British Isles
Methodist Church investment decisions are now being guided by a new policy on human rights which focuses on companies operating in areas of conflict around the world. While governments are ultimately responsible for upholding human rights,…
Pentecostal church leaders are concerned the BBC has purposely misled the public with its story about pastors advising sick patients to give up their medicine and rely on faith alone to be healed. The story went…
Nick Hurd, the Minister for Civil Society, believes young people are not getting jobs because they lack the confidence, self control and ‘grit’ needed in the workplace. His comments come as the number of 16-24-year-olds not…
The UK's busiest airport, Heathrow, has been put on high terror alert after ‘credible’ intelligence emerged that al-Qaeda is plotting attacks on airlines flying out of London with the help of women suicide bombers with explosives…
Britain's chief rabbi, Lord Sacks, has accused David Cameron of failing to do enough to encourage marriage and says multiculturalism in Britain has "had its day". Lord Sacks said the prime minister should recognise marriage in…
The Church of England has criticised "blanket opposition" to fracking and called for a debate that takes the poor and less costly energy sources into consideration. In a statement on the issue, the Church said it…