isles
An increased international focus on protection of religious freedom is required to combat the worldwide persecution, torture and killing of Christians, says Cross-bench Peer, Lord Alton. The Peer made the statement whilst leading a debate calling…
Park View School in Birmingham, one of three schools inspected as part of the ‘Trojan Horse’ investigations, has been placed in special measures. The role of faith in state-funded education is coming under closer scrutiny following…
The pro-life movement is sometimes scoffed at by abortion activists when it points out that abortion is mostly used for birth control reasons. A British schoolgirl had her fourth abortion in 2012, figures today revealed. She…
Leading scientists have accused the Government of misleading the public after it quietly changed its definition of ‘genetic modification’ to push forward with proposals to allow 3-parent babies. Last week, the Government announced its intention to…
New broadband customers in the UK are overwhelmingly rejecting porn filters when prompted to install them by internet service providers, the industry watchdog Ofcom has found. The filters were proposed by Prime Minister David Cameron last…
As we remember the bravery of men and women during D Day 1944, let us not forget those who at this present time are putting their lives on the line for our continuing, current freedom. A…