British Isles
Residents of St Ives have raised £1m to buy Edward Hain Memorial hospital after the NHS closed it. They feared it would be sold to developers to provide holiday flats. It will be a new hub…
The polls say politicians are incompetent, and people are losing hope that they will fix the issues besetting us. Politicians tend to look to the next day's headlines, seeking quick fixes that will boost poll ratings…
The fire that fell on Pentecost was Holy Spirit fire. We can ask Father God to pour His Holy fire over us today, so that Jesus has complete lordship over all His churches. Father God, please…
The following is for our economy, elections, and transformation. Proverbs 11:14 says that where there is no wise, intelligent, guidance, the people go off-course like a ship without a helm. But with wise and godly counsellors…
Christian churches and charities say the government’s Illegal Migration Bill is ‘senselessly cruel’ and will have a ‘devastating impact’ on lives. Almost 300 civil society groups and charities have signed a statement expressing concern over the…
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) says unclear pricing could hamper people's ability to compare products, and has told supermarkets to make their pricing clearer to help shoppers find the best deals. Retailers should make the…