British Isles
Young people are being encouraged to apply for one-year placements with a variety of innovative church projects throughout Britain. The opportunities range from working with young people directly affected by drug and alcohol problems to addressing…
Christian Aid Week (12-18 May 2013) Britain’s longest running door-to-door fundraising week, will this year be urging the British public to "bite back at hunger" and ask why, in a world where there is a enough…
The Church of England risks a ticking “time bomb” if it does not take urgent action to prevent further incidents of child abuse, a report has warned. A single new case of abuse will immediately expose…
Ann Widdecombe has called on Christians to put pressure on the UK government to take action against persecution of Christians overseas – and to stop it developing here. Speaking at an event held last week in…
The Archbishop of Armagh was at a special service on Sunday celebrating three decades of care by the Northern Ireland Hospice. The service was held on Sunday at St Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, and was led by…
The Church and Media Network is inviting Christians and churches to pray for the media. The Christian organisation exists to build a bridge between the church and the media. It is encouraging all churches and Christians…